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Everything posted by nils

  1. this realy suck... i wanted to get leusderheiden gvd HEEL ERG COOL leek me het maar nu is ie nie for cold war crises FFS
  2. so no one can help me has some one A VERY NICE addon for cold war crises? plz send me ore give me the SITE...
  3. on that site the downloads don't work now and i don't realy now what you mean
  4. so?!, there is nothing for ofp cold war crises on there and this site??
  5. PLZ answer this abofe, I WANT THAT ISLAND plz is it also posible to add it in COLD WAR CRICES PLZ HELP ME! so plz?
  6. HI, i'm new here and i'm interested in the leusderheide landscape. i'm dutch and i play OFP cold war crises. i can't download the lvl but why not? i like to get some atvice from somo one! plz E-mail me! NILSRAVENHORST@MSN.COM