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ojasca hitman

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Everything posted by ojasca hitman

  1. ojasca hitman

    Finishing first mission

    the mission starts at last light on my game(dont know what that is? ask someone who has done some service.) The big give away is it gets slowly darker. checking settings sounds a bit technical for me, but I am quite sure they are ok. Your mission too easy? Maybe you should take it off easy. Keep your head down and kill anything that moves
  2. ojasca hitman

    Finishing first mission

    very unrealistic mission. This was a bad intro to the campaign. It took around 30 attemps. Eventually, took out the 3 small camp fire bases around the helo pad. Then took out the guys around the helo pad its self. Took the helo, blew the tanks. Came back, spent about 30mins looking for the documents. Couldn't find them anywhere, even checked every body. Gave up, went to boat. Mission complete. Under mission success, it said I had collected the documents! God knows where?! Think the Islands main export must be carrots, boy, can these guys see in the dark. Oh put time on x4, went for a coffee, and started mission in the dark. Good shooting.
  3. ojasca hitman

    Dolores (miss2) is very very broken

    had the same problem. drop all your kit on the groung under the bridge, except 2 satchel charges. swim to first post and drop them as close as poss. go get another two charges and do the same with the post next to it. grab your kit and leg it. you need to be quick. Suggest going backwards and forwards as I would drop all my kit in the water. This game is good fun, but needs alot of trial and error. Good shooting
  4. ojasca hitman

    Delores Bridge Mission

    Drop all your kit under the bridge except two satchel charges. swim to first post. drop them. get another two drop them at the post next to it. grab your kit and leg it. target indicators not very accurate. Suggest going backwards and forwards, as I tended to drop everything at once, which left me with no kit. Good shooting.