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Everything posted by quakergamer

  1. quakergamer

    Is it possible to set a global variable .....

    OK problem fixed! Thank you Airwolf!
  2. Hey, I am having a problem, I've made a script and I have added those lines: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_OPGWC_TANKFIRE = true ? _OPGWC_TANKFIRE = false: goto "Exit" Now I add this line to the init.sqs of any mission... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_OPGWC_TANKFIRE = false But the script gets executed anyway even if its true or false. Any way i can set it to be a global variable ? OR is this thing possible! Thanks
  3. quakergamer

    Game physics

    Well Ive always had them maybe it depends on your benchmark ....
  4. quakergamer

    Help for noob and script :(

    Well you can put desert = true in the init.sqs and also you will have to execute your script there aswell: _chopper = _this select 0 DESERT = false SNOW = false #loop ~5 ? DESERT = true : [_chopper] exec "desert_dust.sqs" ? SNOW = true : [_chopper] exec "snow_dust.sqs" goto "loop"
  5. quakergamer

    Better damage model?

    Well I think that the best way on how BI would have to do this is to make us create damage selections on the models. When this selection is attacked and gets damaged we could sawp it with another model or just change the textures ,etc ...
  6. quakergamer

    I make a new tank!!!!!!!!!!&#3

    I think that the shadow has to have less than 150 polygons ?? And first LOD should always be LodNoShadow 1 as for the otehr ones who has less than 150 polygons you can put LodNoShadow 0
  7. quakergamer

    Binarize probs

    Same thing :S. I used Col. Klink BinarizeIT program but it just runs for 10 secs and then close. No OPT folder aswell ... And also, how do I do that: run bin.bat with the addon directory name as parameter (E.g. "bin myaddon")
  8. quakergamer

    Binarize probs

    Hello, Im having problems with the Binarize program. Well I'm doing everything that is in the readme, start bin.bat but it just stays there 1 second and closes. The aadd-on is defined correctly.. So anyone here could give me a step by step directions on how to make Binarize work
  9. quakergamer

    Game physics

    AS far as I know there is already foot trails anywhere you go ...
  10. quakergamer

    Replace with jam

    Thats not what i need, i need the config.bin decoded, not decoded and split up into several sections and commented on. Just put those splitted up parts into one main config. Not that hard and works without any bugs. I doubt you will find any 100% working decoded configs ..
  11. quakergamer

    Spawn a missile...

    Hello everyone! I wsa wondering if there is any way to create a missile that gets fired by a script. That's alll Thanks!
  12. Hello everyone, I have a problem. Lets say I want to camcreate an object 300m away from the person executing the script. Well it always create the object 300M AT THE NORTH of the soldier even if the soldier is facing another direction ! How can I make it detect the direction of the soldier and create it always at the front of the soldier even if he is facing another direction than north! Thanks!
  13. quakergamer

    Scripting problems ... please read!

    Thank you franze and BraTTy for your help! It finally works . See ya and thanks !
  14. Hello all, How can I define in the config a new weapon animation. Something like I44 did for their riffle ! Thanks!
  15. quakergamer

    Scripting problems ... please read!

    Yea I have tried getDir command but I still cant make the objects camcreate in the good direction ..
  16. quakergamer

    Spawn a missile...

    Could you post a code sample of the script ? Just spawn a missile that will hit randomly a target at 100 m away.
  17. quakergamer

    Usmc mod / bas ah1w super cobra

    Great to hear that ! Also its quakergamer :P not quakermaker lol
  18. quakergamer

    Spawn a missile...

    Ill check it out! Thank you! And BTW if this works, well we would be bale to spawn missiles from cars easil
  19. quakergamer

    Iraqi islands

    Well we have some reskinned units (As you see) that wont have bugs but we keep releasing them as patches (to the closed beta) and we fix the bugs we found. But as Ive said it will be finished when the island and the missions are done. In the mean time we create more thigns and fix bugs
  20. quakergamer

    Iraqi islands

    Our 2 islands are goign to be released with the MOD (at least one of them) andw ill also be released separately but that will only be for 56kers. We don't have planned it to be released as a separate FULL WORKING add-on. And for the citites. First island (IRaqi Mountains) will have small cities but mostly millitary bases (with bunkers and everything) and the Iraqi Airport,well as it says, its an airport so no cities but big millitary bases! Thanks!
  21. quakergamer

    Completly transparent textures

    If i know, it's just a trick with alphasorting. If is tank interior mapped with PAA textures and you will paste it at place AFTER scope window, interior will be not visible thru scope... Thanks ill give it a try!
  22. Hello all! I was wondering how I can make a completly transparent texture like on the Tank Interiors (You know, where you see trough the tank armor!). DOes it have anything to do with the VIew Geometry ? Thanks!
  23. quakergamer

    Iraqi islands

    I will make one!
  24. quakergamer

    How to define our own weapon animations ?

    YEa that's what I want to do. Make a new soldier animation. But how do I define and link each animation so that the OFP engien knows when im prone , etc!
  25. Here's mine AMD Athlon 1.6 GHz ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 256mb 512 MB DDRam Benchmark 2930