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Posts posted by outoforder

  1. @ OutOfOrder: if you find dying after one bullet unrealistic too, the game has to be modified for that?

    Nope, just talking about the bleeps, the rest is absolutely fine.

    It seems that for some people sounds can be more harmful than bullets. wink_o.gif

  2. So everybody wants realism, but they don't want the realistic radio bleeps?

    For me it isn't more realistic if there are two bleeps after every radio message.

    Well, you might get along with the bleeps, good for you. I know that I can't avoid playing the game,

    and I am quite sure the bleeps will give me a hard time.

    Hopefully I get used to them. 'bleep, bleep' confused_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

  3. The beep is there so you don't have to say 'over' everytime you stop talking.

    To be honest, I don't care what the beep stands for, I simply don't like it. I prefer to hear them say 'over' instead of 'beep, beep'. OFP did well without it.


  4. Well, I can see how that radio beep might be annoying, but I like it because if reminds me of those videos of patrol convoys.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to have the radio beep as an option in the sound menu? That could work as a compromise. thumbs-up.gif

    Puh, gladly realized that I am not the only one who is annoyed by this double bleep.

    The videos gave a good impression on how a battle will sound like.

    For example 10 or more soldiers radio their position ... how can you concentrate

    with that bleeping all around? This really kills the ingame atmosphere. crazy_o.gif

