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Everything posted by proxemo666

  1. proxemo666

    WIP-M1911 A1 v0.9

    I was wondering if it is possible to replace only the skin and sound for the default m9 with this. I don't want to edit the damage so I can still play MP. Thanks and good work. Looks well made.
  2. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    FDF= Quake Wars Hows that for a generalization?
  3. proxemo666

    ArmA Effects

    Jeezus. Go play resident evil. That's too much for this game.
  4. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Well F me sideways: *Warning* Though the following video is a live action shot, it does not show any blood/gore and you cannot see any enemy combatants. It is basically a POV of soldiers shooting at a building. If this is not allowed, I am sorry and will accept my punishment. My intent was to compare CSM and a live action shot. Actual Chammy I salute you. I was in disbelief in the accuracy of your mod. IF anything, turn up the volume on all .50 cal and vehicle mounted weapons.
  5. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I have mentioned earlier in this topic (not searching through 53 pages) and had already mentioned this. It is not a bug with the game but a bug with CSM. I have confirmed this. Someone else acknowledged this as well. CSM is the only sound mod I run. When CSM is not running (and my other mods are) the gun works. ArmA w/o ANY mods and updated to 1.08 = gun works ArmA with CSM only = gun does not work.
  6. proxemo666

    sp vs mp scripting

    icemotoboy I think the problem stems from the repackaging hint you told me. I named the mission "test" when I first started to make it and when I wanted to test it, I named it something else. When I saved the mission under the original name (test), everything worked! I still got the game logic error which I should be able to fix with no problems. I know you mentioned repackaging and what you did but I am still a little confused. How do you "repackage" the scripts? I don't quite follow what you said about "manually package the file and move it from my SP missions to my MP missions and ensure all the scripts are there". Do you first save the file to SP missions and then copy and paste the mission folder into MP and then make a pbo out of it? Thanks in advance.
  7. Ok. So I decided that I wanted to test my map that I made. Got all the scripts working fine and everything. I've only tested this in the editor though. I decide to host it online on my box and now crap hits the fan. None of my scripts work, I received an error where I needed to add a gamelogic and call it server (which I did) and it is saying that one of my scripts (xxx.sqs is not found) when it is in the folder. I have no idea what the deal is. A quick search resulted in the differences between local and server. I'm a noob at this so please explain this to me in english and not refer me to another link unless the link is server scripting for dummies. I have searched and found the link that explains it but it didn't help me as far as coding it to get this to work. My problem is: Why are my scripts not working? (I know there is a difference between local vs server) but I have no clue. Why is it saying I'm missing a script file when it is in there? Here is an example of one of my scripts: i.e. -------------------------------------------- test.sqs: hintC "blah blah blah." I then create a trigger, set parameters (act. by blufor, etc) and in the activation line put: this exec [test.sqs]; ---------------------------------------- I want the hintC command to be read on everyone's PC even if they do not activate it themselves. In SP, it works great. In MP, I could walk and do backflips over the trigger and nothing happens. This is a simple script. I am using Arma Edit for this. I also just noticed that my "wizard created custom crates" in Arma edit do not work. NOTHING WORKS in MP.
  8. proxemo666

    AimPoint Desert Weapons 1.3

    So does this config replacement file change the default m4's to this desert? If so, does it change the firing mode as well? I don't want to be seen as cheating with a full auto m4. I just want to change the looks to this and keep the 3 round burst for "non-cheating" purposes. I think the supressed m4 is the only full-auto m4. This is very sexy btw. Good job.
  9. Hey fellas. I'm trying to make target E (the blue targets) stay in the down position and using a trigger (when blufor) activates it, have the target E popup for them to shoot back down (2-3 shots). I have placed a ton of these target E and adjusted their probability of showing up accordingly. I would also like to know how to reset the targets (and the probability of occurrence) after a team has walked through the area using some sort of control mechanism. What I mean by this is that lets say that after a team shoots down all the targets, they go back to the beginning and at a certain object (tent or something) a prompt saying "reset target" displays on screen. When the user selects this, not only do the targets reset but so does the probability of occurrence so that a different set of targets pop up (though the same targets may again be used just not the EXACT same ones for all of them) i.e. out of 5 targets, targets 1,3,5 are used during the first run. When the player resets the targets, targets 2,3,4,5 are used. I'm a semi-noob when it comes to editing/scripting so be gentle. I have gone through the process of naming everyone of those targets, adjusting each individual probability of occurrence and grouped them in specified triggers. (targets a1-a10 are in trigger A; targets b1-b10 are in trigger b)...etc. After this, I'm lost. Thanks in advanced! Also, I'd rather not use radio commands
  10. proxemo666

    Training map

    Apparently this script doesn't work in MP. How would I get this to work in MP? I tried hosting it and none of the scripts work?
  11. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I was just curious as to whether or not there is a fix for the m16/acog/m203? It appears that if I use it, I am unable to shoot the m203. It only affects this model of rifle. The m4/acog/m203 works fine. I figure I'd let you guys know before you release the new version and if it has already been posted, sorry but I didn't want to search through 45 pages. Continue the good work!
  12. Hello. I have a trigger/script set up so that when a player enters a room, a timer begins. Everything works perfect except when I exit the room, I have to cross the trigger which activates the timer again. (This trigger must be activated every time I enter the room so putting the trigger on "once" will not work.) My question is if it's possible to only activate the trigger when crossing it from a certain direction (entering the room)? or Is there a way so that once I activate the trigger, it will not reactivate until I leave and reset the room (which I have done using another script).
  13. Yeah things will be more difficult because it will be more than one player involved with the trigger. 4 people enter a room and 4 must exit. I don't like the use of radio triggers in this case. I want it to be automatic with as little user interaction as possible. I do like that suggestion though and appreciate your input. I haven't tried this out but I think LCD344 suggested something that might make me look stupid. Right now the trigger just covers the doorway meaning once you are completely in the room, the player(s) are no longer in the trigger. If I expand the trigger to cover the entire room, then the trigger will stay active until everyone leaves. I will try this and see if it works. I'll post back later.
  14. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Thanks man. I was sweating hoping that I didn't have to redo this.
  15. proxemo666

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I have a question regarding this mod and editing. I made the mistake of editing a mission using the shortcut with this mod instead of my default arma (no addons). Now when I try to edit the same mission using the default arma, I cannot open it and receive the error along the lines of "cannot edit this because it's missing downloaded content, csoundmod" or something like that. Is there a way to fix it so I can edit the map and not receive the error using default arma (no addons)? The shortcut that I accidently edited the mission with has chammy's mod and arma effects. Great mod btw!
  16. Does anyone know how to limit the blast radius and damage to a satchel? I did a search and found something about making bullets harmless but not sure how to edit that to make it satchels. Is it possible to only have satchels from a certain crate be edited and satchels from a different crate have the default characteristics? Also, is there a way to swap out an object (MP). I want the wall that once it's blown up (preferably with the satchel), instantaneously changes into another wall with the hole in it simulating that the satchel charge blew a hole. Thanks in advance
  17. proxemo666

    Training map

    Thanks a lot I will check this out.
  18. proxemo666

    Evoltion3.0x alpha

    Thanks Rocco for adding XAM to an evolution. I would do it myself but I have a hard time as it is scripting an AI controlled helicopter pickup This whole asking for permission is a bunch of crap so long as he acknowledges that he did not take credit for those mods which he didn't. To ask permission is funny because it's not like its copyrighted or in legal writing besides, I am sure if we all take a look at your computer, you have pirated songs anyway. Just give credit where credit is due and move on.
  19. proxemo666

    Sick of this BSoD that ArmA causes...

    Well I would just like to say that this is a problem relating to Arma. I have researched this to hell and performing a search on this problem will bring up more than a few threads regarding this specific problem. I can save you some time by saying that no matter what driver you use, you will still crash, you can reinstall your OS which won't fix it, you can try and change your ARMA settings, IRQ, PCI slots, BIOS settings, etc., which will all be for nothing. I can CONFIDENTLY say I have tried EVERYTHING short of buying a new card. My PC is far less powerful than the starter of this thread and I receive the same error. What I have done to resolve it is uninstall my audigy 2 from my PC and use onboard sound. Yes it sucks but it has not deterred me from playing. Make sure you then clean your registry out of any creative entries and use some sort of driver cleaner. Also disabling Arma's VOIP via command line limits this problem. Until there is some official fix for this, I'm SOL. It sucks to because right when Chammy's mod came out, I had to switch to onboard. Perfect timing! For the record, this is the only game that causes me to blue screen let alone receive that specific error. I know there is some sort of problem with the handshaking between Arma and that driver. The fact that you may not have that problem does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with the user's PC especially if more than one user has the same problem.
  20. proxemo666

    Arma restarting pc

    hmmm...I think I may have found a solution but before I post with the answer, I am going to do some more testing. I have managed to play about 45mins without one hiccup. The downside is that now, every once in a while, my card sounds like I have a bowl of rice krispy cereal next to my ear. I am currently trying to resolve this issue as well and have made some good progress.
  21. proxemo666

    Arma restarting pc

    If those who are posting system specs from here on out mind posting which sound card they use as well as driver date?
  22. proxemo666

    Arma restarting pc

    Hello fellas I have the same problem as Grey Wolf and here are my system specs: 3700amd epox 9npa+ 7800gtx 1gb pc3200 audigy 2 Everything is up to date, no heat problems, irq conflicts, etc., (just reformatted) Greywolf and I know each other and are fortunate to play on the same server. What we have noticed is that both of us have crashed at the EXACT SAMETIME. The BSOD error I receive is PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA and on down it says ha10kx2k.sys. I have looked up this error and it seems to be related to a creative drivers. I am in the middle of finding older creative drivers and/or third party ones. If you know where I could get some please let me know. I know creative drivers are notorious for causing conflicts, static, etc. The thing is that i only receive this problem playing Arma. The only thing I can think of is some sort of programming in the game that confuses the hardware. What that is I have no idea.