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Everything posted by nate77

  1. nate77

    Weird graphics bug...

    Your graphics card is overheating. Try underclocking it or try and cool it down manually with a fan. If all else fails return it. I had this problem with another game because the heatsink on my card wasn't working properly, so the card kept overheating. So I just returned the graphics card and they sent me a new one and everything was fine.
  2. nate77

    Graphic Blocking

    Don't worry your not the only one with the texture problem. I want to buy this game when it comes out on May 1st, but this problem is just pissing me off. Please BIS fix this soon. Or at least try and work with NVIDIA to solve this problem. I'm absolutly sick of it and I really love this game, just like I did OFP. But it's just unplayable with these lego textures popping up. It seems like agp cards suffer the most texture problems. And some of us can't change our AGP apertue size to solve this because our bios doesn't allow us too.
  3. nate77

    US Demo Released

    It's much better than the old demo, but LOD problems still make it unplayable afer about 10 minutes. I hope BIS or NVIDIA can fix this problem soon.
  4. Hi, I live in Canada and have been waiting to get my hands on this game. I've been playing the demo since it came out and also tried the updated demo. The LOD problem seems to kick in at about 20-30 minutes of playing. I have a BFG 7800 GS 256 MB graphics card overclocked(486/1425) with 94.20 drivers from Tweaks R Us(i've tried differnt drivers too). It really ruins the demo for me, and to get it to go away I have to turn texture to very low or alt tab out of the game. But it still ends up comming back. I've tried a lot of things that were suggested around these forums, but nothing helps. I just want to know if this problem is just as bad in the full game as it is in the demo? It's truly an amazing game, just like OFP, but this problem just ruins it. I definately will not buy this game if the problem occurs in the North American version because playing for only 20-30 minutes is just not fun.
  5. nate77

    Question About LOD Bug

    I wish i could try that but my BIOS doesn't allow me to change that setting. I even e-mailed the company about it and they said there is no option to change and that it's set to 64 MB. Kind of sucks that theres nothing I can do about that, changing it would probably solve the problem. Well this is the last time I buy an AGP card.
  6. nate77

    Question About LOD Bug

    Thanks for the reply man. Hopefully I'll get lucky and the bug will be fixed in time for the North American release. I guess i'll have to wait and see what BIS can do about it.