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Everything posted by pzvg

  1. pzvg


    Apparently it's a rotten submarine Now WTF is it with folks willing to pay $50,000 to own a $5000 copy of a military vehicle? Is the new way to gain wealth 1:1 exchange, brain cells for dollars?
  2. pzvg

    A6m2 zero started

    Actually They carried MORE planes than a US carrier of the time <smaller planes y'know> After Midway it became problematic anyway, as most of the large Fleet carriers were gone. FYI a tidbit, the Japanese carrier Akagi, in addition to her normal Antiaircraft weapons was armed with 4 turrets carrying 8 inch guns <the normal armament of a heavy cruiser> making her the most heavily armed carrier in history
  3. pzvg

    A6m2 zero started

    Depends, you building A6M-2? do only the tips, if you do a -5 roughly 200 had half-wing folding, the rest had no wing folding <guess they figured taking 2 foot off the wingtip was enough>
  4. pzvg

    A6m2 zero started

    The white and black paint job is IJN carrier-based the green ones are land-based Navy planes. A minor note, <don't know how slavish to detail ya are> The tail fin has a pronounced point, should be a little softer and your wingtips, are they Square or rounded? either way is correct <two different varients A6M-2, A6M-5> But the picture is hard to judge. And very nice work btw,
  5. pzvg

    War games for pacifists?

    Forgive me if I sound crass or obtuse, but why in the world would someone who objects to war play a wargame? It's more than a tad hypocritical, and makes for strange codes of morality.
  6. pzvg

    War games for pacifists?

    @Denoir Double standards got ya down? try playing by your own rules. @ everybody telling me to seek help, Sp/4 Stewman W. T. formerly US army, formerly B co. 3rd spt Bn, 1st bde, 3rd ID <mech> those are my friends fighting and dying out there, so kindly do not lecture me <a combat disabled vet> on the reality of war, I think I know a shitload more about it than you, dig? You know what, the hell with you and your dolled up version of right and wrong, I support putting a mindless murderer out of business, if going to war will acheive that goal faster, then war it is, you have a problem with that? TOUGH SHIT, take a number, not like any of you out there like us anyway, except when the aid checks roll in. Don't see y'all stopping mods because what the russians are doing, just when WE get involved does war become "sinful" Go ahead hate us some more, but do it quietly, lest we take notice, there's a new dance, you might want to learn the steps.
  7. pzvg

    War games for pacifists?

    "It's only pixels" Then why is the war you watch on TV bothering you? "It's only pixels" you aren't there. Yes it's a real war, yes people will get really killed, but trying to justify your pleasure at simulating the act of capping people by saying it's different, it isn't real, that's lying to yourself if no one else. Btw I didn't change the title of this thread, hey mods, look up the textbook definition of censorship, there was absolutely NO acceptable reason to change the title except to put your own slant on the conversation. No biggie for you, I'll simply move this discussion to forums where democratic isn't merely lip service.
  8. pzvg

    The army calls collect....

    You! Yes You! mr diddybop-hide-in-da-back-cuz-I'm-too-cool-foah-school! COME HERE! NO SON, ON YOUR BELLY! COME HERE! <Just thought I'd get him in the mood, my last tour before mustering out was cadre down at Ft. Mac>
  9. pzvg

    Fish in the water

    Shashman, If it moves, salute it, If it doesn't move, pick it up If it's too big to pick up, paint it Considering that brand of military logic, yep they do have "Navy" painted on them, <like we'd forget who it belongs to?>
  10. pzvg

    Malvinas beta demo

    Don't know about this particular RR, but most US types <M106 recoilless> use a .05 spotting rifle, single shot TI round <Tracer Incendiary> looks kinda like a scaled down M2 Browning
  11. pzvg

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    Actually having been born in Germany and brought up in a bilingual household, It's not myself I'm speaking for. Oh and FYI, maybe it's changed in the last few years, but the last time I was in Germany, the only people there who didn't speak English were over 80 or could speak it but disliked americans so much they refused to admit it. P.S. The missions in German can be ignored <you can always make your own> but when you use a self installer and run that in German, well, that's asking a little much of the world.
  12. The AH-1 doesn't follow the usual naming convention because the original AH-1 was not a new type, but a "bastard" basically it was a UH-1C's rotor assembly,power plant, controls and avionics crammed into a slim fuselage, the Army really didn't like it but were overruled by the GAO, the Army accepted it as a quid pro quo for aid in fighting off the Air force's attempt to put all aircraft under their control. Just an FYI from a dusty old Mother Rucker hover lover
  13. pzvg

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    Tightened a bolt here and there <bug fixes> and prettied it up a bit more <looked good to start with> Bad news; Nothing new, nothing new at all <they shoulda held this until they coulda put at LEAST 1 new unit in it, IMNHO> And they're still using .exe installers DAMN IT PEOPLE! ARE YOU TRYING TO PISS FOLKS OFF? <another note, if you do not wish to share the game with the rest of the world, don't put it on the web Hint, 65% of the world can read English, only 38% can read German, not saying English is better than German, but simply use the more common language, unless you have a personal problem with it>
  14. pzvg

    The iraq pack released!

    "peaceful entertainment"?? although graphically light years beyond what I used, this "peaceful entertainment" is a fairly good combat simulator, or does your version use Supersoakers? Anybody who thinks war is wrong,bad,not the civil way to handle it, but plays a game like this, well, <shrug> you do have a problem don't you? but not to worry, your disgust with the present situation will be ignored just as forcefully by the coalition as Saddam ignored you while butchering his own people, go ahead and take the "moral high ground", I'd rather have the military crest anyway. Now if you feel properly aggravated, might I suggest you not post in threads about conflicts, <note, seeing that pretty much ALL of the threads here are about conflicts, I think you are SOL on this forum, have nice day,> ROCK OF THE MARNE!
  15. pzvg

    Fish in the water

    Since you decided to pick on me TRF= Trident refit facility ie; where the boomers get fixed, security is nearly airtight during "normal" operations, nowadays even asking to take a photo would be ill-considered <I'm not active military, just a contractor, who isn't gonna risk his GS-10 job over a photo of 1 lousy torp>
  16. pzvg

    Fish in the water

    Bah, Denoir, forget my request. <seems someone started a war, now I can't get my camera into TRF to provide requested photos, and the PAO is a tad busy these days>
  17. pzvg

    Most wanted aircraft

    X is experimental period, prototypes for acceptance trails are designated Y(insert type) eg; YF22 the acceptance trail designation for the Raptor, Once proven and accepted by GAO and the owning branch, <army,navy,marines,etc> the Y designator goes away and it becomes an official production model. <I worked as a contractor in the Defense industry, one of many worthless jobs leading to where I am now, which is nowhere>
  18. pzvg

    Red Hammer Studios

    Lol, no ya don't really, she was a Tsgt crewdog for F15 echos out of Platt, and my *sweet* older sister has been known to terrify little 18 yr old A1c's just for the hell of it.
  19. pzvg

    Red Hammer Studios

    It isn't "different" in Russia, for Crissake's people, get real, Let me quote my sister when I relayed that one to her, -"No they don't leave their f$cking heads in the f$cking cockpit, so they need to take their f$cking mask with them" She then went on to explain to me that masks are fitted to the pilot, and while the pilot may fly a different aircraft from time to time, he'll always use the same mask, even Russians I think y'all pissed her off a bit
  20. pzvg

    African militia released

    Shadow, all I will say is if you think 9 soldiers will run from 50 ragtag militia, then maybe you have no idea what is true. <here's a hint, we never ran, and the odds were worse> You DON'T run if there's no cover, jesus don't they teach common sense anymore? Can YOU outrun a bullet? You hit the dirt and lay down fire until they break,die, or overrun your sorry ass. Sorry folks but I'm getting the ass, REMF's tend to piss me off. Think I'll leave the forums before Denoir has to ban me
  21. pzvg

    Red Hammer Studios

    No, they disconnect from the O2 feed in the aircraft, most pilots carry them in their helmet bag and put them on once they're in the aircraft <I checked this one with my sister, she spent 6 years as Air Force groundcrew>
  22. pzvg

    African militia released

    Actually, it's pretty realistic, Most "militia" cannot hit the broad side of a barn from the inside, weapons training for them consists of, "this is the magazine, put it in here, point it that way and pull the trigger" Untrained troops tend to have poor marksmanship skills, lousy fire discipline, NO unit cohesion and piss poor morale. It's why most countries use regular armies, instead of relying on militia forces.
  23. pzvg

    Instead of a repair truck,

    Had one built but scrapped it <looked awful> might try it again but can't say for sure if I will, note, It gets killed VERY fast, since it's a tank type everything fires at it.
  24. pzvg

    Malvinas beta demo

    No Captaine, it says I only respect the opinion of those willing to put their cojones on the line to support their views. Anything about that you don't get? <last entry for me, any further BS do a PM>
  25. pzvg

    Malvinas beta demo

    Ya know, I could care less about all that crap, <especially the political statements made by friggin' civvies> But I'm not downloading this beta. Look, your units look good, and some of your weapons are interesting, but in case you weren't paying attention, We had a poll here about which format was preferred, .exe came in dead last, Let me put it another way, if you make your final release .exe, KEEP IT.