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About oldmanfromtea

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  1. oldmanfromtea

    Cant connect

    well instead of repairing i formatted and reinstalled xp and during the installation it gave me an error about dxdiag.exe not being able to be installed, is this program needed cause i had it before formatting. OFP works now though (yay ) thanks for all ur help
  2. oldmanfromtea

    Cant connect

    ive searched all through using the search thing and i have not found anything helpful. The problem is that i cant connect, i use the all seeing eye and when i try to join a game, it leaves me at the waiting for server screen forever. ( what happen before all this) I use to play ofp all the time back when until i uninstalled it and now i really want to play, so i go and install it then i download all the patches and update it to 1.46. After that i set up all my controls and tried to connect to an mp game through ase and it took me to the countdown begins sceen and got stuck, the rectangle that would move on the bottem was stuck too until i presses esc, then it took me to the wait for server screen and thing rectangle kept moving but it wouldnt do anything. After 2 hours of looking at that screen i eventually decided to alt-tab out instead of quitting and there was a message saying that the direct x version was expired and to go and download the new version at micrsoft and blah blah blah. I kinda got confused for a second because i had directx 8.1 installed and the site said it was the latest version, anyway i go and download directx 8.1b and it says that i have to go download the win2000 version because this one is for 95,98 and ME. I didnt get why it wanted me to download the win2000 version cause i have windowsXP pro, then i do and download the win2000 version and it installs so i go and run a mp game and does the same thing and gives me the same message about the directx version im using have been expired. After that i look around the forum some more and read something about ofp using direct play and i go and search around for direct play and finally find out about this thing that u can download with directx (something called directplay 8.2 -file called dplay82 update) the file back at the microsoft directx page was an skd so it didnt help much but i found a site somewhere using google (i forgot now) and unzipped it, there were 2 main exes inside i installed dxsetup ,rebooted, and tried to install the other one called dplay82q but it never opened. So after all that crap i go to a mp game and it gets past the "countdown begins" screen and goes to the "wait for server" page and well... the damn cable modem is blinking so i have a feeling it's doing something but it stays at that page and I STILL CANT CONNECT... i also went out and tried gamespy arcade and that doesnt work either although right when i start it, it says something about my external and internal ips not being the same and it might prevent me from hosting a game. can someone help me with this?
  3. oldmanfromtea

    Losing audience?

    i think if the game server is playing a coop map, everyone waiting can like watch them or play a mini deathmatch game or drive around in cars somewheres else the best netcode outhere for anygame would have to be tribes 2
  4. oldmanfromtea

    Losing audience?

    well i play counter-strike too and it has it has alot of players, more than any other game i know of and its like 4 years old, but the whole game in progress things makes me want to leave too and then i think about whats ganna happen when im in game (it keeps me going strong). still like you said that one day there are 6 people and another there are 300, well it use to be like 800 and my opinion way back in my head is the in game browser. now im into raven shield but i feel sad, ofp is such a great game, i use to sit there and make scripts and try them out all day long and now there are no more people to play with. btw, i saw a thread about ofp2, will there really be a sequel to opf?
  5. oldmanfromtea

    Losing audience?

    i remember back to way back when opf came out and i would go to gamespy and try to connect to a game, then i moved to all seeing eye. I stopped playing for a while and now i reinstall and go to the all seeing eye and almost no one is there, in gamespy there are only about 200 people playing, is it just me that ofp has not enough players playing or am i looking i the wrong place?