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Posts posted by quiet_man

  1. thank you for the update.

    Personal I like faitigue to have people think about their load. But everyone as they like :)

    If I may add something to wishlist? An "Attack Start delay" setting for first and following waves. Personal I like to plan defences and use mines extensively. So I like to have some time to prepare everything for the "visitors" :D

    I already love the mission as it is. Very good work. Also how you indicate where the last attackers are it great to avoid to spend hours searching around.

  2. I have to ask you for forgiveness! And you actually don't even know why ;)

    But when I saw you first beta, I thought "Some aireplane fans who stumbled across arma, imported some airframes and will soon lose interest when it comes to details."

    I was totally wrong. The quality and details you put into this mod I found breathtaking. It's simple fun just to watch all the details operating. Thank you.

  3. So I take it Sari's BECTI implementations are indeed multiplayer-only? That's what I gather from trying to play them. When I boot up the ones for Chernarus and Takistan I get a "No Player Selected" message.

    Zerty's works but I didn't realize you can only plays as CSAT. Is there a way to choose which side you're on?

    it looks like your trying to start the mission in singleplayer. It wont work that way.

    You can play alone: just select multiplayer, creat new server (LAN) and select your position.

    edit: you can select which groups are taken by AI, by default all. I recommend reducing it to a few. Arma reduces AI calculations when CPU load goes up. You will see AI doing stupid stuff or nothing.

    Hope it helps,


  4. Why not just iterate through men types in the cfg and store their weapons? Or do the same thing except with crates contents. My 2C

    Oh I agree. I don't see "my" solution as better, specifically if you want all gear of a side. I just wanted to give an alternative and sometimes he might not want ALL gear and placing a unit on the map might still be simpler than writing a "filter"?

    I remember a few mission used this way in the past to allow people to simply tailor the mission by swapping units in the editor.

  5. not sure if the problem is already solved. A potential simple solution would be to place units with according equipment on the map and have a script go through their gear and create the list at mission start (and delete the units if required).

    Disadvantage: you need to place units with according gear (would be an issue with mods that do not provide units)

    Advantage: fail save solution for side specific equipment, you get even more control of gear for side

    commands that can be useful for this: allUnits or playableUnits and side

  6. quiet_man: Thanks for the suggestions.

    This is already possible by passing the squad member to open.sqf ( squadmember1 execvm 'asorgs\open.sqf'). It's up to the mission maker to decide how/where they want to call it. Note that this feature is largely untested as I don't really play with AI squads.. if you find any problems with it then let me know.

    ah, now I got it. I though of something more simple like a "next guy" button on the menu. Still thx.

    Unfortunately this one would be pretty hard..I don't think I'll be able to implement it any time soon. The system is designed to replace your gear and will strip any items that aren't 'allowed'.

    ok, maybe at some long winter evening ;)

  7. ;2721489']Yeah' date=' WW AIMenu had some really nice features, as the ability to edit AI waypoints and ordering the AI to activate their IR lasers or put suppressors on weapons =)

    And there´s that unconscience bug that if you reload a SP mission when you get you character severely hit, you get stuck (as you were still unconscious, but without UI effects)... if you get killed null problem, but reloading after unconscience is a bad idea right now (better wait bleedout and passing away =P


    the "unstuck" is also helpfull with maps/building issues. I like the "point and click AI Inventory" function, point at a ammo box, select soldier and inventory and you get the full inventory function. That saves a lot of hassle if you want to equip your AI specific task. Or the automatic "heal all" for medics. I hate it when I select "heal soldier" and my medic runs off to other side of map. Or I want my soldier to take equipment from an specific ammo box or vehicle but have 10 same options "rearm at ammo box" in menue and not clue where he will go if I select one.

    I really wonder if anyone is "using" his AI squad or if people just do the "one man" show and ignore them?

  8. 1. would it be possible to include player groups into the information exchange?

    So at least with extended map symbols you can see what others report. I made my own little script but yours looks much better.

    2. Can you make the requirement to have radio optional for AI groups to communicate? (The AI just doesn't care to carry one)

    1. I do not think I'll ever add that. Plus if you play with the map info enabled (I never do) then once some AI gains enough knowledge it would automatically draw those markers for you, so it should be in already.

    2. It's already optional. By default all soldiers have radios and communicate. Want them not to ? Remove their radios.

    1. No sorry, target information is only passed within your group and the map markers show only what your groups knows and it is not transferred to or from other groups. Your decision, I just wonder why let the player group in the dark? Fells a bit lonely if I spot enemy tanks and a friendly AI group runs by or a friendly tank group could easily take them on but I have no possibility to inform them. Or the other way support for AI groups is difficult as I don't get information.

    2. ok

  9. two requests:

    1. would it be possible to include player groups into the information exchange?

    So at least with extended map symbols you can see what others report. I made my own little script but yours looks much better.

    2. Can you make the requirement to have radio optional for AI groups to communicate? (The AI just doesn't care to carry one)

  10. @scrapser: Not sure I understood the issue correctly. You know the is a "cancel" button at the top left? You can cancel timewarp, stop and redirect the carrier any time. Also I suggest you use the "deadly island" mod. It has manual time warp ("k" key) and a little workaround for the barque issue.

    I wouldn't mind if BI fixes the bug, but to save you more frustration.

  11. I tested a little and moving manta ammo box, bomb, torpedo and Tomahawk to slot 2 is working without issue. Should you consider it. It appears to me more sensible.

    when looking for items, I found the arrays dircbpa, dircbpb and diitems. I do not know what this arrays are for but they seam to have inconsistencies:

    wCarrierLeftLaser and , wCarrierFrontMissile are double in diitems and not at all in dircbpb.

    capsuleHack, armorMantaMedium, wMantaGatlings. bodyWalrus, wMantaLaserGreen, upgradeWalrusShield are only in dircbpa or dircbpb, not in both (which looks inconsistent to comparable equipment)

    I assume it is intended that some items are listed only in diitems(?): wViewDrone, wWalrusGrenade, capsuleDefense, capsuleResource, upgradeComputer, wMantaMachineGuns, upgradeComputerManta, wCarrierFrontPlasma, wCarrierFrontShell, wCarrierFrontMissile, wCarrierLeftGatling, wCarrierLeftFlak, wCarrierRightGatling, wCarrierRightFlak, wCarrierRearLeftGatling, wCarrierRearLeftFlak, wCarrierRearRightGatling, wCarrierRearRightFlak

  12. indeed, I tried a little on my own and moving equipment around at manta does not work. It seams the function is hard coded and does not support adding elements same time which original go into the same slot. So adding ammo box on slot 2 and then shield will give you ammo box function only, the shield does not work. Adding shield first will give shield but then adding the ammo box will do nothing. Very sad.

    Edit: Forget my useless comments, I had not changed the mountpoints :o

  13. just played a game and could not load any more the supply ship. The weight showed it nearly full even as it was empty. I had some equipment that was returned as the carrier was full. Could it be a bug in the load management?

    Edit: I tested some more and it seams to happen when the supply ship gets stuck, the equipment gets transferred to the carrier but the weight is not removed from supply ship counter. I assume you fix does not cover the weight management.

  14. I know, but also the independent islands are quite heavy defended when you try a low tech start. I can increase the limit when they become defended, but then they are not defended at all.

    I was thinking about something more refined, hmm, regarding the enemy islands: Could you add another stage to this? e.g. have enemy islands upgraded 1 level when you own 10 islands and 4 when you own 20?
