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About ratsnest

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  1. Appreciate the response Niel - can't find any reference to "Jeeve" via the search box though, do you have a link ... ? Rats
  2. Having come to ArmA2 after a lapse of a few years (previously used OFP, a lot) I'm impressed with the new (to me anyway) mines. However, I'm wondering whether anyone has come up with scripts for allowing them to be triggered remotely. Activation is currently via a proximity trigger I just need the script in order to alter the settings - tried using setDamage (setDammage), but this doesn't seem to work. Also, I'm looking for a grenade-sized "device"/script to simulate anti-personnel mines. Stupidly I've thrown away all my old scripting notes ... :o(
  3. ratsnest

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Love this game !!. But ... Issues; 1. Map coordinate "Northings" STILL read from top-to-bottom as opposed to bottom-to-top. Please take a look at any map in order to see that game map has this the wrong way around ... 2. Tanks still behave unrealistically in that they whizz and spin about as though they weigh nothing at all - Tanks will NOT perform "neutral turns" (spin on their axis) unless on roads or very hard surface. Tanks, when in contact, will always endeavour to keep their thickest armour facing towards the main threat and are likely to slow down NOT speed up and turn their rear armour towards the enemy. Tanks when ambushed, or in trouble, are likely to fire smoke dischargers, reverse rapidly and THEN redeploy - please add reverse to AI 3. Currently changing "formation" does not seem to affect tanks, which persist in following each other in convoy. 4. Helicopters, when going into a hover, persist in going high in the air before settling into position. Please, PLEASE look into these points for 1.3
  4. ratsnest

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Your comment is explained in the mod readme file !. This is not the problem. As I explained in my first post, the link address line is made correctly - as per the readme - with ALL spaces checked for accuracy. The fault appears to be that the ammended link address is looking for a file which I don't have ... Rats
  5. ratsnest

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hi TB, In answer to your question: The link I'm using (adapting) is the "Resistance.exe" link with the suffix -nosplash -nomap -mod=ffur2005 simply added to the end (which is, I believe, what you instruct us to do). This is in the "Target" line. The "Start in" line won't accept any changes as it states that the "specified folder does not exist". Am I being dim here ?, or have I installed a corrupted edition of your mod ??. If so, please point me in the right direction ... Rats ??
  6. ratsnest

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hi - was REALLY looking forward to getting my hands on this. But, having installed the "Modern" pack directly from the link in this forum I can't get it to run. I've done a fresh install of ofp (goty) - uprated it to 1.96, installed ffur to the ofp folder and created a shortcut EXACTLY as per the example given - yes, I've checked word spacing etc. Problem is, it still links straight to, and starts up, basic ofp 1.96 and not ffur. I've noticed that the installation readmes refers to an ffur folder (I can't find one or anything else that looks like a mod folder - although I do now have other ffur items and files dotted about in the main ofp folder). I have re-installed twice now, with no progress. I'm not a newb to this, but am I missing something ??. Rats
  7. ratsnest

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

    Whilst I've got your attention !. Two other things have just occurred to me - 1 With the patrol anim would it be possible for (as in your other anims) some of the soldiers to kneel for a few seconds from time to time and move into the kneeling position when stationary ?. 2 To have some soldiers carry weapons left handed ? BFN, Rats
  8. ratsnest

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

    Hi, Really, REALLY impressed. This has changed the whole feel of OFP and given it a much needed boost - especially your recently added "Patrol" anim. Two questions though 1. Your have made your Patrol follow a "Column" only formation. Is this as per BIS scripting or is it something that could be changed ?. Personally, I'd prefer to be able to put a patrol into staggered column or wedge formations when needed. 2. You seem to have a genius for this sort of thing and I wondered if you'd looked at vehicle behaviour. Specifically, tanks - spinning and whizzing about under fire and generally being too fast and too "busy" when engaged. Is this your kind of territory ??. Look forward to your reply, Rats