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Everything posted by nullsystems

  1. Hi! Nice n simple...but very annoying ! {_X action ["EJECT",chopper]; sleep 1} forEach _g; Why does that above, give me Generic Error Code, at |#|sleep 1 ? {_x action ["eject", chopper _x]; sleep 1} forEach _g; While the line above, gives an error on |#|forEach. Type String expected, or something like that. No idea why.
  2. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    After I fixed the ; at the two first lines. It tells them INVALID NUMBER EXPRESION. |#|?(_fromground <= _minheight): hint 'Eject only above 60m!'; exit; So, whats going on there now ?
  3. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    lmao err..nice explanations. Ok, so to use the SLEEP we need it SQF. Im getting errors: ; required at both var callings at the top. Then it tells me the ?() doesnt work. Can someone help me out? I know im being an idiot, but at this point im very very annoyed over it lol
  4. aha! Now, you may all recognise this well used and handy script: Error coded removed Now the problem is. The way I have it setup is that, if your the pilot, you dont get ejected ( the reason for the a=a+1 count at the beginning )......However, in MP, it ejects EVERYONE but Me ( im hosting it )... Now I understand this is a locality issue with the variables but I have no idea how to get around it, can anyone help? Thank you in advance!
  5. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    Right I appear to of messed it up again. Can someone explain to me clearly how to get this working: ---------------------- _minheight = 60; _fromground = getpos heli1 select 2; ?(_fromground <= _minheight): hint 'Eject only above 60m!'; exit; _troops = (crew heli1) - [driver heli1,gunner heli1,commander heli1]; { unassignVehicle _x; _x action ["EJECT",vehicle _x]; sleep 1 } forEach _troops; _troops allowGetIn false; --------------------------- **EDIT** this is telling me that the ?() is invalid. Any idea why ? Its driving me absolutely raving mad with it. I had it working, I did something and now its not. Its being executed from a dialog ACTIVETEXT command. Please, someone help me.
  6. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    fixed.** edit
  7. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    Right, ive solved it. Thank you Was a problem with the way it was executed, who would of thought?
  8. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    It is deffinately an SQF. [] exec "eject.sqf" Its being executed from that.
  9. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    Same problem im afraid. Generic Error Code at the |#|sleep
  10. nullsystems

    Sleep gives error?

    _troops = (crew heli1) - [driver heli1,gunner heli1,commander heli1]; {unassignVehicle _x; _x action ["EJECT",vehicle _x];sleep 1;} forEach _troops _troops allowGetIn false Same again, they eject but no delay. And Generic Error Code, at sleep 1. Makes no sense. Thats all thats in the file (eject.sqf), its being called from a Dialog activeText. Any other ideas?
  11. nullsystems

    Eject is only local?

    Fixed it, thanks guys Very much apreciated!!!! I cannot thank you enough
  12. nullsystems

    Eject is only local?

    I tried the first version ( not the linked one ).....that did the same thing. Just ejected the pilot. The second version, from the pastebin doesnt eject anyone Im quite lost. I tried this: for[ { _int_i = 0; },{ _int_i < count _vobj_units &&( _vobj_units select _int_i action[ "EJECT",heli1 ]; unassignVehicle( _v__obj_units select _int_i ); };}; But it doesnt seem to be doing anything at all. What am I doing wrong? I only have that section in the script btw.
  13. nullsystems

    Eject is only local?

    Thanks for your contribution guys, im going to check out the lil script you posted I cant see much difference tho, but ill test it
  14. nullsystems

    Eject is only local?

    Thanks man! Good help and good examples... I will take a look and let you know later on if it works. **UPDATE** The pbo wouldnt extract im afraid, but the mission did work. If you can help as you suggested, that would be excellent. Im normally not stuck, but this has gotten me Catch you later!
  15. nullsystems

    Vehicle lock false doesnt work?

    lol thank, its working just fine I think. I tested it with one person and he unlocked it
  16. Hi all. Heres the story: 1. Chopper locked from start of MP mission ( from within editor, not by a script ). 2. When objectives1-9 are complete, game logic unlocks a chopper: cond: objective1 && objective2 onAct: heli lock false; hint 'unlocked'; Why does this work for ME, but when other people finnish the objectives, it doesnt unlock for them, but shows the hint..proving its got to the onact section.
  17. nullsystems

    Vehicle lock false doesnt work?

    Hmm, nice explanation: **EDIT - SOLVED***
  18. Is there anyway to use SetPos within an MP enviroment? Also, any other function that works just like it? Its so frustrating! ----- I have another problem also... 1. Dialog activeText sets off a .sqs script 2. This spawns an _ammocrate and fills it. 3. I then only want 1 available before entering a trigger area. Number 3 is the problem I have. Since the script is being called when you press the button....any variables automatically switch to 0. eg: ( rough ) _crateAmmount = 0; if (_crateAmmount < 2) then { Â _ammocrate = "Reammobox" createvehicle [getpos heli1 select 0,getpos heli1 select 1,getpos heli1 select 2]; _ammocrate addweaponcargo ["Binocular",1]; _crateAmmount = _crateAmmount+1 } else { hint 'Your quota is filled'; }; See what I mean? Each time the script is called fromt he dialog, it will just reset it to 0, any help would be appreciated! THank you PS: Can you place the IF statement in the ACTION tag of the dialog in description.ext? That would solve it.
  19. Mine is called from a dialog activetext click. Nothing special. It must be in my syntax or something. Although I do have some problems with something else. I have a gameLogic trigger setup eg: cond: objective1 && objective2 onAct: plane lock false; hint 'plane unlocked' Nothing special in the editor.... But the plane doesnt unlock for everyone. I hosted this on my pc, had a friend test...and when he did the objectives....it showed the hint, but didint unlock.... When I did it, it worked perfect.....any ideas? This is in editor, no scripting.
  20. oh, didnt work. asking for a } immediately after the first opening.
  21. wow, excellent example and use of functions there. Line with 'else ' shows missing ;...odd, shouldnt need one should it ? I added the ; but now nothing happens in the else section. Really odd. Also, if I wanted to put the public variables back to 0, I can do that in any script, even that one right?
  22. Can no one help at all ?
  23. I just had a thought: if (objective99 = false) then { _ammocrate = "Reammobox" createvehicle [getpos heli1 select 0,getpos heli1 select 1,getpos heli1 select 2]; _ammocrate addweaponcargo ["Binocular",1]; } else { hint 'Your quota is filled'; }; Then, set a trigger at a "reload helipad" to set the trigger at true when activated by heli1 Think that would work?
  24. **UPDATE** Hi all I have this complicated if else thing going on and I cant figure it out fully, can someone please advise me on what I have so far? Heres the deal: Two dialogs are requested at different times. 1: If within 4 meters & heli1 = empty { addAction for dialog1 & do not show action for dialog2} 2: If you are now the pilot of heli1 { addAction for dialog2 Â & removeAction for dialog1} 3: If you are not within 4 meters or you are not the pilot { removeAction for dialog1 and 2 } Heres what I got so far: #radius @ player distance heli1 < 4 ?!alive heli1 : heli1 removeaction _act;exit ?isEngineOn heli1 : heli1 removeaction _act;exit _act = heli1 addAction ["Enter KeyCode","RecruitAT.sqf"] @ !isNull driver heli1 heli1 removeaction _act @ player == driver heli1 heli1 removeaction _act _act1 = heli1 addAction ["Chopper Panel","chopperpanel.sqf"] @ player distance heli1 > 4 || player !driver heli1 ?!alive heli1 : heli1 removeaction _act;exit heli1 removeaction _act heli1 removeaction _act1 goto "radius" Error shows up: @ player distance heli1 > 4 || player !driver heli1 Says expected bool at the || markers. Also, in multiplayer ( which is what its designed for )...the panel 2 comes up for anyone in the chopper. (code taken from another source in BI forums, thank you ) This is of course executed from the init line of the heli1. Can someone please help a little further, my brain died lol Thank you in advance
  25. nullsystems

    Pilot, chopper problem - if / while

    I finally got it figured out with the (). But I can add them in later. Thank you for your rational and patiant response! I have the dialog working perfect now Thank you !