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About renault

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  • Interests
    OFP, Guitar, Stuntsmovies (OFP + GTA Vice City)
  1. renault

    OFP videography

    great song max riga & Gredya can't wait for the video to come out Â
  2. renault

    OFP videography

    Hello  I followed this thread for a while now, and I'd like to support it. So, here is a video (unfortunately it is no "combat videography") I made yesterday showing my Banjo-Addon. Download-Link (~2,8 MB) hope you like it greez renault
  3. renault

    Need an army of animators & animations

    Hello Maybe I could help you, too. Most anims I made, were just for personal use... But I've got enough experience with them (despite of their configs  ) My ICQ number is 149667658 greetz renault
  4. renault

    Nogova 2004

    Hi, looks really great Keep up the good work. I like the idea of an highway... Some months ago i started building an island with highways, but i never finished it, so i'm looking forward to yours *thumbs up*