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Everything posted by quiet_man

  1. quiet_man

    Health Bar

    C) Respectful critics, best combined with suggestion how to improve Permitting any negative comments (“negative†from contend, not tone) is not the point of a forum. Anyone who is taking his own work serious should search for what he can improve and collecting comments of others (carrefully filtering the value ones) is one way to extend your borders. QuietMan
  2. quiet_man

    Health Bar

    to talk about the most sad part of being a soldier, from many RL reports I read this is not right and also from my personal experience with heavy wounds. I find it depressing realistic when you’re virtual self goes down and you need some time to find out what happened, or if you recognize your arms are bloody and wonder when were you hit. But this might be also a reason to use a Healthbar. to make some sort of compromise, what about adding a command “selfcheck†that takes a few second and then shows you how/where you are hurt? QuietMan
  3. quiet_man

    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    example how an zombie script could look like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_zombie = _this Select 0; _group = group _zombie; _zombie SetBehaviour "CARELESS"; _zombie setunitpos "UP"; _group SetSpeedMode "FULL"; _zombie setskill ["Courage",1.0]; _friends=-1; _enemies=-1; switch (side _zombie) do { case west: { _friends=0; _enemies=3; }; case east: { _friends=1; _enemies=4; }; case resistance: { _friends=2; _enemies=5; }; }; _civTarget = objNull; while {(alive _zombie) && (_zombie in (PW_AllTroops select _friends))} do { _target = _zombie findNearestEnemy _zombie; while{ isNull _target } do { sleep 5; _target = _zombie findNearestEnemy _zombie; if ( (isNull _target) && (0 < count (PW_AllTroops select 6)) ) then { if ( isNull _civtarget ) then { _civTarget = (PW_AllTroops select 6) select (floor (random (count (PW_AllTroops select 6)))); }; _target = _civtarget; }; }; if ( (_zombie distance _target) < 12 ) then { if ( (_zombie distance _target) < 4 ) then { _zombie switchmove "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_end"; sleep 1; } else { _zombie playmove "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_gthEnd"; sleep 1; }; if ( (vehicle _target) != _target ) then { (vehicle _target) setDammage (getDammage (vehicle _target) + 0.01); } else { _target setDammage (getDammage _target + 0.1); }; }; _zombie doMove (position _target ); if ( (_zombie distance _target) > 100 ) then { sleep 3; }; sleep 1; }; the script has to be started for each zombie PW_AllTroops is an array contains sub arrays of all units and their enemies: [West, East, Res, East+Res, West+Res, West+East, Civ] Regards, QuietMan
  4. quiet_man


    no posts? I think this is one of the best mods, maybe even the best mod out there! I love the animations. Any updates? Any improvements or new stuff working on? QuietMan
  5. quiet_man

    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    sqf requires less CPU load to do the same work and I think the engine functions stop anything else. OPF and Arma engine execute functions not parallel, e.g. that's why you have a "this" global variable on creating units as SQF does more function calls per second, it is easier to create load on the engine. you just need to enter a sleep command in big loops I took a look into the last version script some weeks before and if I remember right there is only one global sleep and then some nested loop going through all units without sleep. That's why the lag is coming so regular and getting bigger and bigger with more units. If you remove the overall sleep and instead enter a very small sleeps within any loop scripts should run fine. You should do this also at sqs. Or better avoid sqs as it is creating more overall strain on the engine. QuietMan
  6. quiet_man

    Is the horrible vehicle steering optional?  UGH!

    6 vote so far, I'm waiting for my account QuietMan
  7. ok ok, I believe you! Just, it doesn't work!? Is there a report at bugtracker? If there is no comment that it will change next version, I would not wait for it. It is like it is for years and it might never change. Time to think about alternatives? wish you much luck, QuietMan
  8. quiet_man

    Keep on Truckin - Trailer mod

    add a script that checks the distance between truck and trailer and moves the trailer when required, if it is outside player view it doesn't matter when it "jumps" point is when it gets back into view, can the script "rejoin" precise enough for the other lock to kick in again? Great Work! Can't wait to have convoys across the islands! QuietMan
  9. quiet_man

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    your doing faster new versions than I can play I would not go to far with reducing global vars, BIS is working on it and 240 is a lot number when you avoid "wasting" if other addons or missions pushing 230 global vars into the engine, it is their problem QuietMan
  10. quiet_man

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    It does... it does... with your permission I expect to release two test missions next week, for public testing and discussion of the future direction or if it is worth the effort at all there are two possible ways to go: 1. Island wide war with frontlines 2. Mad Max/Fall out like gameplay with local factions A Sarani addonfree version is so far fine. Just making a PCM 2xxkm island version with some addons, as showcase (yes, it covers the complete island ) QuietMan
  11. quiet_man

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    I hope all this evolution stuff does not delay other important work? QuietMan
  12. my point is that your issuing commands to a unit which has an AI teamlead that has its own (very simple) plan (according the orders he got) there are some scripts out there for information sharing and overall coordination of multiple groups. I recommend to look at Kronzkys urban patrol script. His script is minimalistic streamlined around the Arma engine. A more heavy approach is the grouplink script. e.g. create a script that checks all enemies known to your main group and reveal them to the leader of a second group. Make the second group snipers and give them stealth waypoints around the target area. They will sneak around and fire at any target the main group can see. Or give an unit of the sniper group an attack command. He will engage the target and then RTF. give it a try, and if it don't fit your needs, forget it. alternatively you take a look at the FSM or whatever steering the Commander. It would be great to have AI commanders that give orders to their units according their role. QuietMan
  13. quiet_man

    Dynamic Salute

    the idea sounds ok, maybe post the code so people can check if there in an syntax error or whatever. QuietMan
  14. quiet_man

    Evolution - Single Player

    aaahhh ... uuhhh ... the Multiplayer generation is coming all over us !!!! Saving my game? Ok I called the police! QuietMan
  15. please forgive me you big scripting gurrus, but what is the big advantage on having the units stay in one group when you want them to follow different orders? You can split the group and send them separate ways and join them again as you like. Without all the hassle making them not follow their leader. I'm really getting curious to see your great mission. QuietMan
  16. quiet_man

    nVidia 8800 LOD/Texture bug

    yea, while I'm absolutely against "this should BIS have included from beginning" people, real bugs are a different thing. But as I'm playing only very few other games, I don't know if others are better. And for sure there is no other game like Arma out there than OPF. Might be the reason why you still play it? Also you should not forget that Arma revealed some bugs in hardware drivers. I think some improvements during the last months were not only from Arma itself. QuietMan
  17. quiet_man

    nVidia 8800 LOD/Texture bug

    Maybe your searching at the wrong end? Have you tried to disable your soundcard and see what happens when you run Arma? QuietMan EDIT: from another thread here
  18. ok, I hope I understand your target and problem now. I still think your fighting the concepts or precisely the group leader, as you send his units somewhere he has not ordered them to go. I recommend to leave group management to the leader (how good or bad it might be) and to split the group into multiple (with createGroup and join or joinSilent) if you want to give them separate orders. QuietMan
  19. _overall_dead = overall_dead + [_dead]; have you initialized _overall_dead? QuietMan
  20. I think your missing the concept. To my understanding "command****" is for temporary actions. If the action is completed and nothing else to do the unit will continue with it's original orders, which are given by waypoints. addWaypoint setWaypointBehaviour setWaypointCombatMode setWaypointDescription setWaypointFormation setWaypointHousePosition setWaypointPosition setWaypointScript setWaypointSpeed setWaypointStatements setWaypointTimeout setWaypointType deleteWaypoint to just move them somewhere, create single waypoint where you want them to be. They will go there and wait. You can change position of the waypoint anytime and they will follow it. Also you can create dynamic patrols by creating multiple waypoints and let the AI cycle. Just like in the mission builder. Hope that helps. QuietMan
  21. quiet_man


    aaaahhh something slipped through !!!!!!!!!! All, please stay quiet and immediately leave this board through the marked exits! (luckily it was not the supercarrier ) btw. which battle tanks are used by Swiss army? QuietMan
  22. quiet_man


    ey the swiss navy is top secret!! No reports, no pictures and no mods allowed! Or have you seen any? QuietMan unfortunately the glorious Swiss high seas navy was cancelled after a study found that Switzerland has no sea access exactly, they even made sure all the maps don't show it QuietMan
  23. quiet_man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    M16 with 30 rounds mag and XMS with 20? always known it the other way round. QuietMan
  24. quiet_man


    ey the swiss navy is top secret!! No reports, no pictures and no mods allowed! Or have you seen any? QuietMan
  25. quiet_man

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    hope a few suggestions made it into the next version my SP framework is nearly ready for "proof of concept" testing QuietMan