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Everything posted by rellis32

  1. rellis32

    problem with createUnit

    Are you sure this works? the above statement I mean. I was under the assumption that there had to be an existing group to assign the new unit to. I have tried creating a man with a different group name to no avail. If there is a way around this please post
  2. rellis32

    Please Help 1.40

    I have recently installed the patch 1.40. Now my OFP will not start up at all. Â So of course I uninstalled, did a clean install, started OFP, no problem, installed 1.30, started up fine. Installed 1.40 again, same result, will not start. Â If anyone can help with this please post. Â There are some things in editing of 1.40 i would really like to be able to use. Â oh, and i did try downloading from a different sight with the same result. Â And the the update stated that it was installed successfully with no errors
  3. rellis32

    Please Help 1.40

    To be honest, it don't do anything. My hardrive flashes for a moment and then it just sit's there. Even when I eject the CD and insert it, the screen comes up and I push play. It acts like it's going to start, HD light comes on, CD light comes on, and then nothing. If it helps, I am running WinXP, with a VooDoo 5 card with the microsoft drivers. Via Chipset with a P3 800 pcu. I read somewhere recently that if you have any CDRW software installed that it would not install correctly?! I dont have any software installed accept for the drivers for my burner and WinMP drivers so I can burn discs. could this be the issue?
  4. rellis32

    Please Help 1.40

    I have recently installed the patch 1.40. Now my OFP will not start up at all. Â So of course I uninstalled, did a clean install, started OFP, no problem, installed 1.30, started up fine. Installed 1.40 again, same result, will not start. Â If anyone can help with this please post. Â There are some things in editing of 1.40 i would really like to be able to use. Â oh, and i did try downloading from a different sight with the same result. Â And the the update stated that it was installed successfully with no errors