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Everything posted by ofpchaos

  1. ofpchaos

    WGL Nogova

    Great work ! I will test it next times.
  2. ofpchaos

    Zeeky H Bomb!

    Total crazy stuff...
  3. ofpchaos

    "Red Crow" - RFMI in Chechnya

    Thank you - this is very nice. I send you PM with the link. Maybe i will to stuff down the mission status to 80%. I will wait for the tests by cornhelium and other testers and decide later about it. When the test votings aren´t good enough (please to be honestly) i will update this mission with many features - but this can needs long time.
  4. ofpchaos

    Unscripted War dynamic grass

    I reduced the placement area of the objects (i don´t use triggers) to 200 meters and using "uwar_G250" object as biggest. I change desinty settings to 0.5. But i must even wait over 15-17 seconds bevore the grass comming. Have you another ideas ? Lags are smaller now.
  5. ofpchaos

    Unscripted War dynamic grass

    I have a idea. I put the grass objects on separate map and save it. After this i compiled the mission.sqm with the exe tool and merged the gras mission with my mission. I added the code from the "mission.sqm.sqs" file to the "uwar_abstractStatInit.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ALL PRESET OBJECT CONFIGURATIONS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ;#intro ;(example) the sqm2sqs.exe interpreter will handle what goes here ;_configs = 1 ;_config_0 = [["uwar_maldenweedslit1", "uwar_maldenweedslit2"], "grass", [true,100,100], 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ;_allPositions = _allPositions + [[9550.266602,3664.200439,29.834999, 0], [10004.228516,3995.358154,26.73, 0], [10476.837891,4171.049805,26.73, 0], [9535.631836,4263.001465,32.947498, 0], [9783.617188,4143.893066,27.747385, 0], [9848.125,3865.167236,26.73, 0]] #noe _configs = 3 _config_0 = ["uwar_G1000", "", [true, 1000.0, 1000.0, 0], 1.0, 0.1] _config_1 = ["uwar_G250", "", [true, 250.0, 250.0, 0], 1.0, 0.1] _config_2 = ["uwar_G50", "", [true, 50.0, 50.0, 0], 1.0, 0.1] _allPositions = _allPositions + [[4585.793457,8185.55957,122.029396, 0]] _allPositions = _allPositions + [[5932.58252,9162.770508,103.872421, 1],[5521.714355,9423.12207,144.867065, 1], [5971.45459,7966.589844,159.519821, 1], [6330.998047,8809.097656,284.256256, 1], [5634.172852,8136.938965,228.771835, 1]] _allPositions = _allPositions + [[5843.661133,8428.237305,92.210052, 2],[5927.435059,8354.72168,86.099625, 2], [5954.789551,8509.444336,84.966209, 2], [5603.45459,8581.251953,140.018799, 2], [5743.647949,8706.912109,98.296524, 2], [5688.937988,8774.444336,118.576035, 2], [5758.179688,8834.282227,101.790733, 2], [5684.664063,8868.475586,128.825043, 2], [5747.066895,8937.716797,113.581062, 2], [5779.550781,8904.378906,101.898705, 2]] _allPositions = _allPositions + [[5888.11377,8883.006836,106.519417, 2], [5887.259277,8818.040039,113.770424, 2], [5903.500488,8751.363281,113.793968, 2], [5893.242676,8659.897461,102.255409, 2], [5978.492188,8834.237305,156.547516, 2], [5977.774902,8705.662109,142.009262, 2]] goto "configObtained" and nothing happened. After looong 21-40(! seconds the grass is comming only in the object placement radius. The player starts in "UWAR_1000" object area. My settings in the "uwar_abstractStaticInig.sqs": <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\CUSTOMIZEABLE SETTINGS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ;island extension, specify if preset island objects are desired _island = "noe" ;default object when no object is specified for interpretation UWAR_defaultObjectType = "uwar_G50kolgujev" ;the global density multiplier value, just decrease down to 0 or increase to change grass density. it is not linear, so try 10 for denser grass. UWAR_AbstSDensity = 2 ;the viewdistance global variable is required for this system, I dont know why it isnt a built in command? ;increasing this viewdistance variable causes objects to be created sooner but at the cost of performance viewdistance = 1000 ;the trigger that detects anything and covers everything NOT USED ;_allTrig = everything ;multiplier of one assumes 100,000 objects already on island maximum, 2 for 200,000, etc. Not currently used, see "DISABLED FEATURE" below _objectMultiplier = 2 ;All abstract objects to test for, currently defined in a function. the first array in each array has objects to check. "_checkObjects = _checkObjects + [_x select 0]" foreach (call loadfile "\uwar_empty\uwar_func\AbstractStaticConfig\all.sqf") And i have very big lags. The wayting time for generating of the gras becomes ever longer in the process. I hope you can help me to make this building of grass faster - 0-7 seconds maximal. Sorry for my bad english.
  6. ofpchaos

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    I knows your handsignals addon from your mission - "Realisitc combat patrol". I think it is great idea and great thing but i find the command system to complicate for quick actions. I hope you can adapt it for original BIS command system (F1-F12 & 1-0 Keys).
  7. ofpchaos

    "Red Crow" - RFMI in Chechnya

    Oh, yes of course. I will release 2 versions - with and with not so many addons. This mission was planned as demo for the RHS mod. But after the long waiting time and lacking support i will maybe release this mission separate on Operation Flashpoint Mission Database For rebels in the bigger version i will use VITAPC Pack 1.3. I don´t use other islands than Nogova for it but i locating the mission in the mountain region of Nogova.
  8. ofpchaos

    Unscripted War dynamic grass

    The AOSQM2SQS.exe creates mission.sqm.sqs file with 0kb size. Empty file. I am placed in the mission "uwar_G1000", "uwar_G250", "uwar_G50", "uwar_G10" objects on the map in appropriate placement ranges. I placed "uwar_abstractStaticInit.sqs" in my mission root folder. In the init.sqs i write [] exec "uwar_abstractStaticInit.sqs" And nothing happens... I have Java, UWAR_Gras Addon in Version 1.23.
  9. ofpchaos

    Mi-8/17 Pack - Beta 2

    I miss european camo versions. Only desert is not enough. And better quality of the models/textures would be good.
  10. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    @ warhammer-gst If you don´t tell us your system configuration we cannot help you. Sorry guy.
  11. ofpchaos


    Next update. <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>- very important ! -> reverse gear for tanks/vehicles</span> As retired mot. infantry sergeant i will see tanks/apcs moving backward over the battlefields when they changes their positions. In real life no one tank commander will turn his tank with the tail of his vehicle to the enemy when he moving to next defensive position. This is one of the biggest things which distrub me at ofp1.
  12. As entired infantry seargant i can tell you following: - the military uses in combat most times codes, callsigns and mask they comunication - radio can used by the enemy and these can spend on you itself - example: "... Soviet/Russian Specnaz troop leaders have the instruction to KILL their radiomen and destroy the codebook and the radio transmiter when the troop going ambush..." The action in BatComSys is hooked to following things: - player person - radioman - one other person So you can use the radio self when your radioman going dead - test it in the test mission. I need still assistance!!!
  13. Sorry, i think i don´t understand what you means. Precise your question please.
  14. A little update... - the artillery script is ready - the lighting script is ready - the UAV script status now: UAV fly over the recon area on different paths to the setted marker on the map;the UAV can identify enemy targets on the ground and display it on the map UAV script version 0.9 is in 80% ready. But i need help to make the HUD display with position data, compas and GPS. SATELITE script will base on the UAV script
  15. Hehe, thanks ! I think i am not a good scripter. But i have ideas. When i am ready with the simplyfication of the script you don´t need more info about customization.
  16. Yes i will release 2-3 modules for ChSBCS. They are: - artillery (onMapClick) - lighting / smoke - UAV/Satelite All other features you can find allready in my mission "Operation Black Mamba. But all other features must be developed by the missionmakers. I build only the simple construct. Next time i will make the script more simple to use and i hope we can include it in separate "LSR_R109" radio addon. @ the_shadow No the AI cannot use this script but maybe i will release in the future little script for this option.
  17. Hello Ladies ! Thank you for the positive reactions. And you ShadowNX thanks for publicate my script and this nice post in BI Forums. I will construct some modules for the script system in the next version: - Lighting - steerable artillery (OnMapClick) - maybe any other I will change details of the script to start it with selects [radio_addon_name,player,player group,hq,unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4,etc.] exec "scriptname.sqs". I hope i can optimize the script for using in Radio Addons (RHS LSR_R-109) If you have any questions and speaking english -> click here ! If you have any questions and speaking german -> click here !
  18. ofpchaos


    I tell "maximum 30-45" minutes. But i think it is the best when the missionmaker or player can decide self. Changing of engine in MBTs is not "little-repair". More suggestions by me: - keylogging (so the missionmakers/scripters can use it for new script generation - is the mode to "silence" you can command you team with handsigns - the script asks for keys and react then.) - the medipacks can´t heal ever 100% but when you´re light wounded you can stop the bleeding. For bigger wounds you needs medic and for realy heavy wounds M.A.S.H. unit with trauma tent - heavy guns (APC Maingun or MG) overheating (see good solution in Battlefield2) when you shots more than 100 rounds in 60 seconds (for example) - ricochets - when i change magazine, i will see it in the hand of soldier - incorrect ammunition (dud ?) - removable helmets (soldier can drop/remove his helmet - or near explosion do it - and put cap on his head) - removable parts of equipment (backpack etc.) - explosions on earth produces funnel - building of trenches in the earth - realistic civilian life - different models for peoples (fat,thinly,long,short) - Hmmm... maybe kids over 1 years ? Undeadable maybe ? i have consider here but its make all more realistic. In actually OFP version is the life in the OFP World "adult only" - for moving in the cities/towns the infantry and armour needs special "moving mode". Like a "Full Spectrum Warrior". This muss starts automatically and optional per scripting command. - realistic physics - weights - people can lost body parts For better editing: - better and correct icons in editor - editor must working under windows (in one or more windows) - all parts are modules (scripteditor,missioneditor,mapeditor etc.) - all modules can be upgraded - waypoints & paths in different colors (for better sighteeing) - better command reference on release day made by BIS - SDK release before release the game or with it (we won´t wait 2 years for part-release of SDK) catch me if you can
  19. ofpchaos


    Repairs are ok. But not long time for it. Not for mp. In real life is the duration for change of engines in M1A2 Battletank over 6 Hours. I think in OFP2 its maximal 30-45 minutes good. For mp i see it black. I think it needs for mp were 5-10 minutes ok.
  20. ofpchaos


    Yes, i will see repair team that works on tanks/cars and changes the engine or works on it. But all the features muss works in 2 modes - for "realistic" and "arcade". When we play in mp-mode we don´t needs long times for repairs or eating/drinking. But for dynamic campaigns, missions it are good features.
  21. ofpchaos


    Here are my suggestions: - overheating guns - weapons have disturbances - for human units the emergency to eat,to weaken and drink - animals - wounded did not use correctly body parts after hit on this - ABC weapons and radiation/contamination etc. - ABC countermeasures (ABC Mask,Fuchs ABC APC etc.) - exhausted men become slower - medipacks cannot ever heal you at 100% - bleeding - changing of clothes (undercover missions) - 2 sanis can carying wounded on the carry - better animations for boarding of vehicles - openable doors in houses and vehicles with view for interrior
  22. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    When its don´t works - make Mod-Folder only for Mamba AddOns. Very important ! I am looking for english/french or german/french speaking user for translation of a short F.a.Q. textfile for OpBlackMamba.
  23. ofpchaos

    Interface discussion

    Some more suggestions: - multiple intros ( random intros maybe fitted to the outcome of the mission before ) - multiple outros for loosed missions - multiple outros for sucessfull completed missions - exchange of variables between intros, outros and missions - editor should offer the option for a 3D view - game and editor should offer the option to work in single windows so you dont have to go right into the mission while editing or be able to test missions on desktop - description.ext should show the results right after editing it so you dont have to restart ofp to see your changes - a tool to that allows to view different units in multiple window would be very nice so you get a total overwiev over your mission - integration of editors like DropTool, Scripting editor, briefing editor and overwiev editor - simpler editing of cutscene creation and other ingame movies - integrated screenshot taker - option to save ingame movies to DivX format would be nice - editor should eb modular so you can upgrade it - release of the SDK before release of the game itself More suggestiosn will follow. I hope you will bring us abother great and amazing and most important evolved game :-) Greetings tot he BIS team Chaos
  24. ofpchaos

    International Special Forces

    Maybe you can make GROM units ? Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 greetings Chaos
  25. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Very importantly ! I have forget to register something into the Readme. But I would like to apologize with the concerning. <span style='color:red'>Special thanks for translations by:</span> ShadowNX - English Tony Pasi - French Sudden Death - English & German (correctures) Chaos - Polish & German. Vyruz - English F.a.Q.txt