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Everything posted by opf12345

  1. Just got this game today(its fantastic btw:)) and i played the russian mission sp mission, i was just wondering if anyone has made any more russian mission's? :)
  2. It must of been another guy who posted it before, and i agree that the gatling like weopon in t-3 looked cool, a bit like the 1 in t-1, thought the rest of the film sucked though
  3. I really like the T-800 model matey:), i would like to give some suggestions and opinions about firstly, i think you should make your mod as close as possible to james camerons vision of the future war. In my opinion this was the best representation of post judgement day, it was gritty, depressing, and life looked like it was a daily struggle. About factions, in my opinion these would be the be the best names for them. Tech-com(blu-for) This is the human resistence led by john connor(kyle reese in terminator 1 describes himself as a Sergeant in Tech-Com, DN38416) there main base of operations is probably in los angeles, california. Tech-com weaponry The resistance would most likely use scavenged Skynet manafuctured plasma rifles, although assault rifles, machine guns and pistols would not be uncommon, heres a few suggestions for weaponry based on the excellent term 2029 website http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/ this website is also reccomended http://majesticlizard.tripod.com/ Westinghouse model m-25 phased plasma rifle http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/M25A1.html This is the mainstay rifle of the human resistance(you can see kyle reese use it in the terminator 1 future scenes). Westinghouse M95A1 / A2 Phased Plasma Rifle http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/M95A1.html This is the main firearm of terminator ground forces, but resistance troops also use it. General Dynamics RSB-80 heavy phased plasma gun http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/rsb80.html This is used both by the the terminators and the resistance, terminators usually shoot with it by the hip while the resistance have it mounted on cars, pickups, etc. Assault rifles, machines guns, etc Basically any non plasma weapon like m16a2, m4's, m2 machine guns etc. Dogs used to detect terminators Vehicles The main vehicle tech-com would probably be the good old car/pickup with mounted gun, although i gess some armored vehicles would not be impossible, just rare. Now for the skynet stuff. SKYNET(op-for) http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/skynet.html skynet is basically a self aware defense system what went rouge. Skynet weaponry Terminators, hunter killers, etc. small arms Westinghouse Model M-18A2 LA3PG Light Anti-Personnel Phased Plasma Gun http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/m18a2la3pg.html Westinghouse model m-25 phased plasma rifle http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/M25A1.html Westinghouse M95A1 / A2 Phased Plasma Rifle http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/M95A1.html General Dynamics RSB-80 heavy phased plasma gun http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/rsb80.html Terminators the mainstay of skynet foces T-600 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/gaunt.html http://majesticlizard.tripod.com/T6hundred.html the terminator with the rubbery skin, easily spotted at close range, but not as easy at long range, mainly used as combat troops instead of infiltrators T-800/T-800MODEL 101 The most famous terminator http://majesticlizard.tripod.com/T-800.html http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/t800techdata.html AERIAL HK- MODEL A4 TYPE 400c SERIES 400 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/vtoltech.html AERIAL ST- MODEL A14 TYPE 1400ec SERIES 990 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/aerial900.html HK- SERIES 300 MODEL 36TY TYPE 15 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/runnerpod.html TRACKED HK- MODELS 250A, -D, -F SERIES G3 / G5 TYPE 500, TYPE 550, TYPE 600 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/tracked%20HK%20technical%20data.html HK Series 12 Model 453 Type 900 http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/quadhk.html Thats basically it, all credit goes go's to the the two excellent websites i linked.
  4. opf12345

    Vilas' addons

    Could someone please tell me how to install the mod, there was no read me provided, and making a folder for it and putting a shortcut extension won't work either.
  5. opf12345

    Vilas' addons

    How do i install project 85 mod?
  6. opf12345

    SLA Redux Packs

    To tell you the truth i think they look better with body armour, but these are nice nonetheless
  7. opf12345

    SLX MOD public release

    Then try running the .bat Also I set up a dedicated server with Warfare and it seems to be running fine even after a couple hours, and rejoining the game in progress works too. Thanks, it work And i just had quite a sad moment in slx. i was healin this SLA guy(i was RACS) and he somehow died in the process, this made me a little sad.
  8. opf12345

    SLX MOD public release

    how can i get the mod running under 1.14? run i run the bat file it just shows a black window then the window dissapears
  9. opf12345

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Thanks for the reply, just wondering if they would be captured SLA tanks.
  10. opf12345


    What soviet units wore body armor, and what was the body armor called?
  11. opf12345

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    How come RACS have t-72's now?
  12. opf12345


    Great stuff guys
  13. opf12345

    Multi Language Mod?

    I thought the SLA spoke a language similar to spanish not russian.
  14. opf12345

    The Cause Campaign

    Im looking forward to chapter 2
  15. opf12345

    GFX Glitch

    Anyone else got any ideas? very low didnt fix it
  16. opf12345

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    How do i get weapons like the vss and the akm? i am new to the editor .
  17. Is there any official or custom missions where you play as the SLA?
  18. opf12345

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    I like the feel of arma a lot more than operation flashpoint, i enjoyed ofp but not as much as arma.
  19. opf12345

    Any missions wher you play as the SLA?

    Yeah a tank campaign would be great, T-72 are nice tanks.
  20. opf12345

    GFX Glitch

    Ive hardly alt and tabbed the game and it does it EDIT this seemed to work for me ''When I first got the game I was getting that.I changed something and haven't had to touch it since,even after few patches I think maybe it was changing Display properties within windows,maybe set it to performance I think it was Don't quote me, was a while ago And like Chaos stated, same happens with overheating and are you overclocking your video?'' http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....and+ati EDIT started doing it again damn it.
  21. opf12345

    GFX Glitch

    I have the same problem, not overheating. Its seems to be a problem with ati cards, i also have an ati card
  22. I keep getting a graphics bug when i play the game, i have a ATI 9600SE The performence itself is fine(25-30 fps on low)
  23. opf12345

    Need help with with graphics bug please.

    sorry about the double posts my internet was lagging
  24. opf12345

    Need help with with graphics bug please.

    Where do i go to in the control panel to see if its overclocked?