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About pipelias

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Erm, none.
  1. pipelias

    Mission editor

    Good idea Hellfish, Yes, the objects should have a to-scale outline of each object.
  2. pipelias

    Whats your favorite class to play for ofp

    Special Forces. HATE being without my Bizon.
  3. pipelias

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    I'd like a futuristic OFP. Yes I know, I know you think it'd suck, but it opens a lot of scope for gameplay and units. The further into history you go, the more boring the weapons and battles get. Well that's what my feeble mind tells me anyway.
  4. pipelias

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    I'd like a futuristic OFP. Yes I know, I know you think it'd suck, but it opens a lot of scope for gameplay and units. The further into history you go, the more boring the weapons and battles get. Well that's what my feeble mind tells me anyway.
  5. pipelias

    Child soldiers

    I think recreationally, live ammo shouldn't need to be used and gun use need not be encouraged. There's not a lot guns are good for. As idealistic as you can expect that viewpoint to be, if I can live without weapons, everybody else can. Leave it to the police and their new tasers, thanks. On a lighter (?) note, does anybody know about those two kids in that country in Asia who head their own army because they are thought to be reincarnated holy warriors or something along those lines. I've see a photo of them smoking cigarettes and holding AK47s, they must be about 10 years old or something. Any ideas?
  6. pipelias

    Multiplayer annoyances

    I love disruptive players, it makes it all the more fun to counter-act in game. I especially like the Dictator Admins who say that "TEH HELICOPTER IS MINE!111111". Any arrogance and selfishness like that and it's LAW time for them. Other than admins, I don't encounter many other disruptive factors to a good MP game at all, maybe I'm just lucky
  7. pipelias

    "don't disconnect during game or get banned"

    Have you ever considered that so called "quitters" may just crash? Happens to me sometimes and that's with Win2K Pro which is uber stable.
  8. pipelias

    Is the geforce 4 ti4200 good enough for ofp?

    May I say: I bought an ATi card last year and I will never buy one again. Enough said.
  9. pipelias

    Is it possible

  10. pipelias

    Is it possible

    I suppose you mean weapon skins. No. Just works for face skins as far as I know.
  11. pipelias


    Tell ya what, I have 512k ADSL and to be honest it's still laggy by my standards. It may just be that I keep playing on non-dedicated servers, but I cannot remember a single time a net game has been lag-free.
  12. pipelias

    Type of forest

    I'm gonna have to say my favourite forest is the dense coniferous forests from Everon. The bushy things on Malden don't disguise you enough when attacking a base such as in a game of RTS2 or whatever. Also, it's more of a challenge to land your chinook in
  13. pipelias

    Outflanking me ? i dont think so !

    I dunno, I think they just stretched it on those screenshots to give the effect (the reviewer must have been a bit cheap and did a Photoshop jobby), I don't think it's like that when you got the proper setup, otherwise it'd be a very pointless and expensive exercise.
  14. pipelias

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Although it has to be said, advocate, that the opportunity to repair tanks is so rare, it may aswell be instantaneous, otherwise it'd just render the whole repair mechanism too pointless and time consuming.
  15. pipelias

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Although it has to be said, advocate, that the opportunity to repair tanks is so rare, it may aswell be instantaneous, otherwise it'd just render the whole repair mechanism too pointless and time consuming.