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Everything posted by ragemanstoo

  1. At the moment the ammount of gear we could carry in OFP is terrible, at times its 4 mags and 3 grenade rounds. Would it be possible to think more in terms of Webbing this time round. My suggestion would be, rather than a pool of carryable items. Divide the carryable items into mags, grenades and tools. Say 8 mags spaces, 6 grenade spaces and 6 tool spaces, plus maybe a few spaces for pistol only mags. Tool spaces could be used for Binoculars, NVG, Entrenching tools (for hitting with ;) ) also radio gear (of varying size for different ranges) and gas masks. Tool spaces would have a dual role too being able to carry more ammo and grenades (like big pouches, just getting rid of gas masks etc.. to carry more ammo into the battle). I believe this would create a more realisitic carrying load for infantry.
  2. ragemanstoo

    Beta testing after beta testing

    That is what the original post is all about, yes the game is getting old, but they STILL have to keep throwing patch's at it. Â Yes games need patchs its inevitable with complex code, but OFP had some stinkers, and since BIS was a new company to the mainstream game market its forgivable and they are to be commended with the many new idea's that have brought us. Â But the growing up time is over, they have an old format and there are competitors now with similar games.
  3. ragemanstoo

    Weapon data

    I think one of the most frustrating thing about creating addons for OFP was the way the weapon data was set out. Currently it is a case of one section for mags and one for the weapon, but things like rate of fire etc.. is from the magazine part, which means if i created a weapon that uses the AK-47 magazine, this would only give the weapon the abilities of the AK-47 when the magazine was in use (rate of fire being one of them, anyone remember the FAMAS mod that could us the m16 it became an m16 not a FAMAS) Heres my suggestion. Keep the 3 parts of a weapons seperate in different files. Basically there will be 3 data files involved with a weapon. a The actual Weapon b The magazine it can use (simply this will only contain capacity and holdable ammo type catagories) c the ammunition The basic data like damage, and base accuracy would be stored in the ammuntion file. This will allow all weapons to use 1 single point of reference for ammunition, so addon makers can easily create weapons of a certain caliber and have it in with existing weapons. Having a seperate magazine file gives us a huge advantage in that things such as CMAGs become a reality, as well as the different size magazines there are available to individual weapons. So when we create a new weapon, it would have data that referers to several magazines (like the FAMAS is able to use its own style and m16 style mags). It would then reference the ammo to get its base accuracy, then modify it for the weapons inherant accuracy as well as being prone, standing etc... Anyone think this would be a good idea, the players themselves wont really see the benefits, apart from being able to choose from a larger array of magazines as well as pick up ones compatable with the weapon. The benefits would be for the Addon maker as its a more logical layout and is a lot more flexible, it also allows addon makers to create weapons that should fit more comfertably with existing weapons.
  4. ragemanstoo

    Soldiers specialization

    Yup, its time to put an end to all my flying time in a guillie suit
  5. ragemanstoo

    Addon organizer

    Im for that then
  6. ragemanstoo

    Addon organizer

    Doesnt that rely on having the addon in the first place?
  7. ragemanstoo

    Weapon data

    Right, the weapon DOES effect damage by the parameters of the barrel (length mostly), not enough to make a difference in the damage done to a living organism's, or even the pentration of vehicles. Cartridges of the same calibre have different potential "damage" properties by propellent property and quantity, as well as tip differences (hollow point etc...). A .50 calibre M2 will have the same penetrative qualities as the Barret, but M2's are waaaay too inaccurate to be sniper rifles. And whoever was talking about sniper rifles being more damaging has playes too many quake style games. What makes a sniper rifle deadly is its ability to strike accuratly, not because of "uber ammo", in fact sniper "match" rounds are chosen for accuracy not damage. The AKSU is not an SMG, it is a Snub Nosed AK, its was designed for crew members, because it is small but can still be used at modern battlefield ranges where an 9mm or .45 cal pistol style round are ineffective beyond 200 meters where a rifle round can maintain its energy for much further (rifle rounds are longer than pistol rounds ergo have much more propellent). SMG's are designed for close quarters battles where construction is lighter as well as a lighter round (the 9mm is effective enough in close) are at an advantage due to quick response times to bring a weapon to bear and its small light construction is ideal for operating in close areas wher you may have a lot of obstacles to traverse. And finally the M16A1 used old 5.56mm Remington M193 ammuntion, and the M16A2 uses the 5.56mm NATO M855. Two totally different rounds accounting for two totally different ballistic properties, in fact the potential damage is a matter of the bullets properties on entering a body, a matter of unstable flight, which is mostly to do with the bullet (some has to do with rifleing of the barrel, but most rifles are rifles, I dont know of any that arent).
  8. ragemanstoo

    Double chopper guns.

    It would be great overall if more weapon positions where available overall, such as MG mounts on tanks for the commander etc...