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Everything posted by pepperana

  1. Thanks for the reply wolffy! Do you also have an answer on my other question? -Yes, it needs a persistent server 24x7. All persistant info is kept in RAM and is lost on a mission restart IS there not some log ore file that you can copy? and then when the server needs restart you copy the file and set it back up when the restart is done?
  2. Guys if you make the mso_uids Text file Don't add de .txt at the end. Then the server will not find the file. Thats what i saw on my home server last night. Questions. -Do I have to make my own Tasks for a mission ore is there also Tasks already in the axciting mission? And if so Do i have to make them in the editor ore i there some kinda VBS thing. -Yes, it needs a persistent server 24x7. All persistant info is kept in RAM and is lost on a mission restart IS there not some log ore file that you can copy? and then when the server needs restart you copy the file and set it back up when the restart is done?
  3. Hi ArmA 2 players.We need your help. Our Dutch tactical gaming community has a problem with our server. Our server has a very strange problem. When players want to join the server, some are connection without any problems. But at least the half are getting the 'Connection failed' error. We started the server about 2 months ago and nothing was wrong. About a month ago the connection failed problem start kicking in. I had the problem to. But the strange thing is that the problem is only on our server. There is no other server in the list that I can't connect. And that also counts for the rest of the p members that have the problem. I tested the server with different kind of profiles etc no result. The only thing that solved the problem was that I opened my client ports: That did the trick for me. But why do I have to do that for our server only? On all the other servers I don't have to open the ports. On our server the following ports are forwarded: 2302-2303-2304-2304 This is our server: Can someone point me in the right direction?