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Everything posted by quakergamer

  1. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    yes we have add-ons, and 1.49. IVe got m197 error right now. I just ordered an AH1. Ive said to all: I got an AH1 Ive turned to see it (it appeared) and right after Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost hehe Know why ?
  2. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    yes we have add-ons, and 1.49. IVe got m197 error right now. I just ordered an AH1. Ive said to all: I got an AH1 Ive turned to see it (it appeared) and right after Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost Session Lost hehe Know why ?
  3. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ok new error this time. Here are all the 4 errors we had: ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.M240b'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.m197'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.M2MaDuce'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.GSH302'. SO what you think it is ?
  4. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ok new error this time. Here are all the 4 errors we had: ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.M240b'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.m197'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.M2MaDuce'. ErrorMessage: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.GSH302'. SO what you think it is ?
  5. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ June 02 2002,06:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">maybee a bmp with stingers?<span id='postcolor'> ya this would also be easy to make, or the M2gunner with stinger . THis would be AIR Defence
  6. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ June 02 2002,06:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">maybee a bmp with stingers?<span id='postcolor'> ya this would also be easy to make, or the M2gunner with stinger . THis would be AIR Defence
  7. he will see you and get you with an m16 at 4000 m
  8. quakergamer

    Put on or off a silencer...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bigpoppa @ May 31 2002,02:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually it is possible to switch between a silenced and a non-silenced version of a gun! All you need is an addon which features a silenced gun, and an addon which features the same but non-silenced gun. Then you have to do some scripting and just remove the silenced weapon and add the non-silenced and vice-versa!<span id='postcolor'> YOu dont need scripting, just use the config.cpp of the mortar in OFP (Mortar+m16) just replace mortar by silecner and thats it
  9. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hi again, we played a full RTS2 game without crash(Ive didnt build the tank factory). I would have some suggestions. -Could you make the player respawn (when theres no HQ) at a radius of 300 m or a lil less of the truck.(Cuz it sux if the commander(the guy that build) get killed and respawn at 10000m of the truck. -Make more than 1 person that could build buildings and make only one building buildable(1 HQ, 1 Airfactory,etc) but multiple Construction Jeeps and multiple recyclers -Can you make another Fortified Platform but a bit higher(maybe put 2 towerrs on the castle hehe ! -Make some researchable Cessnas with AA missiles(stinger or 9k32). -Make SU25 with LGB. -Can you make a building that makes boats hehe Thats it, I hope you will fix the crashing bug.Good luck with your map see ya
  10. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hi again, we played a full RTS2 game without crash(Ive didnt build the tank factory). I would have some suggestions. -Could you make the player respawn (when theres no HQ) at a radius of 300 m or a lil less of the truck.(Cuz it sux if the commander(the guy that build) get killed and respawn at 10000m of the truck. -Make more than 1 person that could build buildings and make only one building buildable(1 HQ, 1 Airfactory,etc) but multiple Construction Jeeps and multiple recyclers -Can you make another Fortified Platform but a bit higher(maybe put 2 towerrs on the castle hehe ! -Make some researchable Cessnas with AA missiles(stinger or 9k32). -Make SU25 with LGB. -Can you make a building that makes boats hehe Thats it, I hope you will fix the crashing bug.Good luck with your map see ya
  11. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    OK i will try to not build M2A2. I know that teh first game ive builded M2A2 and it didnt crashed. Second game ive did and it crashed lol
  12. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    OK i will try to not build M2A2. I know that teh first game ive builded M2A2 and it didnt crashed. Second game ive did and it crashed lol
  13. quakergamer

    Is the new net code done yet?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ May 31 2002,19:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That interface on 1.46 is aweful!!! I mean where you choose sides. Why do we need a picture of the soldiers there to show us east west ect it makes the game seem more childish or like those other lame FPS's out there. Very bad. The old interface was perfect. 2 Drop boxes side by side east, and west. All they needed to do was fix the scroll issue. Other than that I didnt experience any improvement with the netcode while testing the beta. I dont know what I am supposed to expect but the lag desync all seemed the same on Fraghaus, and Stoners is where I tested it. The server browser was cool though very nice feature. but all in all I am hoping the next upgrade will be more an improvement on gameplay itself then wasted energy trying to change the look, and add features.<span id='postcolor'> Man, I love 1.60 interface. Much faster to start a game and way better. Also as other peoples said add a timeleft feature for the in-game browser . Nice job with the net code and everything, i dont know what I would like moree
  14. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hi karillion your map is great but it have lkots of bugs.It crashed teh server again and it given teh same error: No ENtry config.bin/Cfg.Weapons.M2MaDuce I was building an M2a2. Last tiem it didnt crashed, now i build M2a2 it crashes
  15. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hi karillion your map is great but it have lkots of bugs.It crashed teh server again and it given teh same error: No ENtry config.bin/Cfg.Weapons.M2MaDuce I was building an M2a2. Last tiem it didnt crashed, now i build M2a2 it crashes
  16. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ignore what I said ***EDIT***
  17. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ignore what I said ***EDIT***
  18. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ooo cool, i will test this in 1 hour . It will be greattttt
  19. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Ooo cool, i will test this in 1 hour . It will be greattttt
  20. quakergamer

    Planet of war mod

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ May 31 2002,23:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (VerySolidSnake @ May 31 2002,02:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wait, so you download the mod? Is the whole point of buying the cd kind of like the retail version of CounterStrike? You can either download huge files or just purchase a cd with it on it? And STS_SolidSnake, you stole my name!!! <span id='postcolor'> check the post count and the registered date i have been here longer then you so stop copying me  Anyway i wont by PoW because i recently bought Final Fantasy X pal (came ot wednsday) it is seriously kicking ASS!!<span id='postcolor'> He joined august 2001 u joined march 2002
  21. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hey karillion, Yesterday ive tested again your map (with russin and other peoples on Roughnecks OC3). It didnt crashed again. Also ive didnt managed to build a thing the 2nd time. I mean ive etablsihed the base then ive logged in the truck(no building appeared) and i could only add ammo. Other peoples tried to click Etablish Base Here(or something like that) but no luck. Our main base didnt appeared ;(
  22. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    Hey karillion, Yesterday ive tested again your map (with russin and other peoples on Roughnecks OC3). It didnt crashed again. Also ive didnt managed to build a thing the 2nd time. I mean ive etablsihed the base then ive logged in the truck(no building appeared) and i could only add ammo. Other peoples tried to click Etablish Base Here(or something like that) but no luck. Our main base didnt appeared ;(
  23. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    btw add the radio command to increase or decrase timelimit it would be great, cuz sometimes the game is really good sometimes not
  24. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    btw add the radio command to increase or decrase timelimit it would be great, cuz sometimes the game is really good sometimes not
  25. quakergamer

    Rts 2 available for download

    OK, I dont get the error. I will post the missing script right after. No I dont wanna makea new RTS2 mission i only want to put it as timelimit 3600 dont work (as param1) Thanks