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Posts posted by rvirding

  1. I don't think so, as setObjTexture needs specific entries done in the CfgModels and CfgVehicles class of the object, which aren't used by wrp-placed objects AFAIK.

    Try to search for setObjectTexture or visit www.ofpec.com for information about the command. It's been explained several times.

    I found the tutorials on OFPEC and read through it. Interesting stuff. I think you are right about the cfgs, and also the small size of usable textures make it impossible for what I have in mind. Pity, it would be nice to have an easy way to generate variations of buidlings and such.

  2. Would using setObjectTexture work for static objects placed in the wrp? In that case it would be an easy method to get variations of buildings without going in and modifying the original models.

    BTW how do you use setObjTexture?

  3. I tried this, in OFP as well, but it didn't make any difference. Nothing is displayed and no errors are reported. The proxy class definition is read, I tested this by adding a non-existent model which gave an error when the loading.

    I still don't know whether the problen is that I am using a forest or whether I want a tree as a proxy. Or whether I have made another mistake. smile_o.gif

    Testing continues.

  4. Might be useful then after all. wink_o.gif

    Experimented a little last night, adding a tree to a forest. I had no problems at all with Buldozer; I could have both proxy:\t1d\smrk_siroky.p3d.01 and proxy:\t1d\smrk_siroky.01 in O2 and Buldozer displayed the model. Binarizing went well and I could see the proxy in WrpTool. At least I could the little triangle showing that there was a proxy.

    However the game didn't display anything. It didn't complain or anything, just didn't display it. I am using VBS1 but hopefully they behave the same way here. I add the proxy to all LODs except Path.

    Anyone have any ideas? What happens if you DON'T add the proxy to a LOD?

    One interesting piece of information: if you look in p3d file after it has been binarized you find the original (my original anyway) "proxy:\t1d\smrk_siroky.p3d.01" string and near to it you will also find the string "\t1d\smrk_siroky". This is the same if you exclude .p3d from the proxy name. Interesting.

  5. I have been reading through the forum and I think I understand how to use proxies, even got them visible in O2.

    My question is why use them at all? Why not just merge the other models directly into your model? You can't DO much with a proxy, just change its position and orientation, and the Geo LODs don't work.

    So why?

  6. I know that this has been discussed before, but always in the context of other topics. At least those I have seen.

    I need to be able to control waves and tides. Preferably to be able to set the height of each, but it would suffice to just be able to turn them off. The Baltic doesn't have tides and no swell.

    I also need to be able to define bodies of water at different altitudes with different properties. There are a lot of lakes in Sweden.

    Running water would be nice but I imagine that that is more difficult.

  7. Try using indentation when writing code, it makes it much easier to see the structure! Something like:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


    class MILES_1


    units[] = {MILES_M16,MILES_M249,MILES_M16_OPFOR,MILES_M249_OPFOR};

    weapons[] = {};

    requiredVersion = 1.96;



    You see the levels and don't need to count. It is really a BIG WIN!

  8. I am still a little confused. I thought cfgSurfaces seemed to refer to the actual road file names, but I see that the roadway lods of the silnice and sil roads contain a silnice component. But the asfaltka and asf roads don't have an asfaltka component in their roadway lod. Very strange.

    I have also planned to do some more Swedish looking roads and was going to give them "better" names.

    I liked the pictures of new terrain, but some of the older links are dead.

  9. I did some more checking and in config.bin under CfgSurfaces it mentions silnice* (as default), aslfalt* and cesta*. Even under the Res config.bin it does not mention the new roads asf, ces, and sil. Does this mean that it does not know about them or are they defined somewhere else?

    How much leeway does the '*' give me? Can I have roads called silnice9m, silnice10m, ...? Or do I hit another limit somewhere?

    What I want to do is create some more different types of roads, and have larger radii. This would be useful for real maps where the existing roads are to restricted.

  10. cfgSurfaces section can't be added to or modified by an add-on (that's an anti-cheat measure). But if you are making a mod you can of course change it with a new main config.

    Now I must confess my ignorance. Do you mean by adding it into a config.cpp in the mod or by making a new config.bin in BIN? If you have to make a new config in BIN is that why people recomend reusing the old names? Are there other properties like this for roads I can't reach?

  11. I need help to convert a lot of tga files (over 600 in the first go) to .paa files. The reason is that we are using aerial photographs to generate ground textures over a region and you need 400 tiles for each square km. So you quickly run into large numbers.

    Generating the individual tga files is easy with, say, Photoshop, but then the going gets tough, and exceedingly tedious. The conversion tools we have found require you to sit and click a number of times for each file.

    Can anyone point me to a conversion tool you can run in batch file to speed things up? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    OFP can handle it and results are good. Look at our website www.defencegaming.org under Downloads for "Computer Games as a Base for Training Simulators" where we show some screenshots. The detailed terrain there is 1x1km, the whole island is 51x51km.
