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About ofpchaos

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  1. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Yes that was in early versions the problem and i has it again after the update. But in the last version Satcom does works w/o problems. I don´t will remove the CHSBCS (Battlefield Communication System) from the mission. I think its very good script and when i remove it the mission will loose many charme and some points of quality.
  2. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    I think he is moved too far from the camp. The bordertrigger are only 50-200 meters around the camp. Kroky tells us something about 2km movement to south or about the first massgrave. All this is outside the removable borders. You can move in this areas only after clearing the first camp, getting the Notebook and finding the documents. @ Kroky I think you have leaving the mission area. For this mission you don´t use complete Tonal island. The "Operation Area" is only a short strip. Size ca. 4x2.5 km.
  3. ofpchaos

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    @ kroky You don´t need to send the SitRep. When you need too many time for the fight - the mission will go on after pass the 0750 time-window w/o SitRep. I must set the border triggers in one of the latest versions because some players moving in the false direction. So you can move only in the one direction now. This mission is not 100% variable but many, many things and details are it. I will use more Variablity in my next missions. Enemys reinforcements will only come in the camp when the biker escapes or you use the rebels radio. For more informations <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>READ THE WALKTHROUGH by Suddie <span style='color:red'>WARNING: SPOILER !</span></span> After your relation i tested this night the mission with all possible ways (over 6 times played) and found 0 bugs. All ways (SitRep or w/o SitRep) are working. Evacuation works likewise w/o problems if you have all objectives done. Sorry, but my english is not good enough for better discussion.... ....and my Nick is "chaos" - i must name me "ofpchaos" here because "chaos" was allready given to other user.
  4. I am not very good in scripts. But i has the idea and i think i realised it good and simple enough. In many Addons you have not ever the same Unit for all crew members - for example the INV1944 Tiger tank crew. So you can define even unit extra with my script.
  5. @ Mandoble If you don´t like my work - you don´t need to use it.
  6. Hi ! Bottom you can find all informations from the attached readme.txt Execution line: [_s,"_n",_b,_v,"_d",_u,_p,_u1,_u2,_u3,_u4] exec "chsvos.sqs" EXAMPLE: [this,"Shilka1",BasisgroupEast,1,300,3,1,"SoldierEcrew","SoldierE Crew"<span style='color:red'>*</span>,"SoldierECrew"<span style='color:red'>*</span>,"SoldierE"<span style='color:red'>*</span>] exec "chsvos.sqs" <span style='color:red'>*optionally</span> You can execute the script with following options: _s = unit (empty vehicle) _n = global name of the unit (in "") _b = basisgroup (side) _v = version trigger (1 oder 2) 1 for the distance, 2 for the variables _d = Distance from the player on which the script activates or variable name (trigger _v is responsible). This have to be written in "". _u = unit number (1,2,3 or 4 crew members) _p = position of the unit (gunner,driver,commander - when given) -> see Appendix _u1 = unitname 1 _u2 = unitname 2 (optional) _u3 = unitname 3 (optional) _u4 = unitname 4 (optional) Appendix trigger for the order of the group if _u = 1 -> the group has only one soldier _p = 1 -> mans the gunner _p = 2 -> mans the driver _p = 3 -> mans the commander if _u = 2 -> the group has two soldiers _p = 1 -> mans the driver after that the gunner _p = 2 -> mans the commander after that the gunner _p = 3 -> mans the gunner after that the driver _p = 4 -> mans the driver after that the cargo if _u = 3 -> the group has three soldiers _p = 1 -> mans the commander, gunner, driver _p = 2 -> mans the gunner, driver, cargo _p = 3 -> mans the comander, driver, guner _p = 4 -> mans the driver, cargo, cargo if _u = 4 -> the group has three soldiers _p = 1 -> mans the driver,Cargo,Cargo,Cargo So you can set: - kind of the execution (variable/distance) - groupname - count of the crew/cargo Members (maximal 4 men) - kind of vehicle (car,tank,jet,mg etc.) - addon (soldier) names - basisgroup name (needed for creation of the units)
  7. Here is my newest script - CHSVOS. This script will help you to rafter the performance in your missions when the tanks/vehicles arent needed. It will create and delete the crews when the variable is setted to "true" or the distance to the player is smaller than yours setting. You can use it for MGs,Cars,Tanks and other vehicles. What does the script do ? This script allows the mission makers to save ressources in an effective way without developing any great scipts. Furthermore it allows you to place a vehicle on the exact location (narrow streets). A vehicle created by script could not be postioned in the same exact way. TO the DOWNLOAD
  8. ofpchaos

    "Red Crow" - RFMI in Chechnya

    Yess, of course. But in this mission you have more than 64 enemy groups. I must remove more than 50% of these troops and the script will make it very ellegant. After the death the bodies will lying on the ground for short time (90secs) and will be changed after this time in the "dead body object" (body covered with cloth). After next XX seconds this object will rechanged with the "grave object" and after next short time this last object will move under the ground and will be deleted. All these change phases are animated. This script will be released in the next days/weeks on http://www.ofpmdb.net In the mission i will ask per script about the BENCHMARK and this information will decide about the number of deleted bodies.
  9. ofpchaos

    "Red Crow" - RFMI in Chechnya

    After a long time i have some news about the mission. - many heavy bugs are fixed now - the dead units will removed from the map (for better performance etc.) - some new scripts used in the mission (performance saving scripts) I will tell next time more about the mission.
  10. I have a little bit problems with this addon. After reload the mission (when your chopper/or the AI is flying when the game is saving) the comanche has the baydoors open and gear is down. How to close/hide the baydoors/gear per scripting command ? And what scripting command is for the opening/closing the cockpit doors ?
  11. ofpchaos

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Nono, its not spamming. After the systemcrash of my site (ofpmdb.de.vu) this link was reported as dead. Now we have, a new domain (www.ofpmdb.net) and the mirror is again online.
  12. ofpchaos

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    The OFPMDB Mirror is active again
  13. ofpchaos

    OFP Fonts ?

    Thank you guys ! Unfortunately there aren´t fonts in the kit
  14. ofpchaos

    OFP Fonts ?

    Im looking for the OFP font or at least some font that is similar to the one used on the OFP package, the one witht he hammer and sickle parts. I think it was included in the old fansites kit but i cant find these anymore, cna anyone help me to find it?