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Everything posted by pokletu

  1. Yeah, that ugly pallor that for some strange reason appears INTENTIONALLY added on top of the renderer, in order to make everything bland. That. Get rid of it please. KThnxBai.
  2. pokletu

    Get rid of the Yellow Tinge to the world.

    It's not Post Processing. Mine's off. It's what's added to each frame at the end of each render(I think), but before what's been separated into the togglable 'post processing'. By the way, sorry for the moodiness of my original post. I think they put it in there because sunlight is mostly yellow(as a painter, I'm particularly aware of that). It's a failed strategy, though, because objects don't reflect just yellow, they reflect what they don't absorb, yadda, yadda. All you "realism" nuts could do some research by getting off your realistic computer and go hiking. The real world's colors are far more vibrant than even what this absolutely-flawless-so-never-criticize-it simulator 'simulates'. The sky refracts BLUE to you; without any yellow toning it down. If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, the absence of it can be seen when you enter a scripted savegame, for instance. They drop the yellow just for a moment when they print, "Saving Game". They continue their (IMHO) bad strategy of lighting contrast ratios. It seems to me that they want to simulate the blazing sunlight-to-pitch, utter blackness in their lighting model, whereas it will be drawn on computer monitors sometimes with a contrast ratio as low as 800:1! It doesn't work. The monitor is not sunlight, and in real life, people can actually see where they're going when the sun's out, notwithstanding the sun blur, which is still overstated in this ga -uh, simulator. EDIT: Hence the washed-out look of the game, in addition to the added yellowness. I'm a fan of the series, and that's why I'm posting, btw. Hoping to convice the devs of it. It's the forum for a game still in development, after all. Haters gonna hate, I guess, nonetheless. I just wanna see this one of the aspects that get improvement...
  3. Thanks, NoUse, I'm gonna go find that...:)
  4. BIS's games have always had this washed-out look to them. I've noticed, lately, however, that when an AUTOSAVE happens, all the colors are vibrant, just for a sec. That suggests to me that the engine is capable of rendering deep colors, but maybe the hokey sunshine shaders ruin it, or something. Is there any way that that could be fixed?
  5. I've got those optimum.
  6. That's a good suggestion, thanks, but I can't adjust the color settings PER GAME, like I can the 3d settings. I'm also running an nvidia board. It's just too much to change that much stuff just to play a video game. If I could set it up automatically, that's another story. Notwithstanding driver workarounds, is there any way to change the game this way?
  7. I can't either. Native English speaker. It didn't install for everybody.
  8. I don't have ANYTHING mentioned. The patch gave an error, and now it says, WRONGLY, that I'm running 1.56. No new map, vehicles, campaign, faction...
  9. Well, I have steam, and have downloaded the patch. I got one error message, "could not create..." and then the game launched. It's now 1.56, but the campaign, which I was looking forward to, isn't there, no matter how many times I verify the game files. How do I get the campaign?
  10. pokletu

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    I've had a crash to desktop, and a complete computer lockup after installing this beta! Also, before it locked up, the grass in the foreground of the demo screen(the one with the 3 scud trucks) were blue.
  11. pokletu

    ArmA II focusing too much on realism?

    I agree with NkEnNy, also. The story made you care about the game, I think. Not mentioned was the fact that only later in OFP did you have to command the squad. I think there was alot of fun and immersion in just being a little PFC following orders and staying in formation. I remember being worried about how competent my sargeant was as we entered that first town, in the campaign. I think that BIS should really back up and look at the playability of the game. Keep the realism 10000%. That's why we're here. The fan base would be much larger, though, if it were more PLAYABLE. EVERYBODY wants realism. Bad Company 2's most popular servers run hardcore mode, because, pathetically, maybe, they find it more realistic. How about a NORMAL, first-person-shooter way of switching between weapons via the interface? All the animations can remain in place. I didn't say carry more weapons, either. I know how we all hate bunny-hopping jumpers, but even the 'vault-over-obstacle' implementation doesn't overcome how awkward and clumsy it is to run around in this series. It's gotta be easier to move around than it is. I do think they've brushed on the interface, a little, with how when you face, say, a helicoper door, you get that gun position symbol, etc. THAT is what they need, more than content. The interface. If you could play the in the game world, instead of spend your energy on the game's interface and awkwardness, this game would be a AAA-blockbuster, and actually fun.
  12. Is there a way of getting the centered hud without it being 12:3? I use 3 monitors that are each 16:10; making my aspect ratio 48:10. I find alot of problems keeping the aspect ratio at that only option. Thanks.
  13. pokletu

    Question for TrippleHead2Go users

    You can define custom resolutions, so that the view carries over to your periphery, but I don't think that you'll have a consistent image; like following a straight line down your barrel, for instance. I have both, also, but with 3 identical monitors. It's really awesome.
  14. Hi, guys, I have the steam version. The first several times I started the game, I saw the LHD with all the planes, ect. Now, I'm under the surface of the water, and hear birds, lol... If I start a mission and go back to the main menu, everything is as it should be again. Anyone know what's going on, and how to stop this from happening? Thanks!!
  15. pokletu

    Mini-map on hud?

    is there any way to move the compass, gps, watch, etc, around when not in the map?
  16. I tried USING it, since this is a new install(Track IR 5 actually fried my motherboard, and I had to rebuild everything...). I don't see a difference between the paramater and not using it.
  17. pokletu

    Map & Waypoints

    Oh, wow!! I didn't think that was possible since OFP. I've been really missing that ability!! Thanks!!
  18. pokletu

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    I think I've found an approach; at least for Nvidia users(there maybe a coincidence, since I've messed with a bunch of settings, EVERYWHERE). Remembering that those LOD's are called mipmaps, I went into my Nvidia settings; and for the Arma 2 profile, I set "Force Mipmaps" to "Trilinear". Now, I don't really know what the bi/trilinear deal is, but my thought was to force the higher resolution textures. It appears to have worked, though. I almost NEVER have those texture readings, anymore. ////////////////////////////// and an aside, I've also downloaded the evga sli enhancer, which more than DOUBLED my FPS. I play in triplehead @3840x720, both settings, and almost everywhere I get about 22 fps(not great, but for the resolution....) The enhancer set my Arma 2 profile to "Nvidia Recommended-SLI". It has to be there; dunno why. I usually set to "Force Split Frame Rendering". I am able to run "low" antialiasing, "high" video memory, and everything else, including postprocessing, at normal for my 22fps. 2x8800gt w/512; AMD 6600+@3.06; 2 gb Kingston Ram; 3x22" monitors in triplehead. Hope this helps.
  19. Watching the new trailer, I can't pick out anything that would suggest that they now have animation channels in their models(run while reloading, for instance; or stand up from prone binoculars in one motion, he he ) Looks like they added MORE animations, like the hand-signals; and stepping over the fence. That won't replace smooth movement, though. They're going down a bad avenue to have the engine look so nice 'n' shiny, now, if they haven't adressed this. IMHO, this was THE gamebreaker for ARMA(not that there weren't other nails in it's coffin). BIS, adress your animation systems!
  20. pokletu

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    Hey guys, Actually, I have the best performance I've ever seen with patch 1.11!! My card is only a GF7950GT, and I run it in TripleHead. Even my wife, who is clueless to games, noticed the HUGE difference in performance. Maybe individual milage will vary, but to me, it's a whole new game!! Not sure if this was introduced in 1.11 or not; maybe it's only noticeable, since the game is so much more playable, but in the mission, "The Great Battle", when flying the Super Cobra, it's now nearly impossible to direct the gunner to a new target. Grats on a great patch, though, BIS!!
  21. Hi, guys, I downloaded the game on May 1, the moment it was released, pretty much, from Atari's Digital River thing. I have installed a new Windows XP on my new "F" drive, whereas my old Windows was(is, actually) on "C". I copied my "Launch Arma" shortcut from my old desktop folder onto my new one, and doubleclicked it. Instead of the game, it brought up the activation console window. I entered those values correctly, I'm pretty sure, and the window seemed to take them, and launched the game. Upon the game's launch, right after the Atari splash, it shuts down, with a message box appearing, saying "Bad serial number given during setup". I don't have the drive space to make another install, but I do have all the files in my C:\temp folder; where it downloaded to. I don't how to edit the registry, though I do know how to look through it with the regedit.exe. To my understanding, that's the magic behind install wizards, though, right? What they put in there? Can someone tell me how to copy the keys from my "C" Windows, to my "F" windows, so that it also points to the game correctly? Thanks alot!!
  22. pokletu

    Queen's Gambit

    Hey, guys, I'm always here, but I rarely post. I've waited for someone else to bring it up, but I've seen nothing... On Gamespot.com, ARMA: Queen's Gambit was announced; with no details, but a few screenshots. It's gonna be an expansion to the current game; not a new one. Some of the pics suggest an improvement in the animation system....Makes me kinda skeptical, but.... Anyone got word on this?? Sorry if this is old news or in the wrong place or anything.
  23. pokletu

    Stryker Issue W/ Flat Tires

    I haven't with the Stryker, but I can tell you with the BRDM, and I doubt it's realistic: In that campaign mission where you have to defend the beach, those 2 BRDMs come from behind. I couldn't do anything with them, so I unloaded a clip and a half from my M4 into a tire, immobilizing it. They all dismounted and I was able to kill off their whole crew.