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Everything posted by omhra

  1. omhra


    I figure that this line of discussion(current thread) is the european line of reason... You fellows should have united about 3 thousand years ago... instead you guys fight every 3 decades... it is kind of funny to me. If you guys cant get along(and you all talk the same way, and look alike) then what are you there for...next; foot and mouth(blah blah bs) disinformation junkies... bovine spongiform encelopathy -WTF- northern irland catholics killing protestant, arguing about kings and other "royal" figures... Hell, I bet you guys even chant bull sh.. to the moon----- evolve monkey, evolve.
  2. omhra

    Afghans and bin laden

    Religion is an intricate part of these current events. When it happened I was amazed that the mass population here in the U.S. was surprised. My question was.. Why do you think it happened? The average answer was "they hate us" OH... I see... They hate us....well that explains alot, acctually. Americans have bacome in the las 20 years a bunch of unaware consumer types. who don't mind if history is rewritten by hollywood, and care less to read it by themselves. if it is not packaged and ready for consumption, it is not worth much. Specially when it comes to Gas, petrol, vencina, gasoil...whatever you call it. It is demanded that it be produced at "this" price and not any other, or we will bomb you. And the bunch that run the government are not in any rush to correct the ignorance of the ppl. so you are left with a several million ppl that know nothing other than their own arrogance and their religion. and religion is the mother of all stigmas and fears towards what you don't know well enough. religion labels it a devil and hands you a gun and absolution. And so I pray for peace and for all ppl to realize that we all have tha same genes, some lattent and some hyperactive. Religion is not the evil though. Vane repetition is. Bin ladden.... He is an idiot like Hitler, Musolini, and the bushes and the charles and all the bastards who think they are so advanced in the evolution ladder... wait... the dont belive in evolution.... they think that violence settles things. Nice delution, but untill the trade of Ideas and economy is fully free, no peace will be found.
  3. omhra

    Whose gonna stick with ofp now?

    BIS; You fellows are in an interesting business. The virtuallity of this game is phenomenal. I am sure you know. And has farther reaches than mere game-play. First game, in a while, that I made a point to buy thus supporting you the only way I could. I think that there are many bright people, and some not so bright in this community (as it is reffered to). It could have been interesting to see what people could have come up with if they were able. my solution for you children is: release a toned down version for the masses. limited poligons, or lesser algorithms, or whatever you think would distiguish your mods and models (call them Pro) and the amateur world. Have fun
  4. omhra

    Bin laden killed?

    War is for fun... in the game world that is. in real life we are a construct of our sorroundings, with no real notion of the meaning of our awareness. It is easy to see the fallacy on the others side's view and nearly impossible to do the same in our affairs. The only right solution is the one which strives for peaceful resolutions and removes blocades, borders and other self serving instruments of "governing crowds". After all we are all people, the governed and the governing alike. If we calim to want a "global" economy, then bring down the class divide. Jews, Musulmin, Catholic, Protestant, Buhdists, because if you dont I shall seek my god on your god... and my God is bigger than your God. (sounds like a stupid childish game we all learned to play whe we were five. Pray for peace, not for your troops! and relieve your primate tendencies with BIS OFP.
  5. omhra

    Whats up with kazaa latley?

    I think back to the time when records were worth their price. And then I think about what music is. I realized that music is a transport for ideas, and if the idea is strong enough it tears down barriers, and litigations. And only those who wish to restrict the free flow of ideas (or speech) have a vested purpose in closing all those services down. Get your language right you all... the bastards that are foiling freedoms get theirs so solidly put toghether that it sometimes makes frightful sense.
  6. omhra

    About new game objects

    I have never seen a game with the realism of OFP, but I think there is something missing. Perhaps on the Resistance expansion set it will be included… if not, has anyone thought about trains? Tunnels? Live stock… little old grannies running on the tracks… could make for some cool air raids and (if equipped) some interesting defense and strategy play. And (just for absolute real-like scenarios) a continuous server-based world where the players come and go in and out of the game, server balances the amount of gamers per team, and the good leaders (tracked by score) get to command AI. When a side takes and holds down the other side for a couple of days the whole thing starts again.