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Everything posted by nullsystems

  1. Hi all, I have just tried to use the hint and sidechat ( or groupchat etc ) format and assigning some variables with the players name.... _text=Format["%1 is my name %2 is my game",player, _something] Player groupChat _text However, the problem is %1 comes out as 'WEST 1-1-1A MyNickname' not just my nick, how do I get it to work without the WEST etc? Also, will this method work as im wanting it to in multiplayer, for every person that activates this script, the name is different.
  2. nullsystems

    Message Format of "player" problem...

    lol I cant believe this, right as you posted I worked out I needed it in quotation marks...im a dumass. I do like the idea of actually creating one on the fly, but ill keep testing. Thanks for your help and nice attitude ( for a change ) lol
  3. nullsystems

    Message Format of "player" problem...

    Interesting setup, looks like it would work but it doesnt do anything. No errors tho. Any other ideas? _suspectbagbank = player [_suspectbagbank,bagbankmarker] exec "Suspect\tracker.sqs" tracker.sqs:
  4. nullsystems

    Message Format of "player" problem...

    Nice explanation thank you. any thoughts on the reason why the _marker returns scalar errors?
  5. nullsystems

    Message Format of "player" problem...

    Thanks, excellent I thought so. I do have another problem: Im calling this from a script: tracker.sqs ----------- ----------- However this produces an error: And: The hint format for testing comes out with the name ok, but the secondary %2 comes out as scalar bool error. I presume it cannot getPos someone from the location of their multiplayer / game name? But the other %2 is really confusing.
  6. nullsystems

    Message Format of "player" problem...

    I presume replacing 'player' with 'name player' will work just as I intend?
  7. Hi all, Well ive just been through a few really old OFP tutorials that are linked from here, but I am still lost as to how to open a p3d file, make some changes and save it again. Thats all I really wanna do, could anyone give a QUICK step by step guide? Ive tried using bullzoder but it tells me " bad serial " even tho my ArmA disc works perfectly. Very annoying system. Plus when I try and load some textures with ODOL Explorer it gives me vertex errors and what not.
  8. nullsystems

    o2, bulldozer, what on earth?!

    Well I downloaded Oxygen 2. But it has an error when loaded p3d files. So I presume I have to convert it from ODOL or something? I tried using ODOL EXPLORER, but it says : Error Reading Vertex Info. And then gives and access violation in the actual program.
  9. nullsystems

    o2, bulldozer, what on earth?!

    I think I have the OFP version, I cant find the ArmA version? All im looking to do is re-skin some vehicles, not actually model anything... just like the new skins you see on armaholic
  10. Hi, I just edited a pre-made mod. I changed the .paa file included so that it looks different but it never actually changed in the game. What is it im doing wrong?
  11. Hi all, Do you know where I could find the current settings for all CfgWeapons ? For example, with any weapon there is no way of knowing what the current settings are for recoil, velocity etc. Any help would be great, as I would like to tweak some settings but not have to sit around for hours finding out first. Thanks!
  12. So, whats the point in playing ArmA online anymore? From KFC I know of three VERY popular servers based in the UK who have already closed or gone private in the past 6 hours. I hope someone deals with this accordingly because this will be the downfall of ArmA.
  13. nullsystems

    CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

    So how do you prevent a client exec'ing a script or clientside commands?
  14. nullsystems

    CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

    I agree entirely. Some suggestions have been to join a clan or private locked servers.... Buy a game ..... ..oh..wait, I cant play online unless I know people who play it...hmm...( join some clan )...great, now im playing with a clan...and only 3 people are on at once on a map about 10 miles wide....EXCELLENT! Something NEEDS to be done. Coming up with pathetic excuses wont deal with this, BI need to fix it!
  15. Taken from ArmA Wiki.. _nObject = nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"] Any idea what the ENEMY would be in that array? Example: _nObject = nearestObject [player, "enemy"] _nObject = nearestObject [player, "sla"] _nObject = nearestObject [player, "east"] ...etc None of those return the value of AI or enemy to the player. Could anyone help at all ?
  16. nullsystems

    nearestObject to enemy...

    As I said, SoldierE doesnt work either. None of the class names listed on Arma Wiki respond
  17. nullsystems

    nearestObject to enemy...

    SoldierEB SoldierEG SoldierE Ive tried all those, none of them return. I know the system works, because if I use " man " I find myself, but those dont. Odd. Any other ideas?
  18. Hi all, Got a lil problem. I have it set on my mission, that when a unit is killed...the other team gets points. This is done by obvious triggers on each player. However, when someone disconnects, the other team also get the points. If I add the following : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Header { gameType = Team; minPlayers = 2; maxPlayers = 24; }; Will that solve it, or do I need to do something else? Trigger: ? not alive play1 && local server points = points + 1; publicVariable "points" Thats all pretty much.
  19. Hmm, thats not strictly true. I have something which will help you on your quest: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;watch script for searchlights 0.2 ;written by Blanco _unit = _this select 0 _dis = 200 #loop ?!alive _unit : exit _dir = random 360 _steps = random 350 + 10 _steps = _steps - _steps %1 ~2 _x = 0 _i = -1 _maxheight = 360 _minheight = 2 _inc = -0.2 _height = (5 + random 55) ~1 ?random 2 < 1 : _i = 1 ?random 2 < 1 : _inc = 0.2 #steps ?!alive gunner _unit : goto "unitdied" _dir = _dir + _i ?_dir < 0: _dir = _dir +360 ?_dir > 360: _dir = _dir -360 _upos = getpos _unit _cposx = _upos select 0 _cposy = _upos select 1 _cposz = _upos select 2 _height = (_height - _inc) ?(_height > _maxheight) : _inc = 0.2 ?(_height < _minheight) : _inc = -0.2 ?alive _unit : _unit doWatch [_cposx + ((sin _dir) * _dis), _cposy + ((cos _dir) * _dis),(_height - _inc)] ~0.2 _steps = _steps - 1 ?_steps > 0 : goto "steps" goto "loop" #unitdied _gl = "logic" createvehicle [0,0,0] _gl moveingunner _unit @!alive _unit deletevehicle _gl exit That is designed for searchlights, they spin slowly and randomly around a 360 axis. You could modify it, so that your static positions revolve around a few degrees only....thats what I did.
  20. nullsystems

    Disabling vehicle movement...

    lol Matt, I dont want to obliterate the thing, just slow it down to stop. Then allow it to regain full control again after a period of time, im going to try the above example and get back to you. Thanks guys
  21. Once again, it works in SP. Im sick of locality entirely, it ruins my life lol. Any idea why nothing happens in MP ? Trigger: Cond: alive A1 onAct: [A1] exec "weapons.sqs" weapons.sqs ------------ <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? not local server : exit; _play = _this select 0 removeallweapons _play _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9" _play addWeapon "M9" exit
  22. Can someone explain why this script is executed a by each player who touches the trigger? Trigger: ONCE Cond: blufor present onAction: [] exec "script.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (!isServer) exitWith {} _veh1 = _this select 0 #restart ?(stoparty2 == 1) : exit; ~1.2 _i = 0 _randamount1 = random 10 + 4 _num1 = _randamount1 _randtimer1 = random 3 + 0.5 ~1 #mines bombs1 = "Sh_122_HE" Createvehicle [(getPos _veh1 select 0) Â + ((random 200) - (random 200)),(getPos _veh1 select 1) Â + ((random 70) - (random 70)),(getPos _veh1 select 2)-1] _i = _i + 1 ~_randtimer1 ? _i < _num1 : goto "mines" ~50 goto "restart" It kinda goes haywire and does it 3 or 4 times, so you have ALOT of bombs.
  23. nullsystems

    Local bomb issue...

    lmao Manday, I name everything magically from a hat with kittens. Its just an extract from my previous script, im not anal about what everythings called. Also, the timer for the pause between arty fire would give you a clue...especially if the arty NEVEr stops firing, you know its executed more than once.
  24. nullsystems

    Local bomb issue...

    Sorry, I didnt really know the correct way of stating the problem, its hard to describe. For example: I have 4 people in a boat, they enter a trigger area which is activated by 'blufor present' - once. Sometimes, they activated it 1-4 times, I presume this is to do with the internal looping speed of the triggers not cancelling out the other blufor after the first one activates the trigger. this && isServer should fix it?
  25. nullsystems

    Add/Remove weapons in MP not working

    Ah, thanks But I dont have seperate scripts for each A1,a2,a3, etc. Just one script...and different triggers. So it'll be ok. Thanks agian guys