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  1. people

    free speach

    im very unhappy with the way certain moderators abuse there powers and come over all im mutch more clever than you .my first language is german but thats ot the point is it. and i have observed you like to lock posts when you have no answers especially placebo dont you think the people that buy this game deserve more than thats it shut up type shit check ur attitude mod 1
  2. people

    Comparisons between ArmA and BF2

    u play bf2 shame on you id rather go mow my patchy lawn hehehe
  3. people

    Comparisons between ArmA and BF2

    the latest vidio footage defo looks like bf2 when soilder holds the gun i think. but ofp overtones shine through
  4. people

    William Porter's Blog

    maybe ur dumb or u didnt check it or ur super inteligent hmmm
  5. people

    William Porter's Blog

    i think the real wil porter is this guy check it BIS u have deputy editor of pc zone http://www.zonegames.co.uk/ will the real will porter pls stand up
  6. people

    Latest screenshots available

    im from shitville excuse my bad pr and englosh i herd 1 time a game called ofp it was good then jethrow said lets make a better 1 that nobdy nows about ok i said but what about the public he said ??
  7. people

    ArmA Progress Updates

    heheh nice try
  8. people

    ArmA Progress Updates

    has not been releasing screenshots because they don't want fans to see too much of the game before it is released. This takes away from the overall experience of playing the game, and more specifically, it makes sure the fans are surprised while playing the game