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Everything posted by plasman

  1. plasman


    A single word : Awesome !
  2. plasman

    AT specialist.. is... "special"

    The reverse is also true for non AT soldiers : some of my soldiers have emptied entire ammo clips of 5.56 mm rounds firing at...BMPs. They kept firing and didn't take much attention to the "cease fire" order : they just stopped firing for a few seconds then started again, well at least those who had survived to the BMP's returning fire. Looks like AI soldiers have some problems with target priority.
  3. Btw I think there are already (some sort of) insurgents available : Vilas' nice guerillas at http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=752
  4. plasman

    Typhoon over Rahmadi

    Just to advise you that version 1.2 of Typhoon over Rahmadi has been released on Armaholic. Download link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=869 v1.2 changelog : - Improved the AI reactions - Corrected a bug regarding prisoners liberation - Improved the intro a bit - Corrected some English mistakes (thanks to Mandrake5 for his help) I took this opportunity to post some screenshots :
  5. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    changelog : Improved the civilian texture (he now wears a better looking UNHCR T-shirt and cap) Rotated the officier's berret pin (see herebelow picture) Added a AT soldier Project: Will add a rifleman with blue vest I'll be in vacations till next week. So do not expect any release soon. Hey, I've a family life too
  6. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    No, no, I think I’ve understood,…mostly Will tilt the UN symbol counter-clockwise a bit and experiment tweaking the Hue/Saturation settings as well. Thanks for your remarks both of you
  7. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    Working on it. Do not hesitate to post your suggestions.
  8. plasman

    Australian SAS

    Well VXR’s work is clearly more advanced than mine. I will just continue my retexturing job on the SAS for my own use and only release them if I think they are at least as good as VXR’s ones (which I doubt) or if they bring something new or different.
  9. plasman

    UN Troops

    Rumours about the deployment of international troops under the blue flag in Sahrani : I’m working on generic (no specific country) UN soldiers in olive drab uniforms. I just wanted to show you several screenshots of the Alpha version to seek some feedback from the forum. No release date yet, there is still a lot of work to do and some issues with the textures, the funniest one being that although the flashy blue helmets look fine in daylight they glow in the dark when night comes I also have several other problems to solve (folks on the forum might help me here) : 1/ I figured out (lots of trials and errors) how to edit the config files, skinning is no problem (I created myself some templates based on the RACS pilot’s skins), but I really don’t know how to edit the P3D files ? 2/ Do you know a good site where to easily upload mods ? (cannot send around 40 Mb by email). Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. plasman

    UN Troops

    I’ve retextured the UN civilian a bit (I think he looks better). He will be included in future fixes of the addon.
  11. plasman

    Australian SAS

    The SASR me and Peanut are working on are allmost completed. The reason they are not released yet is because they will be packed together with the Regular Australian Infantry. Along with the Aus Reg. Inf. there will be also aus UN troops. At this moment I have internet problems at home so I can't show any progress on the units. Sorry I didn't know you were working on the SAS too and they were nearing completion. Your troops look awesome (better and more realistic than mine).
  12. plasman

    nageurs de combats !!

    I can see its French yes, but other than you might think not everyone can speak or understand a single word of French. Now I know I could go out there, use a translater and hope its translated correctly and if not make a fool of myself naming them wrong. But I figured since this is an English forum someone would tell me what this means............. But I will sort it out myself, seems asking for something is to much. Doesnt matter where they are from nope indeed for many I guess, but I prefer to make a mission where I set all details with units and other stuff at least a tiny bit as much as I can correctly. Anyway, the units look really good to me. I hope I can use them sometime , great work astradeus [EDIT] For anyone who also would like to know a bit more: They are the French counterparts to the US Navy SEALs, British SBS or Italian COMSUBIN. For mission creation purpose they can, aside from the French FAMAS (not yet available), be armed with MP5, M4, M249 (Minimi), G-3 (see Vilas’ beautiful addon) or Sig SG-551 (I hope this one will be released soon) among others.
  13. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    I left a message to the guys at Armaholic, and they kindly accepted to host the addon. Here is better link for dowloading the file (abt 30 Mb) : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=979
  14. plasman

    Australian SAS

    Argh! You’re right. The hat I've done is OK but the BDU’s spots are way too small. I’ll have to fix that. Thanks for this remark Stewy Regarding the desert Auscam I’ve noticed something odd both in ArmA and the photos of Australian soldiers I have seen (or more likely its the very purpose of this cammo, and in this case it proves Auscam works well even in ArmA, which is btw a good point for the game engine) : under bright sun the cammo tends to turn a bit white/yellowish while pinkish/purple at dawn/dusk. Could someone confirm it?
  15. plasman

    UN Soldiers by plasman

    Thanks your feedback Balschoiw Well it depends of the countries involved (French troops almost never wear UN lettering on their helmets for example). And there is already an addon with UN marked helmets around (Mailman653's one with stupendous Brazilian and Pakistanis troops), I wanted mine to look different. I've seen pictures of French UN troops with blue boonie hats. True. French troops actually employed snipers (to good use) in Lebanon (then Bosnia) and are even deploying heavy armours in Lebanon nowadays. Actually I didn't include heavy weapons to make sure UN troops in Sahrani would be outgunned most of the time (this makes a better challenge for the players).
  16. plasman

    UN Troops

    The UN troops have been released earlier than expected (Beta version). See the following post HERE
  17. plasman

    UN Troops

    Thanks your remark, I fully agree with you, I plan to add some dust on helmets in the future, but for the moment I'm concentrating on the main features, will add finishing touches afterward.
  18. plasman

    Any Dutch working on:

    Great , the Lowlands Warrior Mod was one of my favourite OFP mod.
  19. plasman

    International Sahrani Force

    Another thought : freddern’s arm patch/crest is great not doubt about it, however logically the peace keeping force is supposed to be neutral. Therefore I'm not sure that putting the South Sarahni coat of arms on the patch would be realistic : Imagine KFOR troops wearing shoulder patches with a Serbian or Kosovan flag on it : the best way to anger both parties.
  20. plasman

    UN Troops

    Well, thanks, but it’s not all done yet. Here is a screenshot of the medic. Just a red cross shoulder patch added to a regular soldier, you’ll say. But believe it or not it took me hours to do it. Yup I’m that slooooow. Best expected release date : late March / early April. Thanks your patience folks.
  21. plasman

    International Sahrani Force

    Just a thought. In the politically correct world of ours I’m not sure a peace keeping force with “SS†in its name would be accepted by the politicians (well OK ArmA is not the real world anyway). Furthermore it seems NATO forces tend to adopt short and easily pronounceable names such as ISAF, KFOR or SFOR. Taking this into account SAFOR is my favourite (short and easy to pronounce by the troops and locals)
  22. I have a problem with 3DP files editing. I just want to change the paths to textures but it doesn't work : I Created a UN_Soldiers folder And a sub folder called data were I put the texture files I have a config file which looks like that : I also have 3 3DP files : us_soldier_ar, us_soldier_g and, us_soldier_g which were the game basic models I tried to edit the 3DP file. Using the "replace all" function of Hex Editor to create a new path to the textures. For example I replaced ca\characters\data\us_soldier_spec_two_co.paa ca\characters\data\war_co.paa by UN_Soldiers\data\us_soldier_spec_two_co.paa UN_Soldiers\data\war_co.paa in the 3DP file (13 occurences) I did it for the 3 3DP files just replacing ca\characters by UN_Soldiers. I compressed the folder under .pbo formatand and put the UN_Soldiers.pbo into the ArmA addOns folder. Then I started the game an tried to create a mission in the editor. But once I try to put the units into the editor I get a crash to desktop with an "out of memory error". Could anybody help ? Thanks in advance.
  23. plasman

    3DP files editing - Help!

    Thanks again for your help Sander
  24. plasman

    3DP files editing - Help!

    Thanks for your help.