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Everything posted by nullsystems

  1. nullsystems

    AI eventhandler problem

    Ive decided to give up on the ONE script version and use a script for each AI that I need to respawn. Nevermind lol. Well thanks for your help eveyone, much appreciated !
  2. nullsystems

    AI eventhandler problem

    Well, I played around and got this far: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? not local server : exit; AIDead = _this select 0; spawn = _this select 1; grp = group AIDead; ~2 HideBody AIDead; ~2 deleteVehicle AIDead; "ack_dpd_4" createUnit [ spawn, grp, "this addeventhandler [""killed"", {[AIDead,spawn] exec ""Police\respawnDead.sqs""}];AIDead = this;", 0.5, "corporal"] exit; This respawns people, perfectly. UNTIL you kill more than one before the last person respawns. This then halts and only respawns that one AI each time you kill him, not the others. Annoyin really. lol
  3. nullsystems

    AI eventhandler problem

    Hmm, I dont understand why you made the difference. I tried it but nothing spawned at all.
  4. nullsystems

    AI eventhandler problem

    Interesting, I can understand why the str was required there. But im afraid, still only spawns one, then stops.
  5. nullsystems

    AI eventhandler problem

    Changed it as you suggested but no change im afraid
  6. Hi all, Any idea on how to get the rating system in arma to turn back to 0 ? Ive tried : player addRating 0; And also: player setRank "PRIVATE"; But no luck, will I have to build a loop to send it back or is there another option ?
  7. nullsystems

    call compile scalar error with array?

    Perfect, thanking you kindly sir
  8. Could someone explain why that comes out with scalar bool errors? I just dont know anyway of storing a selected li%1 array into a variable. Could someone please help. Thanks in advance
  9. Anyone got any ideas? Im still really stuck
  10. Hi all, Im just looking for a trigger to kill people when they enter it if they arent: civ1, civ2,civ3,civ4,civ5 etc. I came up with this, it works but im concerned about lag. I dont think it will lag, but if I have a few of these running it might? Could anyone come up with some tips or better solution? Trigger ------- Cond: Civilian, Present, Repeatedly. OnAct: civis = thisList; [civis] exec "script.sqs" Script.sqs ----------
  11. nullsystems

    Call compile format syntax error...

    call compile "act = playerVehicle addAction [""someaction"",[playerVehicle] exec ""vehlock.sqs""]"; Is there anyway to get that working without errors or can you not pass [playerVehicle] to the next script like that?
  12. Just real quick, and me being stupid as usual.. Could someone please explain why that doesnt work properly, im sure its to do with quotes. Im stuck The second one give an error "; expected at playerVehicle".
  13. nullsystems

    Call compile format syntax error...

    I worked out the second one needs double quotes inside the first set.
  14. For instance: @ ( player distance car < 5 ) : do something #loop ~1 ?(please distance car < 5) : do something goto "loop" Which one would be best? lol simple I know
  15. Thanks for your reply. That works perfectly if there are no civilians in the trigger area called civ1 - 5. However if they are, and you enter ( not bieng one of the numbers ) then it doesnt do anything. Any ideas on how to get around this?
  16. It produced an error: |#|forEach, expected type string. I presume but _civis is an array thats why there is an error. But im still lost and testing --- When I put: {?!(_x in [civ1, civ2, civ3, civ4, civ5]): _x setDamage 1;} forEach thisList Into the OnAct in trigger to test it produced the same error at forEach.
  17. Just worked it out. (_score < -number) works just fine.
  18. Hello, I was just playing around with ratings and found something odd. If you put a player's rating into the minus' such as : this addRating -10000 you dont seem to be able to work that out in a script. For example: This returns an error, obviously because of the '-' sign. So how do you work out if someones rating is between -50 and -5000 or something to that effect?
  19. Excellent work! I added a count check and send it back to start if its less than 1. Perfect Thanks man!
  20. Hi there, Heres portion of a small script I have which detects only MEN around the player: The problem is I get an error message on the : unit=(unitarray |#|select _select) Error zero divisor. ..when I enter a vehicle that error shows up. It doesnt make sense to me because im only trying to get "man" to activate the rest of the script. Can anyone explain why that happens or help me out?
  21. Hmm ok, ill give it a go now. I basically only want the script to continue IF a player is on foot and IF the nearest object within 5 meters is a man. I'll give it a go.
  22. Hola Just having a look at distance and sideEnemy and im having a little trouble. I understand: ? (side civ1 == sideEnemy ) : hint "Tis an enemy" However, what im looking for is to do something like this: player distance (side unit == sideEnemy) < 5 Im looking to get that distance line to work with ANY unit thats enemy, but I cant do that. Any ideas?
  23. nullsystems

    AI respawn script

    Ok that deffinately makes more sense, I cant believe I forgot to use them. Thanks for that. anymore tips on the actual respawn?
  24. Hi all, slight repost but I felt it might deserve its own. Im trying to get singular AI to respawn. Lag etc isnt an issue as its own a few in a small area. Trigger Repeating: Cond: not alive gb1 onAct: [gb1,bgp2] exec "respawnAI.sqs" 1st is units Name, 2nd is a Location respawnAI.sqs ------------- Could anyone help me out please? It respawns the AI once, but when i kill him again, it doesnt respawn him. HOWEVER ------------ If I replace _spawnAIname with gb1, it works perfectly
  25. nullsystems

    creating unit vs. placing unit

    Hey, Im trying something similar: "respawnAI.sqs" Trigger Repeating: Cond: not alive gb1 onAct: [gb1,bgp2] exec "respawnAI.sqs" 1st is units Name, 2nd is a Location respawnAI.sqs ------------- Could anyone help me out please? It respawns the AI once, but when i kill him again, it doesnt respawn him. HOWEVER ------------ If I replace _spawnAIname with gb1, it works perfectly.