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Everything posted by pang

  1. pang

    Modern/current pilot  (hgu55/mbu12)

    the facemask script or the hidden selection? i once made a little script for the SOARs to check if they´re in any mh6 series chopper or any other open- cockpit chopper, to assignt them facemasks... its really no problem. you can even do it via two editor triggers guys, i really hope that someone will take care of decent west/ east fighter pilots. i attempted to model something around in o˛ just a couple of minutes ago but i had to realize that it´s a horrible programm for 3d modelling. i think i gotta nick a copy of maya from work
  2. pang

    Modern/current pilot  (hgu55/mbu12)

    why not use the gasmask as hidden selection like on the SOAR pilots by bas? a script could determine whether the pilot is inside a plane or not and assign him the mask if propriate
  3. pang

    Modern/current pilot  (hgu55/mbu12)

    #vote addon accurate pilot i´m with you guys  there were discussions and requests for this ages ago now. i was even thinking on starting this addon by myself  hey. deadsoldier and us_marine said that they were working on a new pilot for their mig29! let´s hope less m4 are beeing made but more nice pilot models. we could definately need some for all those foxy planes that came out recently. maybe matthijs (sp?) is even doing a template like his international soldiers //edit: finnish pilot dragon toys f14 pilot dragon f18 pilot
  4. im not certain lee, but i think its an oË› setting in the "mass" section. if not even a combination between mass and config.
  5. pang

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    i´m with ofp since version 1.00, but yesterday i discovered a feature that never made it into my attention: while i was playing around with the UA on tonal island and covering the enemy with some shells, i´ve been distrated by a strange thing while i was assigning a new aimpoint on the m-key map... something near the border of the map was moving! so i paid more attention to the objects on the map. finally i called in another arty strike and i realized: the map is interactive! while a tree was falling b/c beeing hit by a mortar shell, the ingame map displayed its movement! lol i´ve never seen this before. must be either a young feature or some kind of my ignorance so after all i was pretty impressed. playing this game for years now and still discovering new stuff... priceless!
  6. ebolas chopper is definately one nice piece of work! but are you going to improve some config entries? for instance the messy action menue where you can open every door while inflight, or the hypernervous flight behaviour?
  7. pang

    Usaf pilots made by ntm

    lol yes, i was giggling too when i readed that
  8. pang

    Usaf pilots made by ntm

    hey, i really respect any addon creators work, but i bet that BAS is going to deliver some really accurate pilots and PJs as soon as they will have the time for it. your model and textures look ok, but personally i wouldn´t put them in the pavies. here´s a suggestion: dude, how about making a fighter pilot model with oxygen mask and all that stuff. you´d really do something for other (aircraft) addon developers by doing so
  9. pang

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    nope. mp game terraingrid settings are "normal" by default
  10. pang

    Bas pavehawks

    LOOOL... omg looks like everyone knows by now except you! read back the thread carefully and you will know too whats up with the seahawks
  11. pang

    Bas pavehawks

    i guess it´s some development stage of the updated rangers. as has been stated before: those dont represent the final product
  12. pang

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    i havent had any problem with this island so far... try to put every tonal addon into your normal ofp addon folder. works like a charm for me...
  13. pang

    Ecp released!

    Does anyone ever read the readme? From the MH-60 Readme: The MH-47 isnt even capable of running the rotorwash and other FX scripts in MP without the mission maker activating them. And the OPFOR choppers use the excellent, and low-cpu rotorwash scripts from Vektorbosen. So unless you're running on steam, I cant really see what your problem is. As allways, rtfm... The manual was read, followed, proven to be useless, discarded. Next suggestion? I have put exactly as you have quoted in the init of the chopper and still it flared us all to hell. Anyway I don't care now, I don't use the choppers when i want lagless gameplay. this is not related to any bug in the choppers neither the ecp config! it´s because the flare script checks for "incomming missiles". so here´s the plan: other addons have their guns coded as missiles, for various reasons. who´s to blame? the script that´s there to simulate the flares or the config that lets a bullet act like a missile? think about it...
  14. pang

    Bas pavehawks

    i think there´s absolutely no problem with this. since it´s a modteam´s addon which is required for another addon by the same team. further more the army black hawks are almost kinda standard nowadays...
  15. pang

    Bas pavehawks

    are the fastrope animations going to be replaced with a bit more accurate ones? i got 3 different variations for new fastrope anims. drop me a PM if you´re interested. and last but not least the obligatory thread hijack whats the progress on the updated littlebirds? any chance for a sneak preview shot in the appropriate thread?
  16. pang

    Bell 206

    there are two options: *ask martin if he could maybe update his addons so that they wont use the 32x128 texture aspect OR *try to change the graphics card on your server
  17. pang

    Bell 412 ch-146 griffon

    keep the good work up, powerslide. here´s a ressource website incase anyone needs some info on the huey versions http://www.vectorsite.net/avhuey.html
  18. pang

    Hh-60 seahawk + hh-60j pavehawk

    gnihihihi because it´s too L33T for us, i guess
  19. pang

    Ecp released!

    thx dude, since i download with 4kb/s from ofpec
  20. pang

    Ecp released!

    yay glad to see this is finaly released. it has been really quite about this project before- i even thought it wasn´t going to be realized at all. but hey: any mirrors would be most appreciated. the ofpec is terribly slow from my place (adsl connection) but it´s very fast while i browse the site from work (where the bandwith usage is even higher) gonna let you know about any bug etc that i´ll find
  21. pang

    F-117a nighthawk

    maybe he´s giving it to VIT seriously: hope your gonna have a good time without ofp, vektorboson. i always liked your amazing scripts and tutorials. so long, havee fun with whatever you do
  22. pang

    Jam update for winter units?

    as far as i know, vipersheart was going to update his HK packs anyways. since he joined up with BAS to help them with their JAM stuff, he´s also going to gives his HK packs JAM. but i´m gonna have a look over the desert troops today, if i wont be too busy at work
  23. pang

    Jam update for winter units?

    phew thats nice news  i had just finished converting the weapons to be JAM compatible and 4 unit- pbos to total JAM conversion. so i´m glad to hear that i can spare my time on that, b/c STT is gonna improve them with (maybe) even appropriate JAM configs //edit now lets get back to the basic idea of discussing the winter unit JAM upgrade
  24. pang

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    actually i dont wanna risk to make a wrong statement here, but anyways: this addons appears to be an ITA tornado ripoff to me... *same editor icon *same flare script *same canopy bug (was fixed during the tornado development thou) just my opinion on this addon, but its still a nice model
  25. pang

    Jam update for winter units?

    well i hope to get the permission, as i am starting to copy and paste the JAM magazine entries into the nampack weapon config right now i thought of two projects: *JAM comatibility ONLY (requires scripts and inits to use JAM mags on units) *JAM conversion (adds appropriate JAMv2 weapons and ammo to the excisting NAMpack units) now its up to evis, ebud and stt deciding whether to allow me or not to publish it once it´d be finished, since i wont continue any work on it if i couldnt share it with the community