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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. Deadeye

    hamas ver2 beta

    Nice Units, Here is an ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  2. Deadeye

    ANZAC SAS Environment Mod

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  3. Deadeye


    ArmedAssault.info Mirror updated to version 1.1 : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en Good job !
  4. Deadeye

    Autumn (recolored) plants

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror updated with the readme included...link stays the same.
  5. Deadeye

    Autumn (recolored) plants

    Like I said before, I PM'ed Przemek_kondor received the download an provided a Mirror to publish his addon (Because his webspace has a traffic limit). So if he comes online again, and checks his PM's he'll find the link and publish his addon. (We don't want to create any misunderstandings so we'll wait for Przemek_kondor)
  6. Deadeye

    Autumn (recolored) plants

    Yeh good points guys He send me a link to tbe download and I've uploaded the addon to ArmedAssault.info (and gave him a direct download link), I'm pretty sure Przemek_kondor will publish his addon pretty soon
  7. Deadeye

    Iraqi National Police

    Many releases today....keeps me busy Here is the ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en Great job
  8. Deadeye

    Autumn (recolored) plants

    Wow this could help bringing back the OFP feeling :P Looking nice indeed. I've send you a PM. So this is "only" a retexture of the actual tree's or did you edit the tree's model too? If it's a retexture, is this also a breach in BIS Eula? (I really don't know, maybe someone else can help )
  9. Deadeye

    Sarve Island

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror has also been updated to the fixed version
  10. Deadeye

    1st Infantry Division

    Good Lord these Units are excellent ! Thanks for the update Here is the latest ArmedAssault.info Mirror : News : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=538 Addon : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=26 Great job
  11. Deadeye

    Sarve Island

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror updated http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  12. Deadeye

    Lada 1200

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror updated http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=513
  13. Deadeye

    Isla de Pollo

    Cool, thanks ArmedAssault.info MIrror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  14. Deadeye

    Falseprophet's fx mod..

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror for version 0.9e Beta : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=321 Great Job
  15. Deadeye


    Still it could be a monster that received an energy shield for christmas....think about it. Then the only useable weapon will be the rocket chainsaw :
  16. Deadeye

    Real M136 v1.0

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror updated : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en Thanks for your work Inkompetent
  17. Deadeye

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    Latest missions added to the ArmedAssault.info database : SP -- Cold War Rearmed Missions MP -- Cold War Rearmed Missions Also here are the personal profiles for our coldwarmissionholics :P (where your released missions are listed) : W0lle william1 luemmel WazZzaaa! stiff Ti0n3r If missions/addons are missing please drop me a PM.
  18. Deadeye

    Cessna 182

    Looks cool Danke ! ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=442
  19. Deadeye

    H&k mk23 1.2

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=443
  20. Deadeye

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Better late than never Here is the ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=utilities&id=26
  21. Deadeye

    6thsense.eu presents: "pack2"

    Awesome, thx Sickboy ArmedAssault.info Mirror : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  22. Deadeye

    first user Island for ArmA

    Alex posted this on the ArmA Guide forum :
  23. Deadeye

    Taking screenshots

    Maybe these are a small help : http://www.arma-cp-tutorials.de.am/
  24. Deadeye

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Cool, here's the ArmedAssault.info Mirror to the latest version : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en
  25. Deadeye

    Happy new year

    Happy New Year from ArmedAssault.info !!