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Everything posted by plasman

  1. plasman

    SAP Rabbit 1.0

    They are wererabbits
  2. plasman

    Supercopter by Xavier Petit

    It's Xavier's OFP Airwolf addon ported to ArmA.
  3. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Here is the link for those lucky Photoshop users (under Paint Shop Pro a surrogate instant normal mapping is the use of the "neon tube", but sometimes you get some weird results): http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photoshop_dds_plugins.html Don't know if (how) it works, use it at your own risk. I will stick to Paint Shop Pro. See also the ArmA: Texture Naming Rules http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Texture_Naming_Rules for finding and editing normal map textures in ArmA.
  4. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    I just used normal mapping (*) both for the flack vest and knee pads, but I not totally satisfied with the result because I'm not that good at it. I understand there is a plugin for Photoshop which creates instant normal mapping, but unfor I'm working with Paint Shop Pro so I have to edit the normal mapping "by hand", which is believe me a real PITA. Furthermore I’m not sure about the authenticity of what I’ve done so feedbacks fm people who use/used this kind of vest are more than welcome. (*) Wikipedia link for an explanation about normal mapping: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping
  5. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Looking forward (with impatience) to see the SA80 released, and the Harrier is really cooool Meanwhile, some screenshots of the work in progress:
  6. I also noted there is a very nice reference picture for the inside retexturing of their AA7 Amtracs vehicles (2nd column, 7th line)
  7. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Really a nice work. Congrats. Where did you get the SA80 ?
  8. Guess someone (not me) could write a script counting the number of crewmen onboard, then if this number is below 2 the tank speed is set to zero. Maybe you can check on the users missions section.
  9. Guess someone (not me) could write a script counting the number of crewmen onboard, then if this number is below 2 the tank speed is set to zero. Maybe you can check on the users missions section.
  10. Cool stuff bobo8767 G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS wrote Nice work too Boss A little thought regarding your screenshots: I'm not an expert in US equipment (not an expert in any equipment btw) but I wonder if any three coloured desert pattern (DBDU) flack vests (as seen on the 1st of your screenshots) have ever been issued to US troops.
  11. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Thanks very much for your help/pictures. First thing I’ll do is trying to modelise the old flak vest, which seems easier to create with normal mapping, would make these commandos a little “outdated†but would be consistent with the DPM-94 anyway. Once I get more proficient with normal mapping will try my hand on the Osprey vest.
  12. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    All the help I can get is welcome I already have some good photos of the Osprey vest (in Desert DPM pattern) but all reference materials are very welcome, so feel free to post them on this thread in order they benefit to the community. Btw I wonder if any "classic" (i.e. non desert) DPM Osprey vest has been issued to troops so far ? I can use the normal map to do some changes (ShadowNX did a fantastic job on the Russian flack jackets of his Russian troops mod), but the front and back pocket/pouches of the vest will just stay flat, not to mention I’m not as gifted as Shadow is with normal mapping. But will check what I can do because yes it’s strange to have British troops with US flack vests. Release date: Well, it will depend on your feedbacks mates and of the availability of UK weapons (or maybe I can release a beta version with US weapons).
  13. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Col. Faulkner wrote Exactly. There are tons of pre CS 95 DPM samples on the internet to be used as an inspiration. But as far as I can see the DPM-95 doesn't look very different except maybe the general tone seems more brown than yellowish. Btw all comments/advises/critics are welcome Marinecqc wrote Col. Faulkner wrote Good suggestions will think about it.
  14. plasman

    British Royal Marines

    Thanks your feedback mates Col. Faulkner Yes, a rather shocking beret indeed , don't tell the Queen. To McNools Noted, will do a little desaturation work. To Vilas Need a selfstanding weapons addon in order to include it in the zip or rar file together with the troops addon. Vilas if you're interested and have time to spare your help would be more than welcome, you already did a great job with the Steyr AUG . Fyg this reskin is based on the 1994 pattern.
  15. plasman

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Is anybody willing to do a stand alone addon of British weapons ? - SA80A2 assault rifle - SA80A2 + HK AG-36 grenade launcher - LSW (now used by marksmen) - L96 sniper rifle Would be very helpful
  16. plasman

    Racs UH60 FFAR/MG and M113 Ambulance Reskin

    Really nice reskin
  17. Thanks guys for all these nice feedbacks I fixed the screenshots of this thread (some of them were partly garbled) I'm currently working on version 1.1. which will include (by popular demand) a machinegunner and a AT Soldier and maybe a sniper (using ShadowNX/Skaven’s AWM once it is released). Maybe it will go unnoticed (well not anymore I hope:D) but I’ll will try to add some variety to the fatigues cammo patterns (in real life no camouflaged fatigue has exactly the same pattern) as well as helmet covers’. New screenshots of the work in progress :
  18. Coming (hopefuly) soon: New Zealand troops in DPM uniforms (using Vilas' Stey AUG addon, thanks again Vilas ) Screenshots: Rifleman You'll notice helmet covers have different cammo patterns SAS Trooper Grenadier Autorifleman Rifleman with mixed equipment (DPM flack vest and webbing over Desert DPM fatigues) Sources and useful links : NZ Army website: http://www.army.mil.nz/ NZ Army wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_Army
  19. alext223 wrote: Well, they might eventually come with an update (one day). But I didn’t want to make the file too big unnecessarily, the M240 (MAG) can be added to the autorifleman in the editor, same thing for the AA and AT weapons - the NZA uses the Javelin and the Carl Gustav (not modelized in the game). The weapon which is definitely missing however is the Accuracy International AW sniper rifle. I suggest you use the AWM from ShadowNX/Skaven's (must have) Russian Troops mod if you need to add a sniper rifle to your squad. alext223 wrote Wrong guess mate, try again
  20. Thanks vm mates. Coming fm the author of the stupendous Russian Marines and Paratroopers I really appreciate
  21. Pleased to learn it. Btw Paint Shop Pro VII's .tga files are readable by Texview (both versions), but not PSP IX's ones. It's odd.
  22. As a paint shop pro user a noticed a few things: The first version of Textview (made for OFP) decreased the pictures quality so it’s really a good thing Texview2 has been released. Paint Shop Pro doesn’t support 32 bits .tga (only 24 bits). Tga created under Paint Shop Pro XI are not readable by Texview2.
  23. plasman

    How do i change the name?

    You cannot, unless you un-pbo the file, tweak the config and the 3D files and then re-pbo the whole stuff. Why? Because the config draws a path to the 3D files and 3D files themselves draw paths to the .paa texture files, if you change the .pbo file’s name these paths are broken.
  24. A small retex of BIS original SLA model: Weathered Iraqi T-72 -------------------- You can download it at http://files.filefront.com//;7974683;;/ or here (Armaholic Mirror): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1584 Screenshots: -------------------------------------------- IRAQI T-72. By Plasman Version 1.1 ----------------------------- 1/ Description : Iraqi with Republican Guard T-72 MBT and crew. 2/ Installation : Just unzip the Iraqi_T-72.pbo file into the Addons folder of ArmA. 3/ The Iraqi T-72 can be found in the editor under : OPFOR - Iraqi Armored, for the T-72 and Iraqi Crewmen for the crew members 4/ Release notes/disclaimer: This addon is not an official BIS addon and is distributed without any warranty, so use it (in whole or in part) entirely at your own risk. This addon is a freeware and shall not be distributed/used (in whole or in part) for any commercial purpose. This addon may only be re-distributed in its entirety, complete with its "ReadMe" document. 5/ Download links: Iraqi_T72_V1_1.zip: http://files.filefront.com//;8215465;;/ Armaholic mirror : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1584 6/ Screenshots: Enjoy, Plasman
  25. Shameless plug : For those who might have missed them, Kiwis in Desert DPM fatigues are available HERE