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About opg4740

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    Private First Class
  1. opg4740

    What kind of Mouse do you use with Arma

    Another vote for the Copperhead. running at 2000dpi takes some time to get use to, but wow, anything else seems reall slow now.
  2. Do you know that ARMA 2 will be a console game too? honestly, I didn't know. thanks.
  3. "It's ridiculous to discuss about things that are not released yet! " you are new to the Internet and these cool things called "forums" aren't you. We can complain and bitch about anything and everything. Hell I think we should start reviewing the Duke Nukem game next. The core of my argument against OFP2 and for ArmA isn't about flashy images and such, it was about a framework sim game vs what may be just an action war game. for the record, I really like Combat Mission. and that had, and still has horrid graphics. 10 min into the game and you won't even notice.
  4. I worry that the two games will splinter people, and we won't have a good pool of players in either.
  5. driving sim?! you mean we can make Tank race tracks? I can re-create the old nintendo excitebike tracks with dirt bikes? I would love a game where people could go online and race cars, trick out cars, and make and install mods on cars. They could race the cars around tracks and see who really had street cred.... and that game would have AT launchers so I could sit up on a hill and blow them all the hell up... "Time to un-pimp za auto"
  6. ok, maybe I was a bit harsh on Codemasters. While I like competition, I want EVERYONE to play ArmA. I want more servers to pick from, more people to play with, and more MOD options. OFP and ArmA are the only games that I can "go for a hike" in. I would love to make mods, missions, hell even maps... but I don't have the time to learn the skill, to devote the time... So I rely on the game to be SO COOL that people never want to leave and they make more fun stuff to play. My worries about Codemasters and OFP2 is that it will be a closed system more like BF2. EA was so busy putting out more crud to buy for BF2 that they never went and fixed any core problems. The BF2 system was so closed that there was never a mod community. If we run into any real problems with ArmA.. OFP has shown that the mod community can just write "realism" patches and such and resolve most all of it.
  7. Ok, so Codemasters is pushing out OFP2. it will be avail for Xbox. Framework simulator games don't make good console games. If you make it run on a console, then you have to remove everything "open" for the game. Does anyone else remember games that were good, they came out with a sequel and made a console port during the sequel? Deus Ex would be a great example, they had to completely dumb down the interface to allow for console play (and players). I also think that a fan base follows the developer, not the publisher. Who follows EA? When some of the guys that worked on Medal of Honor left EA to go make CoD did people stay with EA or follow the guys to see what CoD would be like? I have always though of BIS as selling the best "framework" military game on the market. I just don't see a developer understanding that. I also think I am a bit biased, I am really hoping that OFP2 will suck hard and that Codemasters will fail.
  8. opg4740

    Suggestion For Devs.

    So THAT'S why I can't get the dirt bike to work. damnit that sucks. The only mod/map I wanted to make was Excite Bike.
  9. opg4740

    m4 w/ACOG hits easier than M24?

    300 out to about 600 or so. I think. It isn't just the bullet drop though, I have to aim a bit to the right of anything. If I aim dead on I miss high and left. If I put my cross hair low and to the right of what I want to hit, it do better. While I understand the low/high stuff based on ranges. The off center to the left is bugging me. it also seems to vary a lot more than the ACOG. Really wish they had a range finder in game. would make for a great sniper support role.
  10. Am I just that lame with the M24? (don't be snarky). I hit what I aim at with the ACOG site on the M4 just about every time. The scope works how I expect (on targets usually over 300 or so yards away). On the M24, the 1st shot is always my "ranging shot" to see where the bullets have decided to go today. Then I have to walk my fire onto the target. while walking my fire onto a target works fine for a SAW, it kind of sucks for a sniper rifle. Even with a non-moving target I still have to aim low and to the right to hit. Do I just need to create that sniper rage and spend a few good hours on it? Why is the ACOG so easy to hit with?
  11. I can't find anything in the search on a topic like this. On a side mission like the 1st sniper one, I die.. a lot. I keep replaying it, and I really don't need to see the HMMV drop me off, ever again. Is there a way to skip forward?
  12. opg4740

    hackers ruining games

    ok, i modded my post, no names. I can't prove he did anything, and don't have vid. from what I can tell on the cheats, there wouldn't be any vid anyway. for the record, it did not ruin my game, and I was just touring the entire map in a chopper anyway.
  13. opg4740

    hackers ruining games

    I have seen "ok, no names" get kicked for hacking at least twice now as well. Allow.txt would kill this game for me. Having to find servers by low ping, make a list, apply for access to those server, refresh and find they are no longer the low pings, start all over again.... SUCK.
  14. opg4740

    What in the hell were they thinking..

    I love the complexity of the controls, but mostly for flying. I use a Saitek X45. the damn thing has like 130 possible controls, and I can map every one of them with ArmA.