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Everything posted by pebcak

  1. How do you get a convoy of trucks to follow a road network without them fagging about causing jams? I've tried setting the front truck as leader, they all get stuck; setting them in and out of formation, they all get stuck; spacing them farther apart, they all get stuck; individual WP, they all get stuck... A pattern emerges.
  2. pebcak


    Ah, now I didn't stagger the Ranks. I'll give that a go.
  3. pebcak


    Thanks for responding chaps, but I tried that. Seems that no matter the conditions of a waypoint they all seem to get mixed up with each other and eventually stop moving at all. Not really sure what to try next.
  4. pebcak

    Steel tank barriers

    Would they be new objects or 'unlocks'? Guess what I'm asking is will all players in MP games need to have that installed as well.
  5. I have a bunch of players that start the game with fixed equipment defined via the init field; however, when they respawn the init field seems to be ignored. How can I get these respawning players to start with the gear defined in the init field?
  6. Cheers Norrin. I had no idea that something seemingly so simple turns out to be that complicated.
  7. Where are mp maps stored locally..? Anyway, highly likely that there would be a massive amount of other stuff in there that would confuse the issue, i.e., me. A wee script example would be more informative...? *grovel*
  8. View Distance: Is it possible to fix the view distance of all players in a MP game? Â If, for example, a mission is set in a region of the 'world' that forces a significant frame rate hit, it would be nice if the mission set the view distance of all the players to a reasonable setting to begin with. I understand that any enforced view distance could probably be over ruled by the local detail settings, but that shouldn't really matter. Â I also accept that it is easy enough to change locally, manually, anyway. Â Just would be nice is all. Â --EDIT-- I've just found this: setViewDistance # I had gone through the script wiki to find it but must have missed it the first time! Oh well. Anyway, where should I put the above command? init.sqs? --/EDIT-- Wait For Players: I played a mission that waited until all players were loaded into the mission before allowing it to start. Â (A camera hovered over a location while waiting.) Â Could anyone give me a few pointers on how such a thing is done?
  9. I understand the logic, but how do I script that?
  10. Is there a way to prevent a player in a MP game from picking up extra weapons? For example, prevent someone playing a Civilian from picking up any weapons greater than pistols. They would need to be allowed to pick up extra pistol ammo and perhaps nades, however.
  11. pebcak

    Prevent Gear Pick-ups

    Hmmn. Right. Okay. Not quite sure how to do that yet. Quick code sample to get me on the way..?
  12. Yup. Simple when you know how, eh. Many thanks.
  13. A quick one (probably): How do I end a mission when a specific player or vehicle gets killed?
  14. I have a play area boundary around a MP map I'm working on that first gives a warning not to leave the play area, then kills the player off if they continue. Â I have the following in the trigger that does the killing: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_X setDamage 1} forEach thislist; What I hope to learn from someone here is how to make certain vehicles and/or units exceptions to the above kill script, i.e., being allowed to pass through the killzone unharmed. Â Can this be done? I'm new to scripting, so please be gentle.
  15. --double post deleted--
  16. KyleSarnik, That's superb stuff. Cheers. When I get five munites I'll give that a try. Many thanks!