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Everything posted by rbeni12

  1. 1.BAS Desert Pack It's not an addon but tool : ODOL -> MLOD 2.Suchey's Marines
  2. rbeni12

    The m2/m3 bradley

    I'm discussing with rudedog about the U.S. woodland version of the M2a2 Bradly... I made one with backblast and others screenshots soon... Â ***Update November 17:34 (16:35 GMT+1) Here's the pic U.S. ARMY Woodland camo.
  3. rbeni12

    Backblast and smoke

    aha thanks it works now ;)
  4. rbeni12

    Backblast and smoke

    thanks for the reply.. And how do I make it like BAS did Â
  5. 1.How can I make a selection , I mean like define the parameters and what that selection needs to do... Can I make new shock selections? What I define? And what's the config for it? 2.And How can I make breaking sounds and Getin/Out sounds? Thank you for reading this, I hope some one can help me with this... Here are the pics of my bikes. PS: 3. I use pravy predni/zadni  (tlumic) for my bikes (JAWA config) is it possile to simulate two rear shock with selctions , from other vehilces?? Thanks again. rbeni
  6. rbeni12

    Shocks and sounds...

    volant means Headset here but it is steering "wheel"
  7. rbeni12

    Importing p3d into maya?

    Hey!!! I'm a modeler , I just don't have maya. Â Sorry !! I see I misunderstood somethin'
  8. rbeni12

    Importing p3d into maya?

    Hey!!! I'm a modeler , I just don't have maya.
  9. rbeni12

    Importing p3d into maya?

    Where did you get maya?
  10. rbeni12

    Shocks and sounds...

    And nope you cant create new selections with new parameters. For the suspensions look out at this topic: And How did BIS made the Selections? So... I can make it somehow , no? I didn't found it in the Commted config or others...
  11. rbeni12

    Shocks and sounds...

    Thanks!!! 5. I uploaded an image that shows my problem , I can't get my bikes "volant" turn properly. Â How can I fix this , I made the things that Bressb said.
  12. rbeni12


    Roma and FlipeR
  13. rbeni12


    Me too here.... For bike mod
  14. Some bikes from KONA , what I'm making for OFP , The dawg is ready for release... With Rear (NEW!) /Front shock simulation.
  15. rbeni12

    Usmc lav 25

    Nice addon , very usefull just waiting for Suchey's unit
  16. rbeni12

    Plz help me with a little thing!

    OK ... ok but this is offtopic really , I'll open I forum for these   I will release it in November (middle). PS: Thanks for the comments and help
  17. Could you help me make this texture transparent , I mean the white places , that are not the Rotor and the Brake Here's the link: Very Important for me!!!
  18. rbeni12

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    Everything fixed. Next forum will be made for my new bike in the ADDONS and MOD : Disc. rbeni12
  19. rbeni12

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    G3000 (Beta) will be fixed to act like the normal BIS addon , Â becouse I finaly got the MLOD of the BIS Bike.... Bike
  20. rbeni12

    Bike selection

  21. rbeni12

    Crashing randomly

    Here's it my OFP Randomly crash: WinXP Geforce 2 Ti Abit motherboard ====================================================== Date: 09/27/03 Â Time: 11:50:33 ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004B06EF Version 1.91 Fault address: Â 004B06EF 01:000AF6EF C:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe file: Â Â lol world: Â Â trinity Prev. code bytes: 46 54 8B 44 98 3C 8B 80 64 01 00 00 8B 44 38 0C Fault code bytes: 0F BF 10 DF E0 F6 C4 01 75 3B D9 86 E4 0A 00 00 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000006 ECX:119B5100 EDX:00000000 ESI:183DDA00 EDI:00000208 CS:EIP:001B:004B06EF SS:ESP:0023:0012F2A8 Â EBP:0012F2B4 DS:0023 Â ES:0023 Â FS:0038 Â GS:0000 Flags:00010202 ======================================================= Please, help Â
  22. rbeni12

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Where can I find that boat? Â Edit out image tags when quoting please.
  23. Hi could you help me with my config, when I start the game it quits... here's the config: #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class NTMUSA { units[] = { NTM7th_Soldier, NTM7th_SLeader, NTM7th_FLeader, NTM7th_Gren, NTM7th_Radio, NTM7th_ASoldier, NTM7th_Medic, NTM10th_Soldier, NTM10th_SLeader, NTM10th_FLeader, NTM10th_Gren, NTM10th_Radio, NTM10th_ASoldier, NTM10th_Medic, NTMRanger_Soldier, NTMRanger_medic, NTMRanger_officer, NTMRanger_mg, NTMRanger_AT, NTMAirborne_Soldier, NTMAirborne_medic, NTMAirborne_officer, NTMAirborne_mg, NTMAirborne_AT, NTMAirborneb_Soldier, NTMAirborneb_medic, NTMAirborneb_officer, NTMAirborneb_mg, NTMAirborneb_AT, NTMUSMC_officer, NTMUSMC_Soldier, }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.91; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Man: Default {}; class KMMwood6: Man { sections[] = { "head injury", "body injury", "l arm injury", "r arm injury", "p arm injury", "l leg injury", "r leg injury", "p leg injury", "hlava", "krk", "zasleh", "goggles", "goggles_on", "goggles_on_lens", "goggles_on_strap", "medic", "clan", "clan_sign", "SJBnvg_rot", "SJBnvgs" }; sectionsInherit=Head; }; }; class cfgvehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class SoldierWMedic: SoldierWB{}; class NTM7th_Soldier: SoldierWB { nightVision=false; model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood.p3d"; vehicleClass="NATOMOD (Men)"; scope=public; side=TWest; accuracy=2.0; displayName="7th Rifleman" weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; cost=40000; }; class NTM7th_Gren: NTM7th_Soldier { displayName="7th Grenadier" model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16GL, throw, put}; magazines[]={JAM_W556_30Bmag, JAM_W556_30Bmag, JAM_W556_30Bmag, JAM_W556_30Bmag, JAM_M433grenade,JAM_M433grenade,JAM_M433grenade,JAM_M433grenade,JAM_M433grenade,JAM_M433gr enade,JAM_M433grenade}; cost=60000; }; class NTM7th_SLeader: NTM7th_Soldier { nameSound="officer"; scope=public; model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood.p3d"; displayName="7th Squad Leader" accuracy=4.0; vehicleClass="NATOMOD (Men)"; cost=500000; nightVision=false; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed"}; }; class EventHandlers { fired = " if (_this select 4 in [{SmokeShell},{SmokeShellRed},{SmokeShellGreen}]) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\man_popSmoke.sqs}}"; }; class NTM7th_fLeader: NTM7th_SLeader { displayName="7th Fire Team Leader" accuracy=3.0; cost=300000; model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood.p3d"; nightVision=false; }; class NTM7th_Radio: NTM7th_Soldier { displayName="7th Radio Operator" model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood2.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; cost=60000; }; class NTM7th_ASoldier: NTM7th_Soldier { displayname="7th Auto Rifleman" model="\NTMUSA\KMMWood4.p3d"; Weapons[]={JAM_M60, throw, put}; magazines[]={JAM_W762M_200mag,JAM_W762M_200mag,JAM_W762M_200mag,JAM_W762M_200mag,JAM_W762M_200mag}; accuracy=6.0; }; class NTM7th_Medic: NTM7th_Soldier { displayname="7th Medic"; attendant=true; namesound=medic; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; }; class NTM10th_Soldier: NTM7th_Soldier { displayname="10th Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_SLeader: NTM7th_SLeader { displayname="10th Squad Leader"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_FLeader: NTM7th_fLeader { displayname="10th Fire Team Leader"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_Gren: NTM7th_Gren { displayname="10th Grenadier"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_Radio: NTM7th_Radio { displayname="10th Radio Operator"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood2.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_ASoldier: NTM7th_ASoldier { displayname="10th Auto Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTM10th_Medic: NTM7th_Medic { displayname="10th Medic"; model="\NTMUSA\KMMwood6.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class CovertNVG { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.5; selection="SJBnvg_rot"; axis="axisNVGs"; angle0=0; angle1=1.91; }; }; class UserActions { class Lowervisor { displayName="Lower Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 1];this addweapon ""NVGoggles"";this Action[""NVGoggles""]"; }; class Raisevisor { displayName="Raise Night-Vision Goggles"; position="axisNVGs"; radius=1.00000; condition="this animationPhase ""CovertNVG"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""CovertNVG"", 0];this removeweapon ""NVGoggles"""; }; }; }; class NTMRanger_Soldier: NTM7th_Soldier { displayname="US Ranger Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\Ranger.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; }; class NTMRanger_medic: NTM7th_Medic { displayname="US Ranger Medic"; model="\NTMUSA\Ranger.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; }; class NTMRanger_officer: NTM7th_SLeader { displayname="US Ranger Officer"; model="\NTMUSA\Ranger.p3d"; weapons[]={JAM_M16, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","HandG renade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; }; class NTMRanger_mg: NTM7th_ASoldier { displayname="US Ranger Machine Gunner"; model="\NTMUSA\Ranger.p3d"; }; class NTMRanger_AT: NTM7th_Soldier { displayname="US Ranger AT Soldier" model="\NTMUSA\Ranger.p3d" weapons[]={"JAM_M16", LAWLauncher, throw, put, NVGoggles}; magazines[]={"JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag","JAM_W556_30Bmag",&quot ;JAM_W556_30Bmag",LAWLauncher,LAWLauncher,LAWLauncher}; }; class NTMAirborne_Soldier: NTMRanger_Soldier { displayname="US 173 ABN Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborne_medic: NTMRanger_Medic { displayname="US 173 ABN Medic"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborne_officer: NTMRanger_Officer { displayname="US 173 ABN Officer"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborne_mg: NTMRanger_mg { displayname="US 173 ABN Auto Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborne_AT: NTMRanger_AT { displayname="US 173 ABN AT Soldier"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborneb_Soldier: NTMRanger_Soldier { displayname="US 173 ABN Rifleman (Backpack)"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne2.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborneb_medic: NTMRanger_Medic { displayname="US 173 ABN Medic (Backpack)"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne2.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborneb_officer: NTMRanger_Officer { displayname="US 173 ABN Officer (Backpack)"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne2.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborneb_mg: NTMRanger_mg { displayname="US 173 ABN Auto Rifleman (Backpack)"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne2.p3d"; }; class NTMAirborneb_AT: NTMRanger_AT { displayname="US 173 ABN AT Soldier (Backpack)"; model="\NTMUSA\Airborne2.p3d"; }; class NTMUSMC_officer: NTMRanger_Officer { displayname="USMC Officer"; model="\NTMUSA\USMC.p3d"; }; class NTMUSMC_Soldier: NTMRanger_Soldier { displayname="USMC Rifleman"; model="\NTMUSA\USMC.p3d"; }; }; class CfgGroups { class West { name="West"; class NATOMOD { name="NATOMOD"; class NATO7th { name="7th Infantry Division"; class Unit0 { name="1"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_SLeader"; rank="Colonel"; position[]={0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { name="2"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Soldier"; rank="Lieutnant"; position[]={5,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { name="3"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_FLeader"; rank="Sergeant"; position[]={-5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { name="4"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Gren" rank="Corporal"; position[]={10,0,0}; }; class Unit4 { name="5"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Soldier"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={-10,0,0}; }; class Unit5 { name="6"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Soldier"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={15,0,0}; }; class Unit6 { name="7"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Medic"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={-15,0,0}; }; class Unit7 { name="8"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_ASoldier"; rank="Private"; position[]={20,0,0}; }; class Unit8 { name="9"; side=1; vehicle="NTM7th_Radio"; rank="Private"; position[]={-20,0,0}; }; }; class NATO10th { name="10th Mountain Division"; class Unit0 { name="1"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_SLeader"; rank="Colonel"; position[]={0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { name="2"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_FLeader"; rank="Lieutnant"; position[]={5,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { name="3"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Soldier"; rank="Sergeant"; position[]={-5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { name="4"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Gren" rank="Corporal"; position[]={10,0,0}; }; class Unit4 { name="5"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Soldier"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={-10,0,0}; }; class Unit5 { name="6"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Soldier"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={15,0,0}; }; class Unit6 { name="7"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Medic"; rank="Corporal"; position[]={-15,0,0}; }; class Unit7 { name="8"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_ASoldier"; rank="Private"; position[]={20,0,0}; }; class Unit8 { name="9"; side=1; vehicle="NTM10th_Radio"; rank="Private"; position[]={-20,0,0}; }; Thank you ...
  24. rbeni12

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    Thanks it's working now