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Posts posted by quiet_man

  1. On 1/30/2019 at 5:34 PM, The_Flying_Doggo said:

    Yes, I do all of the unpacking, editing, and repacking in the same folder. When I unpack the pbo I delete the pbo I just unpacked, then I edit the config, repack the pbo, and delete the unpacked files. Is that what I should be doing? 

    Arma does not touch pbo files. It very much sounds that you have a pbo somewhere that is not overwriten. So you unpack always the same pbo, getting the same config.

    When you have created a new pbo, how to do get it to your server?

    And check the path to which pbo your unpack tool is pointing.

  2. thank you for continuing this wonderfull missions. I like to raise a few suggestions:

    - The Resistance system appears complicated. Can't we simply use predefined units seperated into the three classes?

    - Add a random element for the strength of counter attacks, e.g. 5% chance to have a very heavy counter attack, maybe depending on enemy agression level.

    - Ramp down citiy defence forces during a heavy counter attack?

    - Have some more random element on defence strenght?

    - Have a parameter on how much vehicles appear. We would like to play more infantry, ligth vehicles are ok but we want to reduce enemy armor and air support on some maps.


    Thank you for considering.

  3. oh one last tip:

    an easy trap for "flanking" AI is to place a few of your own AI in a good sniping position behind you. Take the remaining AI and advance (don't forget to use "hold fire" until their in position).

    When the enemy AI tries to flank you (behind trees or a hill) your snipers will not only take them under fire (which makes the enemy aktually "flanked"), they will also report the position to your local AI, enabling them to fire at the enemy as soon as they stick their head out of their cover.

    If you place an AT guy with your sniper team, he can take out armor that tries to flank you.


    With a little luck you can take out whole armies with that setup. May the force be with you :)

  4. Hi jedi_warrior,

    you need to tell them "use the force" (sorry couldn't ressist).


    Some real tips:


    1. The AI is set per default to "realistic soldier behaviour", means: They do not fire at target if not: Ordered to fire, the target actually fires at them. An easy solution (if your like me and don't don't want to order each bullet fired :) ) is "select all" + "3" + "5" (should enable "fire at will"). Now they will fire as soon as an enemy comes into their sight. So don't forget that "hold fire" is your friend if you want to be sneaky!


    2. Check the difficulty settings for "own" AI and increase their capabilities. This setting is an "average", so the mission settings still apply, means means: if your AI is set to "newbie" it will become a "good newbie" but not a superman. So crank up the setting if AI is bad. If you like realism, some people recommend overall AI abilities set to 1.0 and aiming to 0.7 or 0.8.


    3. running around corners gets Aces killed in RL as in Arma. So avoid running into traps and look how to lure the enemy into yours.


    4. Flanking works in Arma just as in RL. AI (and players) get confused and easily killed. So remeber Arma AI will use flanking against you if you give them the chance. And try to use it youself.


    Hope that helps a little.

    • Like 2

  5. 22 minutes ago, PuFu said:



    Thank you for contacting us!


    Your opinion matters so much to us! We are very sorry that the product we have been working on for quite some time, the one you have paid for with your hard earned money is such a disappointment to you...

    We are very sorry for the inconveniences that we might have caused you


    Because we value all our paying customers, please send us an e-mail your payment details so we can provide a full refund on the product that you have purchased.


    We are again very sorry about any issues our most recent update inflicted upon yourself


    Kind regards,


    That was a good answer.

    Thank you for the update.

    • Like 1


    So what if we did? It'll still be "after the arma 3 update" whether it's released in two week, two months, two years.


    All it means is we couldn't release before 1.76. Not that a release will immediately follow an Arma patch.

    We always need to test and fix things after game patches.


    We are working very hard on it right now though. 1.76 has put a lot of focus on getting some shit finished


    thank you for working on the update. Taking the time to play some vanila Arma, but RHS is missing quite.


  7. My friends and me are waiting patiently (as patient as we can :drinking2: ) for the next update. What specific hurts are the vehicles - like AI in tanks not firing or turret issues on Hind copters - broken by last Arma update. I was just wondering if, for the future, it would make sense to have a more simple "Arma light" config included and a "realism" config as separate addon? So when future Arma updates break the more complex configs, players could revert to the "simple" as a fix? Having not idea on Arma configs, it might be to much work or not possible. I just wanted to bring it up as an Idea.


    Thank you RHS team for your incredible work and dedication.

  8. Sorry for coming in again about the tanks, I still have problems commanding an AI MBT part of my team. I often use tanks to overwatch Infantry operations. It does not work with RHS MBTs (e.g. T90 or Abrahams). Either they sit there doing nothing (only reporting an enemy) or, when I give them explicit order to engage a target, they start driving around. It works with RHS APCs or MBTs at "full" AI teams (AI teamlead), also other MBT (Arma or other Mods) work fine. Just when I have an RHS MBT in my team, I can't get them to engage from fixed position.

    Any hints?

  9. On 4.3.2017 at 6:51 PM, quiet_man said:


    thank you for this great mod. I play it many times with my friends. We also like the touches you did to make the game play more realistic: like weight of rockets when loaded or the requirement to have a full crew on a tank.

    The side effect (don't think it is intended) that you cannot use "fire at will" on AI controlled tanks when the team is controlled by player. The AI only fires at assigned targets. That can make controlling tanks an headache, where we use e.g. one or two AI tanks for overwatch..

    If you could look into this or give an hint if there is a way to make AI tanks "fire on sight" on their own. Thank you.


    stupid me, just recognized the rocket effect is from Arma itself. Playing so much RHS :P

    If you can look into the AI tank behaviour given the "fire at will" command, that would be great. Thank you.

  10. Hello,

    thank you for this great mod. I play it many times with my friends. We also like the touches you did to make the game play more realistic: like weight of rockets when loaded or the requirement to have a full crew on a tank.

    The side effect (don't think it is intended) that you cannot use "fire at will" on AI controlled tanks when the team is controlled by player. The AI only fires at assigned targets. That can make controlling tanks an headache, where we use e.g. one or two AI tanks for overwatch..

    If you could look into this or give an hint if there is a way to make AI tanks "fire on sight" on their own. Thank you.


  11. if you want both objectives (accounted):

    Bring the (full) fuel truck to miller. It will say mission "bring fuel" mission failed. Go and kill the officer (there is a quad parked by), it will reactivate the "bring fuel" mission. Go back to the fuel truck and bring it to the rebels.

    In the following missions you will have both completed.

  12. works very well and is fun. We did some playing and also the save works like a charm. Love it.

    One little item: When we restart a mission with lots of progress, the AI buys vehicles at the base and then tries to cross the island with them. Which takes very long, if they arrive at all. Depended on base location, many or even all got stuck.

    maybe have another fast travel mode to allow AI to fast travel with vehicles. Or at least make the AI first fast travel to frontline and then buy vehicles?

    another idea to resolve/reduce AI travel issues that just came to my mind would be to limit the AI to travel only between "connected" sectors. They would drive from sector to sector till they arrive on the front. This way the travel direction could be controlled by the placing and connection of sectors.

  13. works very well and is fun. We did some playing and also the save works like a charm. Love it.

    One little item: When we restart a mission with lots of progress, the AI buys vehicles at the base and then tries to cross the island with them. Which takes very long, if they arrive at all. Depended on base location, many or even all got stuck.

    maybe have another fast travel mode to allow AI to fast travel with vehicles. Or at least make the AI first fast travel to frontline and then buy vehicles?

  14. Sorry for another suggestions :)

    Can you split the Warlord modules into multiple parts? e.g.

    1. Basic sector system

    Connect the "activate" and "capture" condition to the overall Arma trigger system so people can define own "sector activated" or "sector captured" conditions?

    2. Voting system

    3. Buy menus and Command-points

    4. Fast travel

    5. A module to activate civilians for active sectors?


    This way people could use elements to build their own missions around it.

    e.g. A traditional CTI with base building but using the sector system but have the commander activate sectors.

    A "hardcore" warlord mission without commandpoints & buying but only fixed placed resources on map (e.g. you need to capture a zone to get a tank or heli placed there)

    and so on

    I think it could be a very good general framework for multiplayer missions where you often have the problem how to keep the people together and AI environment at limits.

  15. Some Feedback/Suggestions from some a little COOP playing:

    The missions are fun and fast passed. The AI using fast-travel and buy resources where they are makes much for good gameplay (less chances for them to get stuck somewhere on map)

    Potential bug:

    Starting Stratis with giving AI 75% of the sectors, the AI started an attack on our base straight on but did not use fast travel. So they very very slowly wandered across the whole map.

    Some suggestions for COOP gameplay:

    Saving: Would it be possible to enable a very very simple saving, like saving state (side) of sectors only? Maybe in addition commandpoints also? So we could roughly start a game in a state we left.

    Can you separate Commandpoints income for sides or player/AI? (So we can give AI a bonus income to compensate for artificial (not so) intelligence :)

    Some players like the transport/logistigs aspect of the game, an option to disable fast-travel for players might help them.

  16. I'm going to release plain editor version of the Stratis scenario soon so you'll see how the setup works. Thinking back, I should have done that directly on the release. Sorry for the delay guys.

    Just was about to ask the same, np, we will wait :)

    PS: Could unpack the pbo but it feels impolite. Thank you for the work.
