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About rembo4life

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
  1. How can i make troops come togetter and split up because i want to make a mission where one squad go's left into a citty and one from the right but i dont know how i can make that what do i need to do on mission editor? rembo
  2. rembo4life

    Split troops / combine troops

    How can i make troops come togetter and split up because i want to make a mission where one squad go's left into a citty and one from the right but i dont know how i can make that what do i need to do on mission editor? rembo
  3. rembo4life

    Game goes too fast...

    maby it works if you hit the - ore + butten on youre board, not on the num pad, Cuz with that you can fix the speed to....
  4. rembo4life

    Ofp goty?

    i was just looking at codemasters.com and if seen othergames... of ofp OFP - Gold Edition OFP - 2 what are they? whats innit? i mean Gold edition isend it gold upgrade? :s
  5. rembo4life

    The best patch?

    Im looking for the best patch if got him from OFP RES now from 1,90 ore 1,91 and i only need the 1,90/1,91 from OFP CWC anyone got a link? (wrong forum sorry....)
  6. rembo4life

    Ofp goty?

    Actually there are hundreds if not thousands of unofficial addons but you probably mean something more specific. like what addons? :-/ you'f got my intrests
  7. rembo4life

    Tank dir....?

    well i was planing on making a ***** tank from the ****** dont hope someone read it cuz i want it to be a suprise but i cant make things on my own cuz i just starded and tnx everyone for taking it on for me.... if tryd to dl from the site givven but he gives me an error....
  8. rembo4life

    Scud ?

    ow... :s hmz well i guess il DL that one than.... tnx
  9. rembo4life

    Scud ?

    I can lance my scud but i cant see him inpact enywhere.... how im i supost to make him go? and explode? :S
  10. rembo4life

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    Can't DL it... norton blocks... :'(:'(
  11. rembo4life

    Tank dir....?

    so i cant rip the code and make the tank have other collors?
  12. rembo4life

    Tank dir....?

    no i'm just looking for files ware tanks and cars are in.... but i cant find them are the .pbo? :S
  13. rembo4life

    Tank dir....?

    If been looking for my OFP tank files but i cant find them... anyone know where the are in? thank you
  14. rembo4life

    Any dutch troops?

    netherlands combined ;) mods.kmarns.net its a great site. i onley need those patches but im already DLing them ;) netherlands lets show them that we are the Mean Green killing Marien's
  15. rembo4life

    Ofp goty?

    Nothing  Except for the Red Hammer campaign from Codemasters. Actually this is in the Gold upgrade I think. Yeah i tought so, Cuz in the netherlands The goty(Game Of The Year edition) Is OFP - ColdWar Crisis And Goldupgrade, So only resistance is a game to buy. But resistance is needed to play from the resistance CDROM instead of the CWC CDROM But goty muts by godlupgrade and ofp so i guess i have all versions.... ore are there more? :s i hope they make one of the Iraqy of Gulf war coud be pritty cool right ore the afganistan... someting like that Operation Flashpoint - Iraqy now in all shops ;)