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Everything posted by onewithoutasoul

  1. onewithoutasoul

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Bueler? I know it's old, but it's strange that it just stopped working.
  2. onewithoutasoul

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Interesting thing....I had this installed and running quite well on my system. I decide to add 2 more drives to my array and rebuild. I also added my old Audigy, and now dxdll doesn't work. The error in the Flashpoint log is a stack error with d3d8.dll. If the dll is in the directory at all, even with all of the settings shut off, it crashes on startup, back to the desktop. Card is an x1800xt. Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe I have a borked dll? I still have it installed and working on my other machines, and could grab the .dll from them. I'm not using the latest ATI drivers, because they suck. So do the Omegas. I'm using the 6.12s, from what I can tell, the best so far. Also what I was using(I think) when I played OFP with dxdll installed last.