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Everything posted by pang

  1. pang

    New bas thread

    man... it´s already heartattack causing close  whenever i visit the BAS page and the browser isnt finished loading it, my heart beats in an life threating, breathtakingly rythm. even faster than an m134  nah, seriously use the time to iron out some of the last bugs on the mh60 and/ or JAM. btw: are the rangers and deltas already be able to use jam ammo? no, this needs an updated bas_weap.pbo right? one more thing, because i cant resist:  how about a lil´ tiny preview screen, that gives us more motivation in preparing some cool mh60 mission? edit: *remembers the last "lil´tiny preview screen"* whaaaaa hang on!!! i mean a FULL preview screenshot!!!
  2. pang

    New bas thread

    no, i tried every possible variations, like FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE%202003-07-23%2144-24-11-71.jpg FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE%201003-07-26%2017-24-17-71.jpg FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE%201003-07-22%2341-24-12-82.jpg FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE%201003-07-26%2017-24-17-71a.jpg FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE%201003-07-26%2017-24-17-71b.jpg and THEN!!! BINGO!!! my browser showed me something different, after seeing the "file not found" screen for 3weeks seriously, the screen was posted in the combat photography thread  some days ago
  3. pang

    New bas thread

    are all goggles going to be non- tinted like on this delta image or is it just temporary? actually i like it the way it look on this screen
  4. pang

    Spetsnaz co-op missions

    there´s even a whole spetznaz mp campaign  hang on, looking for d/l link... edit: naguals missions database but the link doesnt work though
  5. pang

    New bas thread

    funny to see, where the US are searching for saddam
  6. pang

    Dune buggy addon

    i think so too maybe BIS thought that you couldn´t see the tires from 1st person anyways and didnt make them spin. again, its BIS to blaim and not the addon creator (glück gehabt, PSC)
  7. pang

    Dune buggy addon

    hell, i like this buggy! just one small bug i noticed so far: the wheels dont turn in 1st person view its not really a big deal at all, as you can hardly see them from the cockpit anyways. but i just wanted to let you know
  8. pang

    Dune buggy addon

    wow outstanding work (as always, dude )! i like the tire- descriptions... oh and the website for the buggy is very very nice. who made it?
  9. pang

    New bas thread

    sry  i was asking if there are several ah60dap versions for the weapon layouts, like: *ah60dap- ffar w/ minigun *ah60dap- hellfire w/ m203 and so on or are all weapons on one chopper? actually i have a whole bunch of old missions waiting for the mh60a since ages... if i´d know about the versions, i´d be easier to modify the missions for the mh60 release Â
  10. pang

    Anyone made a stryker iav

    wasn´t op northstar making similar ones?
  11. pang

    New bas thread

    *puts hand in front of forehead* *faints* so, is this all included on one carrier or are there several version?
  12. hey buggs just curious: how´s the work comming along? when you guys said, that a lot of buildings would be added/ replaced (?) by new models, does this also mean, that a major part of the mainisland is going to change too?
  13. pang

    New bas thread

    oh boy... there´s someone beeing in lack of optimism... check this out from tigersharks news on bas site: think about it...
  14. pang

    New bas thread

    1/\/\40 this guy is brilliant ok back on topic... uuhhhm. oh right, there´s no bas member here, so however...
  15. pang

    New bas thread

    l337 = ha><0r typing for "elite"  actually this ha><0r stuff is the most funniest thing i´ve ever red  all those names like "3eR5eRk4" or "20d14C 6uRu"...  you can even switch your [edit]google[/edit]- language to hacker
  16. nice to see a new patch coming could you please have a look at the oh58 laserdesignator bug in mp games, if you find any free time for that?
  17. yes, mr military is right. this seems to be be a cover, thanks for advise... now shashman still wants the red nose to be removed actually i dont care, as long as the missile kicks shilka asses... but it even makes them look more dangerous why not make a v1.4 update just for this reason with a missile nose with a shark jar painted on it?
  18. pang

    Mi-28 n beta released

    wow, this is one outstanding chopper so far unfortunately i cant give you guys any MP feedback atm, coz we hadnt have any chance to play it on our server, but it seems to work very well in sp mode just one thing: could you please increase the range of the rotorsound? you can barely hear it from 500m.
  19. *cough* the amraams ARE white tipped... you mean the HARM missiles, which are actually red nosed  some of them seem to have a white nose aswell great update, runs on our server and works very well Â
  20. pang

    Ballistic addon studios

    actually amusing but not funny at all.... ridiculous kids go out and get a live!
  21. pang

    Ballistic addon studios

    i´d be great to have a similar feature for the ah60 like the CoC torpedoes have: using a script to define the weapon payloads: ie: [ah60] exec "8xhellfire.sqs" or [ah60]exec "hydra&30mm.sqs"
  22. pang

    Ballistic addon studios

    if you´d stop acting like an 8year old who cant sleep the night before christmas, the bas guys wouldnt have to reply "we want to surprise you guys on the blackhawk" for the 10000time to posts like this this way they could spend more time finishing their addons, instead of dealing with such stuff... my 2ct
  23. yup, it really looks like... but actually he didnt
  24. pang

    Ballistic addon studios

    you mean operation peace- joint, dont you?
  25. pang

    Panzerfaust island v.1.0

    they´re in "st lucy" in the northern part of the island but unfortunaltely this island gives me horrible framerates on my amd 2000+ machine with 1500 viewdistance. but still a nice layout