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Everything posted by phoen!x

  1. phoen!x

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    it is a hidden warning and means there is a submarine in position in front of BIS studios waiting for orders from the hackers! I guess ... ^^
  2. phoen!x

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    this is either the longly expected revenge for Osama Bin Ladens death :biggrin: or those guys are simply retarded ...
  3. hi, I noticed that when the game stops to save it looks much better. No idea what happens then but the contrast is much higher. It is just one second. I think this is because all the crappy light effects get turned off during the saving. Is it possible to restore this appearance and disable the light effects ?
  4. in which file are the ppeffects ? Do I need to extract something ?
  5. phoen!x

    Arma2 Black Edition

    hey, I saw in GERMAN Amazon there is a new Version of the Arma2 game out. It is called Black Edition. Inkl. aktuellstem Update (1.05) Bonus Mini-Kampagne `Eagle Wing´ Bonus Helikopter Add-On AH-64 D Neuer Multiplayer Modus (`When Diplomacy Fails´) KI Optimierung und Balancing (verbesserte Kampfkooperation, verbesserte Situationserfassung, neuer Sperrfeuer-Befehl) Performance-Optimierung (insbes. in großen Städten) Behebung von Kompatibilitätsproblemen Verbesserte Schadens- und Treffererkennung Behebung diverser Absturz-Fehlerquellen Linux Server Support But this new version costs 56 Euro and Arma2 standard costs 16 ! Do I have to buy the same game twice ? And are there differences in multiplayer ????? Similar in UK Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/ArmA-II-Pc/dp/B002CUVXWU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1270576624&sr=8-1
  6. phoen!x

    Arma2 Black Edition

    yup, Black Market Edition would hit it more ^^
  7. phoen!x

    Arma2 Black Edition

    thanks very much !
  8. hi, I d like to get a unit into arma. I already have skins and meshes. But what do I also need to make it working ingame ? I know I need to create a pbo but which are the needed files and does it need adjustments in any other game files ? Besides I have to use arma1 for a conversion and then arma2. That would be the next question how do I get units from arma1 to arma2 ? thx
  9. uh, yeah Thx. I usually don t see those mistakes :banghead:
  10. hey, I have a problem when I try to the import the Satellite & Mask. after I select the mask_lco.png comes this error message: ("can t save...") (this is the Tutorial file)
  11. phoen!x

    Skinning tutorial

    ok guys, pretty funny. You got me there. So where s the real skinning thread ? Or where else can I get the information ?
  12. phoen!x

    Skinning tutorial

    Hello, The links in the post above don t work for me, also are the pictures not displayed.