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Everything posted by plasman

  1. plasman

    How do i change the name?

    Changing the .pbo file's name you mean ?
  2. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    Hi Kenbow, No, not at the moment. 1st of all thanks very much for your enthusiasm for my modest reskins and for your contribution to the community . Personally I’m not a big fan of replacement packs I prefer to keep the default troops as they are and to use self standing addons but it’s just a matter of taste. No offence but there is one thing you should note however: my readme file clearly states “This addon may only be re-distributed in its entirety…†which means it would have been polite to ask the permission by pm or on the forum before distributing parts of my work. I didn’t receive any pm fm your side but maybe I missed your post asking for the permission (in this case pls ignore and forgive my bad temper). This permission is btw hereby officially granted, as long as you don’t modify the graphic files, so you're welcome to continue issuing replacement packs based on my work if you wish (I didn’t personally wrote to BIS guys before using their files as templates for my work after all ).
  3. plasman

    Iraqi T-72 by Plasman

    A new version (1.1) is available. Check the 1st page of this thread for details
  4. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    Normally it should, it doesn't use any custom weapons.
  5. A little retexturing: Weathered T-72 and BMP-2, Soviet Style. Available here (temporary link): http://files.filefront.com//;7965577;;/ Armaholic mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1580 Also available at Stavanger's Militaria (See the Armed Assault Addonlist thread in the Addons & Mods discussion section of the forum) and at http://www.armabase.de/cms....2ff0ba4 Thanks guys for having accepted/proposed to host this file Screenshots:
  6. plasman

    Russian Marines & VDV

    great reskins, great weapons, great work mates Can't wait to have them released (and my computer repaired ).
  7. plasman

    Children Units

    You'll have to take into account the fact children proportions are different to that of adults: Children have big round heads, large eyes (actually they have adult sized eyes) and short legs.
  8. Very nice looking. Congrats
  9. Here is a link to a good Hex Editor http://mh-nexus.de/hxd/
  10. Here is a link to a good Hex Editor http://mh-nexus.de/hxd/
  11. plasman


    Absolutly astounding!
  12. plasman

    Russian Marines & VDV

    Skaven wrote: Pls keep that stuff playable and graphic card friendly. Thanks
  13. plasman

    Iraqi T-72 by Plasman

    I Was working on improving the T-72 (with Republican Guard markings) when my computer crashed (looks like the motherboard is down...). I'll be out of the circuit for a while (at least a week). Will keep you posted.
  14. plasman

    Iraqi T-72 by Plasman

    Well I guess it can be used both for the "old" or "new" army although it seems the Iraqi flag painted on the left side of the turret is used by the new army. Actually I used 3 main sources for this retex : This photo from a new army T72: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped....ank.jpg This one http://ipmslondon.tripod.com/armourreferencearticles/id5.html with shots of the T-72M1 of Saddam's army and this one: http://www.clash-of-steel.co.uk/gallery....ber=107 The default crewmen of this addons wear (kind of) Republican Guard uniforms. But if you insist I might include a new army crew wearing DBDU ("Chocolate-Chip") uniforms
  15. Nice. Hope it will happen. It happened HERE
  16. Thanks your remarks/feedbacks folks Will see what I can do for the Iraqi T-72.
  17. plasman

    Texview2 has been released !!

    Good news indeed I noticed Textview 1 was significantly decreasing pictures' quality.
  18. NEW ZEALAND TROOPS by Plasman Version 1.1 Required addon: --------------- Requires Vilas Steyr AUG addon. Included in this zip folder. Thanks again to Vilas for this stupendous addon. IMPORTANT : if you play under version 1.08 of the game you will have to update Vilas Steyr Pack (See Vilas Addons thread for details) otherwise you will find most of your troops only armed with M9 pistols. Description: ------------ New Zealand Troops (both regulars and SAS) in Desert DPM uniforms. Installation: ------------- Just unzip the NewZealandSAS.pbo and the vil_aug.pbo files into ArmA's Addons folder. Yes the troops' file is called NewZealandSAS even if regular soldiers are also included in the addon. In the beginning I only intended to do a retexturing of the SAS, but eventually decided to do regular troops as well. However I was too lazy to change the files names and paths. Usage: ------ New Zealand troops can be found in the editor under : BLUFOR / New_Zealand_SAS Features: --------- New Zealand SAS Trooper, armed with Steyr_aug_a3 New Zealand SAS Trooper (with pipebombs), armed with Steyr_aug_sd New Zealand SAS Grenadier, armed with steyr_aug_a3_gl New Zealand Rifleman, armed with Steyr_Aug_a1 New Zealand AT man, armed with Steyr_Aug_a1 + M136 (M72 LAW) New Zealand Squad Auto Rifleman, armed with M249 (c9 Minimi) New Zealand Medic,armed with Steyr_Aug_a1 New Zealand Squad Leader,armed with Steyr_Aug_short Acknowledgments: ---------------- Thanks to the people on the BIS forum who helped me with their precious advices/suggestions/comments Disclaimer: ----------- This addon is not an official BIS addon and is distributed without any warranty, so use it (in whole or in part) entirely at your own risk. This addon is a freeware and shall not be distributed/used (in whole or in part) for any commercial purpose. This addon may only be re-distributed in its entirety, complete with this "ReadMe" .pdf document. Download mirrors: ----------------- New_Zealand_Troops_V1_1.zip: http://files.filefront.com//;7406783;;/ Available on the Armaholic mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1074 ArmedAssault.info Mirror : DOWNLOAD New Zealand Troops v1.1 [27,9 MB] from FTP#1 Also available on Stavanger´s Militaria http://www.nextgenerationgames.de/php/Armed_Assault_Addons.htm Some screenshots of the new version (1.1.) : ------------------------------------------- Old version Screenshots: ------------ click here for screenshot1 click here for screenshot2 click here for screenshot3 click here for screenshot4 click here for screenshot5
  19. plasman

    New Zealand Troops by Plasman

    With version 1.08 of the game BIS changed the weapon configs that's why the old (pre 1.08) weapons addons are not working properly anymore. To keep track of the addons' version you can check Stavanger's Armed Assault Addonlist in the Addons & Mods discussion section of the forum.
  20. plasman

    New Zealand Troops by Plasman

    I think It's because the Aug rifle file included in the addon is not compatible with the latest (1.08) version of the game. Try to download Vilas Aug Pack update available on Vilas addons thread. HERE
  21. plasman

    Cargo Ship

    Limassol, I think.
  22. plasman

    RACS M60A3

    This good ol' M-60 looks awesome to me. Although I agree with Sakura-chan: the RACS camo scheme would be better (or may be you can choose a Cold War era US paint scheme). And may be it's the screenshot, but the gun's barrel looks a bit too short.
  23. Ok but this is a Reskin and it works in Mp Definitely not MARPAT. MARPAT is a digital (i.e. pixelated) camouflage pattern Take a look at the wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARPAT