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About pLaYsKoO

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  1. I think it would be great if the Barrett REC-7 was added to the game. [iG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h243/snk241/Barrett_REC7_profile_mag-lft.png[/img]>100kb [iG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h243/snk241/Barrett_REC7_profile_mag-rt.png[/img]>100kb At range the 5.56 just does not have the punch to take down enemies. I often see others as well as myself having to put 4-5 rounds in the enemy to knock them out. On many occasions I have had to put 2 or 3 in their heads before they died. Adding the 6.8mm would give a round with excellent stopping power,accuracy and control of the rifle on full auto. The 7.62mm has all but the last trait mentioned above.
  2. Why is it you feel that you and others should take it upon themselves to dictate to others what game options they can and cannot have? I have found that in the gaming world the people that set all these rules and dictate specific criteria like those that you mentioned. Tend to come from (in many cases not all) gamers that cannot stand the fact that there are gamers out there that they just cannot compete against. Since ArmA 2 is not really a game that is idea for competitive league play. What do you care what someone else see's on their screen? How does that in any way diminish you're immersion level? Because the game play options that they prefer allows him to get more kills than you in the server that you're in? Maybe if you quit worrying about the settings that other players are using you could focus on what it is that you are doing. And as for all of you "die hard realism" players out there. It's a f*#king video game, Rather than live in pretend world. Go and enlist in the Marine Corps. Was the first thing I did when I graduated High school.
  3. pLaYsKoO

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Woodstock I have heard that there is a problem with the Alpha channels that prevent it from showing up. Try using dark green
  4. pLaYsKoO

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    If you will please forgive me I am just now looking into the aspect of taking what I have recorded and starting the process of putting it into the game. I am a huge fan of artillery and most of all the GAU-8 Avenger cannon on the A-10. I loved the Fromz sound for the GAU-8 with the impact of the rounds and then the sound of the cannon firing. I always wondered why the sound of the cannon actually firing would always be a burst no matter how long you pulled the trigger. I think I may have pulled the same source that fromz used for the GAU-8 because it sounds identical. I think I now know why the impact to cannon firing always resulted in a burst from the cannon. Lengthening the sound of the cannon firing was an absolute nightmare but after buying Adobe Audition and a few days of relentless work I managed to make a sound clip of the cannon firing at length without it sounding so obvious that it was being looped. It actually sound pretty damned incredible if you ask me. I was hoping to maybe pass the files along to someone that could maybe put them to good use. I just don't have the experience yet to do anything with these files and I would rather they be used by someone that could take it from here and produce/incorporate them into a high quality sound mod. The GAU-8 can be fired continuously for about 10 seconds hearing both the impacts of the rounds on target followed by the sound of the cannon firing of equal length with no audible signs of it being looped over and over. It is what I hope you would agree a good quality sample of the Avenger cannon firing and of artillery being fired in the distance and then impacting in near proximity. If you think that this could be used by any of you let me know and I'll gladly hand over what I have. Here is a sample of the cannon firing and I have it up to 10 seconds in length. http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/10/28/326715/GAU8%20by%20pLaYsKoOREV3.mp3 *Artillery was corrupted back to the drawing board.