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Everything posted by quakergamer

  1. quakergamer

    N00b q's

    Also if you import a model, you can import a model using .jpg textures Dont forget to set the Texture after importing location to an EXISTING dirceotry(because oxygen CANT create a directorey and put the textures there).
  2. quakergamer

    Extrude fonction

    I think tehre is no extrude function for oxygen
  3. quakergamer


    What I think you should do is 1st) take the glass of a BIS made chopper or 2nd) Edit the texture of a glass made by BIS using the AlphaChanel editing tutorials avaible at ofpec.com forums
  4. quakergamer

    Help me :)

    You make a proxy for the pilot U create a new seleaction ,then u right click and then u press on proxy The name of the proxy must be pilot (ithink) or driver The selection must be a triangle Check the examples like Keygetys hawk
  5. quakergamer

    Is it possible

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KTottE @ July 02 2002,20:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, in OFP:R you have an animation of a door opening. Along with an action to do it. This should be able to be applied to your cargo door. If you don't have OFP:R or are unsure of what I am talking about: In the multi-story buildings there are elevators. These elevators have doors. When you walk up to it you get the action "Open Door" in the action menu.<span id='postcolor'> yea but hte door rotates on Y axis i want it to rotate on X axis. Like a c130 cargo door
  6. quakergamer

    Where is the m-109 paladin?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ July 03 2002,00:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">7--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (dsawan @ July 01 2002,187)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi, all. Could someone tell me wherre the M-109 Paladin arty unit is of OFP. I would imagine it is out by now. I saw something about it in the forums a while back. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Douglasdsawan@earthlink.net<span id='postcolor'> I think that the main problem all of the arillery mods  are having is a simple one....  no artillery system exhists in OFP.  In other words it's going to be incredibly difficult if not impossible to make a M109 that you can actually use for accurate indirect fire.  It'll just basically be a big tank unless some highly skilled scriptors figure out how to make some kind of targetting system that doesn't rely on external scripts. But unless BIS helps them with that I don't think it will be possible.  But I hope I'm wrong.  Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD><span id='postcolor'> Well I guess you are wrong. My M109 FIRES like artillery. Ai cant use it correctly, becasue they dont know how but you can it like artillery. Those who beta tested it know what I mean !
  7. quakergamer

    New addons!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Scorpio @ July 02 2002,17:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceBryce @ July 02 2002,17:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I got new Addons a UAZG whit MG mounthed a O2 Heuy Its looking good and a UH60 Whit closed Doors and many more if you want Screens or the PBO's than mail me to icebryce1985@hotmail.com Oke Scorpio I know a good way for the aircraft carrier beceuse there is in version 1.00 til 1.60 a Musslebug and in Res its fixed zo i can send you the Config and you wil putt it in your DIR and you see you can land evry where only not on tanks Cars but you can Land on buildings and the LTS54 zo i can send you the Config file you want it mail me to icebryce1985@hotmail.com<span id='postcolor'> er...you are Hercles200, right? that means you are 10 years old, and dont have O2, do not know anything about modelling and where did you get the Huey? Vixer and Evis? because that is the only O2 Huey i know about. Can you just post pics on a site? I appreciate your help with the config file, but i dont need it, my aircraft carrier works perfectly already.<span id='postcolor'> Im mkaing a Huey too scoprio
  8. quakergamer

    Planes crash pushes back ofp:r in the states.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sphinx @ July 02 2002,22:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If anyone heared the news about that cargo plane that collided with the passenger plane, well prepare to be shocked. I just got an e-mail from Codemasters that the plane that crashed was carring the Resistance shipment to the states. There will be a new shipment coming in next week around Wensday. Sorry guys. Sike - Just thought id scare the hell out of you guys. <span id='postcolor'> Your joking no ? Anyway I got resistance, but the cargo plaen that crashed, your sure it had ressitance copies
  9. quakergamer

    Selective view through window...

    this bug was alawys in OFP till version 1.0
  10. quakergamer

    Where is the m-109 paladin?

    There is 2 MOD teams that are working on a M109 Paladin 1st) the Desert-Storm MOD (http://www.opflashpoint.it/desertmod) 2nd) The DKM MOD (http://www.dkm-mod.mkdi.net/)
  11. quakergamer

    Puddles of blood!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jester983 @ July 01 2002,03:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">*claps hands* yay! Better blood effects. Thats what we really needed. Now does it still have like a light spray of blood come out when you shoot them? PS:If someone can plz post a screenie. I would like to see this.<span id='postcolor'> Yea Go and check here if u want http://www.iquebec.com/quakergamer/res1.jpg
  12. quakergamer

    So now that you all have pistols...

    Ive said: I actually prefer them over other weapons. Because they are new weapons(that arent so powerful) and I like new things, so i like to use them more ...
  13. quakergamer

    Question to satchel..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Satchel @ June 30 2002,17:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I´m trying to avoid an open config.cpp for the update, as this raised to many concerns regarding cheating. Also i´m looking for a way to go around the "....uses modified config.bin" in MP games when using a soundpack. The easiest way for sure would be to simply replace the sound.pbo, but this way you won´t get many individual weapon and other sounds. What i won´t do is just a simple conversion of the old soundpack with config.cpp, as the above issues would remain. You should be able to use a soundpack without being called cheater and getting kicked from online games because of that. It will be some time till it´s finished though.<span id='postcolor'> And btw satchel, your soundpakc makes the RTS maps crash(RTS2 and Powermage Dynamic CTF)
  14. quakergamer

    Voting admin on dedicated

    Well I got voted admin yesterday on 37th Mike server ...
  15. quakergamer

    Quick impressions& screenshot galore

    The sound in OFP resistance is completly new, well for some guns like Ak47 and M16 , they sound really great. I dont think they changed ALL The sounds but anyway they did a GREAT job . BTW where can I find the HK G3 and the FN FAL ?
  16. quakergamer

    Quick impressions& screenshot galore

    The sound in OFP resistance is completly new, well for some guns like Ak47 and M16 , they sound really great. I dont think they changed ALL The sounds but anyway they did a GREAT job . BTW where can I find the HK G3 and the FN FAL ?
  17. quakergamer

    Codemaster res site error :-o

    mauahhahahha, lol this is funny:) I had a good laugh!
  18. quakergamer


    Yes Resistance Expension got a CD key ..
  19. quakergamer

    So what do we think?

    Im really happy with OFP Resistance. Great improving in the graphics, add-ons and multiplayer experience. OFP was a very good game and they've made it better . The new island, Nogova, is really wonderful eheh. I really love how they done this and in the next days it will get even better(wait for the big dedicated servers to get on 1.75 and you'll see how cool it will be ) Go buy this NOW!
  20. quakergamer

    So what do we think?

    Im really happy with OFP Resistance. Great improving in the graphics, add-ons and multiplayer experience. OFP was a very good game and they've made it better . The new island, Nogova, is really wonderful eheh. I really love how they done this and in the next days it will get even better(wait for the big dedicated servers to get on 1.75 and you'll see how cool it will be ) Go buy this NOW!
  21. quakergamer

    So what do we think?

    Im really happy with OFP Resistance. Great improving in the graphics, add-ons and multiplayer experience. OFP was a very good game and they've made it better . The new island, Nogova, is really wonderful eheh. I really love how they done this and in the next days it will get even better(wait for the big dedicated servers to get on 1.75 and you'll see how cool it will be ) Go buy this NOW!
  22. quakergamer

    What the...

    I got resistance and it dosent crash on my comp(If it crash might be the ram ?). Also I find it a great expension, you will see by yourself ;D
  23. quakergamer

    What the...

    I got resistance and it dosent crash on my comp(If it crash might be the ram ?). Also I find it a great expension, you will see by yourself ;D
  24. quakergamer

    Quick impressions& screenshot galore

    He ysatchel;, where can i find the FN-FAL and the HK G3A4, I just cant find them in the editor !!
  25. quakergamer

    Quick impressions& screenshot galore

    He ysatchel;, where can i find the FN-FAL and the HK G3A4, I just cant find them in the editor !!