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Everything posted by niQ®

  1. niQ®

    Finally the PedagneMOD Italian Pack!

    posso fare un video con le tue unita'? can i make a video with your united ? grazie ciao
  2. niQ®

    Finally the PedagneMOD Italian Pack!

    nice! good work Ciao
  3. niQ®

    Armed Assault videos

    my new video http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=QAX_quoi5GI http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=7YMYJqRVk30
  4. niQ®

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    Also runs on ofp?
  5. niQ®

    Resistance Units

    Replacement you can do?
  6. niQ®

    Armed Assault videos

    little video http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=kqgyQDLKq2w
  7. niQ®

    Armed Assault videos

    hi man....where i can find animations for the soldier to create videos? thanks http://dailymotion.alice.it/Consueto/video/x48ydl_desert_videogames
  8. niQ®

    Armed Assault videos

    i'am an amateur but i hope you like my video http://dailymotion.alice.it/consueto/video/x47hfv_desert_videogames
  9. niQ®

    La Samula & Syr Darain

    need Queen's Gambit?
  10. Cannot create system memory surface 4444, 1024x768(size209752 b) Error code 887686c it does not work   help
  11. niQ®


    nvidia 8800 GTS 512mb is good for arma?
  12. with the mod 6thsense I can play on all server or only on 6thMod server?
  13. niQ®

    Italian Soldiers & Weapons 1.0

    Yes, there will be the desert Vegetata camo too in a next release. Â replacements no??? for MP - sarebbe figo giocarli in Mp - :)-----nice--
  14. niQ®

    view distance

    how I can maintain to the same visual distance of 1000 meters in all the serveur in which game?
  15. niQ®

    ATI -Nvidia

    guys are better one x1950pro 512mb or one gf8600gts 256 mb  which he works better?
  16. niQ®

    Italian soldiers

    wow cool bella arremba
  17. niQ®

    stop time

    guys how I can stop the time in one mission? I would want that the time was always to the same hour
  18. me too.. sound very low but good
  19. niQ®

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Queens gambit has need of arma in order to work?
  20. niQ®

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Totally untested in MP. My best guess is that you'll only get the config changes ingame but not the smoke. If you find anything out let me know very nice good DMarkwick
  21. niQ®

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    it works in Mp ??