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Everything posted by petteerr

  1. About surrendering i have f5 the module with some groups or a groupo but they never surrender! I may saw one member at a battle standing down with his weapon lay down,but when enemy see him they shoout at him! The surrender action isnt with hands up or sth?
  2. How does "transport" works when i call,there is no hq confirmation or anything as other requests, how can i call it>?
  3. I still cant do it,i have put surrender module on map but i cant make units surrender yet!Everyone fight till death,they are very fanatics..lol Is there a mission which demonstrate this function?
  4. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    Yes its the name of the second moduler i use! ACM=BIS(1ST Module on map)f5 with one rifleman bluefor ACM=BISS(2ND module on map)f5 with one rifleman opfor Its like the program see only the first module...or what? I also tried to make a new initT with the second module(lines) again nothing...
  5. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    so saying... did anybody managed to use support for two fanctions with different values?? anyone...?? I tried this with two acm modules(one init sqf) waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bIS_ACM, 40, 80] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [["USMC"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; waitUntil {!isNil {BISS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BISS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BISS_ACM is module name [1, BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bISS_ACM, 40, 80] call BISS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [["RU"], BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.6, BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.2, 0.5, BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 1, BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0, BISS_ACM] call BISS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; but it didnt worked.
  6. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    Trini_scourge, If we want to use support for 2 fanctions with different intensity values..etc?
  7. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    [["USMC"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; I have tried just this but spawn blufor and opfor as weell :((bmp2green,and mi8red)in a test! One rifleman with nothing around whats wrong??
  8. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    Can someone help to create an ACM for one specific fanction setting predefined intensity,and distance code for a specific fanction??
  9. petteerr

    Ambient Combat Module

    If i want to create a mission which acm will get me support(CDF) with intensity 0.6,40 to 90 meters from reference object what should i do? Also where do i put the codes of the first page,to the acm or to the team leader???(initialization) Reference point is the name of team leader? Hope someone could help thanks..
  10. Hi, I just wanted to ask how can we create missions with artillery support(mortar and mlrs)? Also how can we create various squads and we become high command as tutorial? Do we need scripts or anything?
  11. DaveP, Thanks for the info,for me it worked,but it would be very usefull if sometime we could have a mission(tutorial) with virtual and real artillery explained!!! i was wondering can AI have artillery support? :)
  12. Headspace, Could you please post a mission showing us how to use at least virtual artillery?I have tried to use it as your tutorial but i cant make it!
  13. petteerr

    [Editor] Questions

    Hi, Is there a manual about creating game logic,particular can someone help me create a game locic artillery sytem as its on headspace tutorial at biki? Could someone send me a mission using artillery and game logic examples? Thanks. petteerr@hotmail.com
  14. hi Headspace, thanks for the info,unfortunately i dont have much experiences on these!Especially game logic! Could you please email me a mission using the instructions as you explain on wikipedia!!!!?In such a mission i could see exactly what you do and using the wikipedia i hope i could understand better! I would appreciate... I have sent you my email to your private messages
  15. petteerr

    Chemical weapons.

    Hey guys,hi, i just wonder how about some chemical weapons.(mustard,phosgene...etc) Imagine fighting in a dusk of chemical weapons, wearing mask.(mopp). Â Â Â would you like that? Â
  16. petteerr

    Chemical weapons.

    Ohh, Thanks Major Gripe. As you know the brain mostly works by chemical reactions,so i consider your last post as a compliment. What about you, do you have a chemical brain, of course i suppose you are not a machine with batteries,who need charge,so i suppose you have a chemical brain too. Let me tell you sth, i dont have intentions of being aggressive or pretent the clever guy who i know everything and i allways have sth clever to say.I will never again answer to "compliments" like yours. I just have an idea about the game, and i wanted to share with all of you.Moreover its not me who will decide for the game,(but all of you and the designers) iam just a customer who will pay for that game, and i just thought that maybe it could be nice if we could have this feature.Also as you said many guys out there try to make scripts for chemicals, but ,do everybody know to use scripts?,is it so simple to find and use?is that enough???.So like me there are many more chemical brains out there. I would like to thanks the moderators and this site for the opportunity they give me to express my ideas and my thoughts,wrong or good(ideas), everybody tries to do the best for this game.So do i. Kind Regards Petteerr.
  17. petteerr

    Chems, yes or no?(poll)

    Having the ability to use chemical weapons in this game i think it will be very interesting. With the right amount ,there is much you can do with them, maybe you could delay enemy lines, make them incapable of reacting for some time(so you must do hurry). Lets say there is a terrorist leader you would like to catch ALIVE, you could use chemicals to make him and his army useless for some time, then you could sent a specs forces team,or vehicle(apcs,tanks etc) to arrest him.(just dont forget they sould have mopp uniforms, be aware of mopp enemy troops or by enemy vehicles capable to chemical warfare, IF there are any).:) Close to this territory are they any other soldiers of yours? be aware of the amount and type of chemicals you will use,you must have good informations by your specs forces,no mistake here, be sure for the point of attack:) Also i cant forget about one year ago what happened to the Russia, with the georgian terrorists,and the Russian commandos, we had use of chemicals there,i think this game can offer simulated combats with similar scenarios.(make incapable terrorist army and catch the leader alive, you dont want to risk many losses,use the advantage of quick surprise attack to make useless a whole army or a big team, so use chemicals instead) I think even if we cant have chems in a campaign or single missions, we could use them in the mission editor, there are many missions you can think using chems.!! Does anyone of you have heard about poison bullets?? .........
  18. petteerr

    Chemical weapons.

    Having the ability to use chemical weapons in this game i think it will be very interesting. With the right amount ,there is much you can do with them, maybe you could delay enemy lines, make them incapable of reacting for some time(so you must do hurry). Lets say there is a terrorist leader you would like to catch ALIVE, you could use chemicals to make him and his army useless for some time, then you could sent a specs forces  team,or vehicle(apcs,tanks etc) to arrest him.(just dont forget they sould have mopp uniforms, be aware of mopp enemy troops or by enemy vehicles capable to chemical warfare, IF there are any).:) Close to this territory are they any other soldiers of yours? be aware of the amount and type of chemicals you will use,you must have good informations by your specs forces,no mistake here, be sure for the point of attack:) Also i cant forget about one year ago what happened to the Russia, with the georgian terrorists,and the Russian commandos, we had use of chemicals there,i think this game can offer simulated combats with similar scenarios.(make incapable terrorist army and catch the leader alive, you dont want to risk many losses,use the advantage of quick surprise attack to make useless a whole army or a big team, so use chemicals instead) I think even if we cant have chems in a campaign or single missions, we could use them in the mission editor, there are many missions you can think using chems.!! Does anyone of you have heard about poison bullets??  ......... img]http://www.hood.army.mil/4ID_4th_FSB/images/soldiers%20in%20mopp%204.JPG[/img]
  19. petteerr

    Chems, yes or no?(poll)

    A chemical weapon utilizes a manufacturered chemical to incapacitate, harm, or kill people. Strictly speaking, a chemical weapon relies on the physiological effects of a chemical, so agents used to produce smoke or flame, as herbicides, or for riot control, are not considered to be chemical weapons. Although certain chemical weapons can be used to kill large numbers of people (i.e., as weapons of mass destruction), other weapons are designed to injure or terrorize people. In addition to having potentially horrific effects, chemical weapons are of great concern because they are cheaper and easier to manufacture and deliver than nuclear or biological weapons. Chemical agents may be released as tiny droplets, similar to the action of a bug bomb used to release insecticide. For a chemical weapon to cause harm, it must come in contact with the skin or mucous membranes, be inhaled, or be ingested. The activity of the chemical agent depends on its concentration. In other words, below a certain level of exposure, the agent won't kill. Below a certain level of exposure, the agent won't cause harm, just make you uneffective for a couple of hours, or more.
  20. petteerr

    Chems, yes or no?(poll)

    You said bad Reputation? I dont think so, its a combat simulation game,and chems are weapons as any other military weapons, thats not bad. Reputation, maybe,yes it will be sth strange, first time in games such ofp(we could use chemicals)and quess what, reputation, this is good for the designers.(i hope so ,hehe) Bad or good, the reputation is very important for the games, it makes you to want to "taste" the game by curiocity this makes them the best.(its my poor opinion). Anyway, its up to the designers and i do trust them a lot, i will accept anything they will decide,it will be a great game.
  21. petteerr

    Chemical weapons.

    Hi guys, i was just thinking if you would like to wear mask and uniform(mopp), trying to protect from chemical weapons.(ex: mustard,phosgene). The symptoms are very painful. Imagine trying to fight in a chemical dust, what if you dont have the right equipment?(hehe). Even if you had, you cant even see what is happening around you,maybe some dead animals or innocent civilians,who by bad luck were in the wrong place the wrong time.!!(try not to shoot some of them if they still alive). Vehicles, are we safe there? Thats the idea, what do you think guys?
  22. petteerr

    Chems, yes or no?(poll)

    Hi guys, i was just thinking if you would like to wear mask and uniform(mopp), trying to protect from chemical weapons.(ex: mustard,phosgene). The symptoms are very painful. Imagine trying to fight in a chemical dust, what if you dont have the right equipment?(hehe). Even if you had, you cant even see what is happening around you,maybe some dead animals or innocent civilians,who by bad luck were in the wrong place the wrong time.!!(try not to shoot some of them if they still alive). Vehicles, are we safe there? Thats the idea, what do you think guys?
  23. Chems, Yes or No?