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About padman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. padman

    All-time best missions list

    LOL yup we love Op Lojack here...keep em coming!! padman www.vs-uk.net
  2. padman

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    Doolittle.. cheers for that..have you actually abandoned the MISSION 4shilkas...? We really liked it!..great teamwork mission... Or is the version available now with the completely fixed script? Keep up the good work Padman www.vs-uk.net
  3. padman

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    Hi again.. In addition..just found a small bug in the 12 player version (which I am assuming is most recent)+co12do_fourshilkas.Eden.pbo When dead , if you hit V , then you respawn back at the original location (the start) ..your body bag is still where you died ,and it takes a long time to get revived by a teammate, at which point you warp back to where you died...is this intended...? Nevertheless its our clans favorite mission right now ! Keep up the good work! Padman www.vs-uk.net
  4. padman

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    Doolitle GREAT respawn script!! our clan really enjoyed it...! 1) which version is th elatest ..12 or 14 player version? 2) Is there any way that the respawn could be ONLY done by the medic..is that possible...? really enjoying playing it...nice one! Padman www.vs-uk.net
  5. padman

    Operation lojack coop released

    Hiya.. GREAT mission..just one small thing... If anyone leaves in game , and becomes AI , then the helo will NOT leave at the end unless ALL players who started are on board...This has happened to us a few times now...its a pain to drag the AI guy around, so we send em back to base, meaning the mission never completes...any way of changing that so we can REQUEST the extract? Very enjoyable mission though , and great for teamwork training ... Padman www.vs-uk.net
  6. padman

    Mp / coop missions

    Nagual.. good news indeed :-) I will keep a lookout ! all the best Brg .Padman server manager www.vs-uk.net
  7. padman

    Mp / coop missions

    Nagual.. could I just congratulate you on your missions...we play them all the time on [VS-UK] as co-ops... Will you be continuing to make new missions, and if so , how can we find them , given your ISP issues... Nice one m8...you have given us hours of pleasure!! Brg.Padman Server manager www.vs-uk.net
  8. padman

    Multiplayer guide

    Doolittle.. GREAT map marking tip...I had no idea about that one LOLOL Brg.Padman www.vs-uk.net
  9. padman

    Objective based mp

    Kevin.. YES YES!! we would love to play team v team matches, but I , like you have not seen any at all...I must get my clan mapbuilders onto this asap! We have built many great co-op maps , but none like this....thanks for reminding me! Brig.Padman www.vs-uk.net
  10. padman

    Memory-map error with radeon 9700

    Mowgli... I had the memory map (0.pbo) issue....now fixed , and my AGP aperture is at 128 no problems... I have SOME flashing textures, but at least I can now play... I must say OFP looks AMAZING with this Radeon 9700!! Archtech...the link worked fine for me... Hope that helps VS-UK Padman www.vs-uk.net
  11. padman

    Memory-map error with radeon 9700

    Suma/All I can confirm that the problem is FIXED by the beta 9.0 Radeon drivers that sumo mentions above... I have a Radeon 9700 and all is now well..yippee! cheers for that Padman www.vs-uk.net
  12. This looks interesting But the link to it seems broken? Anyone know where I can grab it from? Cheers Padman VS-UK London
  13. padman

    When will the new dedicated server be released?

    hmm so for those of us running 1.6 clients and servers, will we be able to get the new client and server..it seems not then? I am not concerned with new island and vehicles , only the finished stabilised netcode...surely thats what we were beta'ing? Ok ..so what is in the new ded server 1.75 that is NOT in 1.6 beta? Surely it would be sensible to make a 1.75 client to run with 1.75 dedicated (if such a patch is planned) We find the 1.6 beta to be quite stable , but still with bugs , and were hoping that the beta would become a freely available patch? could you clarify this plse? cheers
  14. Hi all now resistance is out , will we be getting the up to date ded server released? Im sure I read that it is way past 1.6 now (could be wrong LOL) basically..will the NON purchasers of resistance be able to benefit from the updated code? Cheers
  15. Hi all, I notice that some of you guys have done extensive mission testing with 1.6.. It would be useful to see your findings if poss... What missions have any problems with 1.6 dedicated..? I would love to see a list of any problem maps , so I can narrow down any crashes to the mission and not the beta 1.6 Thanks in advance Padman VS-UK Server Admin