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Everything posted by otk-member

  1. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Campaign developed by sansey aka UgolSkosa Version:  ArmA 1.08 Queen's Gambit or higher. Campaign was tested by OTK creative collective. We can only surmise, what interests have clashed on this island country, we can only imagine, how would events had developed, if the government was more complaisant. There's only one thing we can say for sure: all the time you will spend together with a military school cadet, whose fate has thrown him into the thick of things, won't leave you uninterested in release of a new "Range Of Death" campaign. Addons: 1)AK's and pistol pack by RobertHammer http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2456 Specially for campaign has been made facilitated pack consisting only of guns used in campaign (for those who has a full version it is not necessary) http://otk-studio.ru/public/files/RH_packs_for_OTK-camp.rar Flashpoint.ru mirror Special thanks RobertHammer and AG. 2)OTK-mod - bloody armor by BETEP-OFP http://otk-studio.ru/public/files/otk_mod.rar armaholic mirror (@) Flashpoint.ru mirror 3)Addons included -beermug.pbo - beer by Crazy Doctor -Civilians.pbo - Civilians by Mongoose -NEM_ZOMBIES.pbo - Changed specially for campaign CZM (Crappy Zombie Mod) -OTK_InvTargets.pbo - invisible targets. Thanks to Lester (lesterpgruber@gmx.de) for original ofp addon concept. Also thanks to bdfy and Lost. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Campaign "Range of Death" (28.41 Mb)</span> armaholic mirror (@) Flashpoint.ru mirror Campaign voiced by: [OTK]MODUL Ink badger Shiper007 Hoot Seaman Powder [OTK]Loktew [OTK]sansey grifelium [OTK]SniperGRU DUHER [OTK]Lost [OTK]Bkmz [OTK]Dragon_KAA Transcoder [OTK]ArtGer Artin _StinGeR_ Reider †SLAYER†[OTK]Voenkom [OTK]Huligane [OTK]Neznajka Necrofil CasterTroy Squint Kaider Daneeka Particulary grateful to: SniperGRU, Wass for restless testing and plot design help. Lost for scripting support. Loktew for artistic skills. BETEP-OFP and Crazy Doctor for special addons. StumbleR  for translation. Our web-site: www.otk-studio.ru OTK and sansey, 2008.
  2. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    Ok, i got it. Sorry. For all of you, who want to understand a russian reaction - try to imagine, that Serbia attack Kosovo when US peacemakers was there. And for you - all be a clear.
  3. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    We win this war, but looks like we loose information (PR) war. No photos of actual death and destruction are allowed on this forum. -- Franze Photos from conflict. 18+!!!
  4. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    Ok. I'll try to see a history... USA invaded a sovereign, democratically elected country on the pretense of "defending civilians". This is ridiculous and simply is not consistent with their actions. Dropping unguided weapons in exclusively civilian populated areas is resulting in many civilian deaths. I talk about Serbia. Remember that?? Or, Israel invaded a sovereign country on the pretense of "save 2 peoples". This is ridiculous and simply is not consistent with their actions. Dropping unguided weapons in exclusively civilian populated areas is resulting in many civilian deaths. Anymore? Iraq - a sovereign country. USA invaded on the pretense of "destroy chemical and nuclear weapons". They still dont find it... But they make a most terrorism state of world there. So, claim down and relax. We do our job, like we want.
  5. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    He asked ceasefire from west, but his army still fired in our troops. He declade a ceasefire at 5.00 10th august, but his army possible dont hear about it. He is a liar. New movie - watch on TV and News sites!
  6. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    Man, im one of this "fooled" peoples like you think. Look at your CNN - it only support Georgian, they not talk about our and Osetian opinion. You so belive to your press... But where you see a "freedom" there? Why in Sound Osetia not working foreign press, exept one Ukraine journal? Why they always talk from Georgia? Freedom? Not really. It simple propoganda. I'm dont watch TV, i'm look news in internet. Here is more "freedom" news. Btw - did you know, that Georgian goverment block *.ru sites and Russian TV Chanels?
  7. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    Actually, some info sites and TV talk about over 2000 killed. If artillery like "GRAD" firing on town, it not a trouble - kill so much peoples. Btw, it was ethnic cleansing in captured villages. Georgian soldiers was cleaners. http://russianossetia.wordpress.com/ P.S. Latest news. Two Chechen battalions, "EAST" and "WEST" have arrived to a zone of the conflict. I do not envy Georgians now... Chechens are not able to spare.
  8. otk-member

    International Politics Thread

    If they want independence - let it be. If they want to join us - they must to decided it by self. Its their land, their history and their opinion. Today, we just keep they lives and punish Georgians. BTW: If Russians making a war - we even take a capital of enemy. We on the way right now http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7554507.stm Saakashbili must be in prison, for killing 1500 Osetian peoples. http://cominf.org/english/ Sorry for troubles with my language errors
  9. otk-member

    OAC (OFP ArmA Conversion)

    Nice. Will try it.
  10. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Campaign was scored 8/10 at Ofpec. http://www.ofpec.com/mission....rt=edid Thanks, mathias_eichinger
  11. otk-member

    New campaign at flashpoint.ru

    this campaign only in russian yet. We planing to translate it as soon, as possible. We will inform on this forum, whan it will be done.
  12. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    We does not know English well, so we voiceing it as we can. And again - first of all, this campaign was primary made for Russian community. Than it was translated to English. thay shooting too bad, because lot of invisible targets around you. It was made special for effect hard fire to you.
  13. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    It because We (OTK Team) are Russians And campaign primary was made in Russian language.. And most of peoples who voiced, are Russians. English speaking only Squint, Kaider and Daneeka (thay from ShackTactical squad). Thay voiced last mission (radio chat). Ok, will think about it in next projects. Thay not scripted. It something strange.. In this mission was used invisible targets to create mass shooting effect.
  14. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Thats cool we like that but, we looking for a some faster anim - for zombie running, or something like that... Because a player may just escape from those zombies. And, if its possible - some "relax" animation - like a just stay safe..
  15. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    possible, you used some sound or effect mod.
  16. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Possible, you didnt enable Queen's Gambit extension. Write in a shotcut -mod=DBE1 btw, do you have Queen's Gambit? All "cadets" has a sniper skin We dont have any "cadet" addon, so we use a sniper model. It does not matter for gameplay.
  17. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    yes. its trouble with our hoster. use mirrors.
  18. otk-member

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Have Fun After playing, please, tell us your opinion. Its impotant to us
  19. otk-member

    Operation White Wolf

    without addons requeriments??? It's some kind of stupid joke???    After startup cutscene, error: In first mission cutscene - whan shooting in action - make disableradio. i mean - bot is killing another bot, and say "I got him!" In first mission - hyperlinks in briefing - not working. The end of first mission Whan i hear a voices in second cutscene, i can't read a titles, becouse i was almost died of laughing  I'm russian, btw And i heard russian voices. They differed from that that has been written. Probably you simply have taken them from other games and not knowing russian - have placed to yourself in campaign. In second mission - make a setacctime 1 before start a ingame movie. The third mission start - TIP (Test In Progress)
  20. otk-member

    MIG 15 addon by Bdfy and Volksturm

    i think - it is not necessary, if some kind of people here will calm down and stop fluding about "stealing" and "trade" and something like this. Right
  21. otk-member

    MIG 15 addon by Bdfy and Volksturm

    Who speaks all that addon is stealing, cannot simply make something with the same quality. They cannot imagine that enthusiasts are capable to create such addon. Therefore thay approve that it stealing. Try to prove it. At you it will not be possible do this. Know why? Because it not stealing. It of simply such level of which you are not capable. One more thing - here is a some few people, who make a really good things, so it does not about tham. Thay dont say "stealing" becouse thay know - it really possible. You always took offence at Russian which criticized your works. You considered that we are not tolerant, rough, we scoff and simply we are rude. Yes, at times we criticized a little roughly. But we so have got used. We so criticize at ourselves at our forums. And people who have a brain - understand that it is impossible to take offence at criticism. It is necessary to listen and think - what if critic is right? Can really will is better to change something? And, here, an example excellent addon. It is made by those who you criticized. And now - feel a difference. Have felt? I will no answer on the commentary to this message. I said everything that i want. Who take care about this - thay understood. But who offended - it doesn't care me. This was the "scream of soul", after reading of your posts. On the our  forums the people speak the same. When they read this topic. Sorry for my poor english language.
  22. otk-member

    MIG 15 addon by Bdfy and Volksturm

    At the end of this week, OTK will release few MP missions with MIG-15. Watch for news.
  23. otk-member

    Campaign "Eaglets"

    mission.sqm and Notepad.exe
  24. otk-member

    contact an addon maker

    You can write him comment in LJ to last his message and ask him write you a letter. Or, just ask a agreement in your comment. http://laser-mikey.livejournal.com/77500.html?mode=reply - here, for an example.
  25. otk-member

    contact an addon maker
