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Everything posted by quakergamer

  1. quakergamer

    Desert-storm: uh-1 pictures

    Release will be "soon". I mean as soon as possible. we are tryin to finish our SA80, M82A1 and SAS units(we still need to skin M82A1). Then we release those. After I finish my MLRS in game and release it and then the Huey
  2. quakergamer

    Desert-storm: uh-1 pictures

    Damn I love it, I will post more pics later .
  3. quakergamer

    Desert-storm: uh-1 pictures

    Ya I know, but we will have it anyway . Like someone told me the SAS didnt used SA80 lol . They will use it in the game (the SAS)...
  4. quakergamer

    Desert-storm: uh-1 pictures

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (N.o.R.S.u @ May 11 2002,20:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Looking good, is that completely new model or a modified p3d-file? Good job anyway.<span id='postcolor'> Its a new P3D im almsot sure. If u see only 2 blades per rotor not 4 liek the UH60( the only chopper we can modify ) !
  5. quakergamer

    Desert-storm: uh-1 pictures

    Thanks, we will put it to download soon
  6. quakergamer

    M198 155mm towed howitzer

    Cool , good job, you should add more details to your wheels though !! Great model
  7. quakergamer

    A question for bis

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ May 07 2002,14:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">We almost never read threads named like "A question for bis" and we never answer them.<span id='postcolor'> Well you read this one, how come ?
  8. quakergamer

    Which aircraft do you want me to make the most

    Make C130 man , its agreat transport plane. Anyway if u dont want to make it ucan alawys try the Jaguar!!
  9. quakergamer

    O2 made sa80 and m82a1

    tnx snoopy !
  10. quakergamer

    O2 made sa80 and m82a1

    Yup!! The desert-storm mod will make the new SAS units equipped with my new SA80 and M82A1 sniper avaible to download! Check our website for more information and here is an sshot of the SA80 in game (imported with O2). see ya all!! http://www.opflashpoint.it/desertstorm/ikonboard.cgi and the sshot: The textures are finisehd, exept more sshots by the end of tomorrow. They will be avaible to dwownlaod next week!!
  11. quakergamer

    O2 made sa80 and m82a1

    Ok EX-Ronin ur the 3rd person that tolds me they didnt used SA80 , anyway the gun will be avaible for download this week. No muzzle flash bug Btw i cant move the gun backwards because it will enter into the solder body
  12. quakergamer

    Just wondering...

  13. quakergamer

    Omg look at invasion 1944 site!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dawdler @ May 05 2002,16:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And not to forget my bonus image (I sat there enjoying the sunset when suddenly... I sensed something... Then a big FLASH! and out of nothing came a photo and landed at my feets )<span id='postcolor'> how beautiful . Great pic Dwalder!!
  14. quakergamer

    Any servers in calif.?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ May 05 2002,14:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">He said California not Canada  <span id='postcolor'> Ya but it dosent matter If you have cable or DSL you get good ping whereever u are
  15. quakergamer

    Any servers in calif.?

    you can alawys try Roughnecks OC3. IM admin there and we are quite a lot everyday. (we are 23 right now ).
  16. quakergamer

    O2 made sa80 and m82a1

    And the SA80 in 3ds max
  17. quakergamer

    Forbidden candy

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Delenda @ May 04 2002,18:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">if BIS is designing it shouldn't they be able to add the planes and guns and other units and vehicles to OFP?<span id='postcolor'> Nope cuz the yare much mroe detailed that in OFP. U need at LEAST a gedforce 3 and a p4 1.5 GHz to play VBS1 ;(
  18. quakergamer

    Desert storm mod

    Yea, ALso you should try our missions at our site > They are great !!
  19. quakergamer

    Forbidden candy

    WHOAA!! MAn what wouldnt I do for VBS ?!! Loo kat the first sshots , that chinook flying .It seems soo great!!! Damnit Iwant VBS i want VBS (even if I cant have it) !!
  20. quakergamer

    Desert storm mod

    You got ME? I know a friend that had teh same problem. U had to unzip all the files to the same directory the dstorm.001 *.002 etc etc must be in teh same directory as with the setup .exe . didnt had any problems but it dosent need any CD. Check if yo udont have any corrupt file and if u ahev all the .00X files in ur directory. see ya
  21. quakergamer

    Oxygen models

    OK! First the polys are about 1200 for weapons and 1500-2000 for vehicles. Also they have LOD( level of details). SO you need to decrease the detail by creating more LODs. Alsofor the moving parts they are added in Oxygen (i guess), same thing for the muzzle flash. And hwat do you mean by texture mapping
  22. quakergamer

    Omg the desert storm mod kicks a$$!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (timmy @ May 02 2002,02:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">to play this do we have to download the basic code, upgrade one, and patch 1.46? Thats a total of 150mbs <span id='postcolor'> YEs u and u also need to download upgrade 2
  23. quakergamer

    Omg the desert storm mod kicks a$$!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (VerySolidSnake @ May 02 2002,00:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i got it working. I installed in the wrong order whoops!<span id='postcolor'> Telled ya, isntall it like we say on the readme or on our site and it'll work. You should play our 7 missions, they are funny
  24. quakergamer

    Refused oxygen for wintermarch

    Hey Kingbeast So other peoples from Wintermarch got Oxygen !!! Also I dont know why they refused it to ya, I think they have a maximum of liscences maybe... When did you sent the e-mail?
  25. quakergamer

    Omg the desert storm mod kicks a$$!

    Or try the fifth mission, its funny too