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About rub949

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  1. Hi all, I have noticed this problem for some time now. When in command of a team and I instruct them to watch a certain direction, they do not face that direction. They just don't move. Is this a fault in the game Cheers rub
  2. rub949

    Hostage mission help

    thanks mate, i look forward to trying it tonight.
  3. rub949

    Hostage mission help

    Can someone help me get past the hostage mission. I managed to rescue the hostages and then I get wiped out when I attack the next base. I also tried to use the cheat "iwillbetheone", got desperate. This cheat doesn't seem to work. Can someone help on this mission and can someone tell me why this cheat doesn't work. Thanks
  4. rub949

    Guide to on-line play for noobs

    How, do I host a game on "The Eye"? It seems that caz's instructions are for players joining a game as opposed to hosting a game. Thanks