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About rickyrrude

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  1. rickyrrude

    Automatic weapons have stuck triggers

    actually i've seen this in multiplayer a couple times. I haven't played the game with the latest patches as of yet, but this was an issue with 1.4. You get in a vehicle or MG and it will start firing by itself - I don't know about the clips depleting, but it would fire(sort of). The sound would go off, the flash was there, and there were tracers, but nothing was being hit. When you pressed the fire button, the auto-gun would go away, and sometimes come back.
  2. rickyrrude

    Automatic weapons have stuck triggers

    actually i've seen this in multiplayer a couple times. I haven't played the game with the latest patches as of yet, but this was an issue with 1.4. You get in a vehicle or MG and it will start firing by itself - I don't know about the clips depleting, but it would fire(sort of). The sound would go off, the flash was there, and there were tracers, but nothing was being hit. When you pressed the fire button, the auto-gun would go away, and sometimes come back.
  3. rickyrrude

    PLZ make satchel charges die when shot/blast!

    it'd be great if they would just implement the option for disarming or arming explosives and mines by any personel who happens by, or if not, maybe just any engineer or black op, or spetz natz. that'd work for me.
  4. rickyrrude

    Unable to play MP

    well i was having the same problem as Brentk so i just deleted my mpmissions folder. lo and behold - i connected.
  5. rickyrrude

    OFP Jeeps and other soft vehicles

    they're just too d*amn soft. You don't have to hit anything at full speed and you break your legs? come on, thats bull. Then trying to back out of that collision, the side of your jeep scrapes against the tree, or any object, and you die. WTF is that? (youre not even moving 5mph at that point) I could understand running into something at full blast would likely kill you or hurt you immensely, but just driving and you happen to come a little too close to something, causes you to scrape against it (so to speak) - you get hurt and your jeep catches a flat. Come on, those are all terrain vehilces, meant to do anything, go anywhere. They're just too fragile. Please improve the dp for those vehicles please.