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About predator887

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. predator887

    Jerky gameplay online

  2. predator887

    Jerky gameplay online

    i have the exact same problem has anyone found a solution edit note that i did a bit of research myself and found that i keep getting a portscan attack on port 2302 which from what ive read is the exact port ArmA uses to play, strangely enough the attacking IP is my own and it names my PC as the attacker, i disabled and even uninstalled norton 2007 but it didnt improve it (also note that the attacks only seem to happen while in the ArmA server list) system specs intel core2 duo 2x2.93GHZ 2GB Ram 8800GTX Â card running on a 20mb broadband connection runs SP pretty much flawlessly on highest settigns and ran MP well until recently, nothing significant has changed in my setup that would account for the difference. any suggestions are welcome
  3. predator887

    Anti AI cheat mode

    well maybe if ArmA had been delayed as long as stalker was then the AI would be better AI in ArmA is fine for the type of open combat that in the game, like anything theres always room for improvement but i dont see it as a major issue
  4. predator887

    May?!? Good lord I can't wait!!

    ive heard nothing but bad things about downloading games from the internet from companies like sprocket
  5. predator887

    Removing map waypoints

    is it possible to remove a waypoint on the map, sometimes you will put down the loaction of certain enemies on the map but once there gone is it possible to remove the marker?
  6. predator887

    Performance Loss 1.02 - 1.05

    strange to have a patch that reduces performance instead of improving it.
  7. predator887

    Securom problem

    Solved problem solved by putting a newer DVD drive into my machine, so i guess the other DVD couldnt handle the copy protection
  8. predator887

    ArmA at Max settings

    funny cause i have heard nothing but bad stuff about that 9800 card and also it kept crashing my machine. i know of a good 3 or 4 people that had that card and not one that didnt have problems with it, never had the same problems with nvidia.
  9. predator887

    Arma Community

    like all tactical coop games join or play with a serious coop clan to get the best out of this game
  10. predator887

    Securom problem

    thats my next step, i plan to put in another DVD drive that i have in another computer cause i also have a free space for it but i just wanted to see if there was anything else it could be cause i havent quite got round to doing that yet but your right that seems like the most sensible thing to do next aslo thx dirty larry, ill keep that one in the back of my mind for later if things are still not working but before there are other things i will try, also i believe this is a problem caused by the 1.05 patch so could be solved by the 1.06 patch any idea on elease date or is it likely to be when the US version is released in a months time
  11. predator887

    ArmA at Max settings

    if im correct the e6600 has 2x 2.4GHz processors. Â Dual core computers only can be used to there full potential f the cores are performing multiple processor intensive tasks at once or if the game is set up for multithreading. Â so effectively the best you can do is dedicate one 2.4GHz processor to running the game and 1 to all the system processes but even that from what i have read isnt any guarantee of coming anywhere close to maximising the power of the dual cores. me however, i will go for the X6800 which is 2x 2.93 GHz so while thats not a huge amount better im hoping it will be enough when combined with the 8800GTX and im betting a load of RAM should help so i will have 2GB basic with room to increase that btw im well aware of the power supply requirements and have a suitable PSU lined up
  12. predator887

    ArmA at Max settings

    thx for all your input thats what i mean, one guy says of course i can run it on max and the last poster says that i cant so what is the reality. i get a bad feeling that it might be a compromise that it runs well in certain areas on maxed out settings but not always which would be dissapointing as for the CPU i am going with that setup regardless anyway, got a price and im happy with the cost for what im getting besides thats not really what im interested in discussing. i plan to put in a second graphics card later on so im concenttrating on getting as good a processor as i can cause its typically harder to upgrade, may not be value for money but i can live with it oh and the idea of quad cores that cant run it is deciecving, what are the values of each individual core cause remember ArmA doesnt support multi threading so a single more powerful processor is probably more effective than having 2 less powerful processors another reason to get as powerful individual processors as possible
  13. predator887

    ArmA at Max settings

    Im looking to buy a new PC partly because the time is right and partly because i wanna play Armed Assault at close to the maximum settings. the PC im looking at has the following specs and will cost me a lot of money Intel Core2duo extreme X6800 2x2.93GHz 2GB Corsair DDR 2 Ram 8800 GTX with 768MB RAM surely i will be able to run this game at maxed out settings on a PC as good as this (cant buy much better at the moment)but i read reports that this isnt true , and also how does it run on Vista? thx
  14. predator887

    Securom problem

    basically after i updated to v1.05 the dvd drive only recognises ArmA intermittenly, other times its as if the disc hasnt even been inserted. Â it usually isnt recognised after i have been using my DVD drive a lot to play other games before i insert the disc. Â i dont think i have any programs that ArmA would consider illegal ,i have been told it could be a problem with my DVD-rom but it works with every other game or DVD without fail so i dont see it being that and i have emailed securom customer support but as you can imagine thats taking a while, so anyone have any ideas? PS: and yes i have used the search function and found similar topics with useful information but none of it helps me fix my problem
  15. predator887


    Does this game support dual core technolgy? Obviously it will run on machines that have dual cores but does it have the hyperthreading (i think thats what it is called) technology to allow it to take full advantage of the dual cores like for example R6 Vegas?